Lindsey Barnak

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I am currently a college student interested in content writing and learning about online writing life.

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10 Life-Changing Quotes From BoJack Horseman That Everyone Needs To Hear

Here Is Why You Should Join A Sorority During Your College Career by Lindsey Barnak

Here Is Why You Should Join A Sorority During Your College Career

"We Want you to go Greek!", "Find your home away from home", and "Ask me why I went Greek" are some of the most common phrases you will hear on a college campus in just a short month or two. You might be wondering what it means to have girls around every corner saying this and posting it everywhere. The answer is quite simple -- they want you to join their sorority. Though sororities often get a bad reputation, they are not actually a bad thing to be part of. They promote the growth of self-confidence, they grow your leadership skills, and they can provide and build connections for the future.

Here Is How Your Moon Sign Impacts Your Life And Relationships Emotionally by Lindsey Barnak

Here Is How Your Moon Sign Impacts Your Life And Relationships Emotionally

Astrology has to be one of the most fun things to learn about. Even if one does not believe in it, they love to see what their zodiac sign says about them and the traits they possess from it. Of course, you are more than your sun sign and there is so much stuff in space that makes up who you are, but for now, we are only going to focus on the moon sign. The moon sign mainly tells you who you are when you are alone, how you will react to events in life, and what goes on inside of your own head. The moon sign (feminine), like a mother in your life, is all about comfort and making sure you are safe and comfortable in everyday life. It is often considered secretive, which is just like the moon itself. We mainly do not see the moon during the day as the sun's light blocks it from us, but sometimes it is visible, and so are our deepest emotions. Just like how the moon impacts our oceans, it also has a tremendous impact on your feelings and who you get along with.

writer and magazine editor Lindsey Barnak
Lindsey Barnak
lifestyle . 11 min read
We Cannot Ignore Indigenous Residential Schools Any Longer by Lindsey Barnak

We Cannot Ignore Indigenous Residential Schools Any Longer

Throughout the last month, there has been news of mass graves of children being uncovered in Canada. These children were at resident schools where they were taught to lose their identity and all sense of self, just so they could take on the Christian way of life, which was seen as more "civilized" and "correct". Not only did these schools exist in Canada, but they also existed in the United States. I had never heard of the residential schools until I got to my sophomore year history class in high school. We had a section in which we learned about Native Americans and things that happened to them. For the first time in my life, I learned something new that was not focused on the Trail of Tears.

Here Are 10 Novels To Read This Summer by Lindsey Barnak

Here Are 10 Novels To Read This Summer

In the day and age of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is hard to get out and travel to a lot of new places. There are travel restrictions in place, and catching COVID might be a risk depending on where you are going. There is also the factor of taking time off from your job (which may be hurting for workers), as well as what the requirement is for coming back after a vacation. These past two months I have been trying to find things to do while on break for the summer. I have taken two trips already, but each time I do, it makes me nervous as I am coming back home and living with someone who is at high risk. I used to love to read, but being busy with school and a job (in the past), I did not have much time to do so. This summer, in between a class and this internship, I have found the time to be able to sit down and read. Now some of the books on this list are books that I have read in high school, but these books held a lot of weight for me and ended up becoming some of my favorite.
