Sheila D.

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Sheila is an LA-based writer and actress working in the Television industry.

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Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution by Sheila D.

Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution

Remember the days when women were fired for being pregnant? Girls refused admission to colleges because they were female? Separate employment sections in the paper for males and females? Neither do I. History tends to whitewash or misrepresent the plight of females throughout history. Bra burning is a myth that emerged during a protest at the Miss America contest in the fall of 1968. Women were rebelling against the idea of being put on a pedestal to please men based on their beauty. The “Freedom Trash Can” set in front of the contest encouraged women to burn items that were deemed “instruments of torture,” including high heels, girdles, and yes, bras- among other things.

writer and magazine editor Sheila D.
Sheila D.
lifestyle . 6 min read