Kene Okafor

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10 Life-Changing Quotes From BoJack Horseman That Everyone Needs To Hear

How To Agile To Your Everyday Life

You've probably heard the term "agile" before. It is a well-known idea in the fields of software development and project management. It refers to a methodology that organises the way teams operate in order to achieve faster and better outcomes, typically by offering output in tiny, consumable bits and receiving feedback on each step of the process. An agile technique enables you to work quickly and alter in order to react to any new scenarios that arise. Here's how you may use this framework in your daily life to become more adaptable and efficient.
1) Make a list of all your long- and short-term goals and tasks.The first stage is to create an outline for your task. Make a list of all your goals and tasks that you can see right now that is clearly on your to-do list. Write them down and specify your long-term and short-term goals so you have a clear image of what you'll be working with. Consider chores that must be completed immediately or within the next several weeks while setting long-term goals.For example, if you want to write a business book, the first step might be to research your subject. That should be included in the list.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 4 min read

Tricks To Memorize Any Subject Faster Than Your Lecturers

Our brain is wired for learning. That’s what we do since the moment we are born. However, as we get older, we often sabotage our learning process by using strategies that are not effective. Many people cram, pull all-nighters or re read the sane information over and over. But that doesn’t help your brain learn. Rather, it hinders it. Lets take a look at these eleven evidence based strategies for learning that will improve your memory and help you do better in any situation!
1)Pay attention- paying attention is the first step in memorising. We must first thoroughly experience something in order to store it in our long-term memory. It is critical that you remove any distractions from your environment.If you're reading while watching Netflix, you're probably not going to recall the plot of the TV show or the information on the page very well when you're done. Removing distractions from your environment is critical for learning. Turn off your phone's notifications as well and stay focused on the task at hand. 2)Enough sleep- When we sleep, our brain consolidates long-term memories. These memories can easily go away if you don't get enough sleep, so it's a good idea to have a decent night's sleep between your learning and the test. For example, if you study all night and then show up for the test without sleeping, you may discover that you don't recall much of what you learned!This occurs because everything we accomplish during the day gets encoded and preserved more permanently during sleep. Has this ever happened to you?
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 6 min read

Do You Want To Become A Great Giver? Learn From Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa's name has become synonymous with love, compassion, and good actions. Mother Teresa, who was canonised as a saint for her many years of service, is one of the most prominent religious personalities of the twentieth century. But what can we learn from her? Let's have a look at her instruction. Do not wait for leaders; go it alone, person to person. Thus, Mother Teresa's comment tells us that we must start making changes ourselves. When we observe something that isn't right or isn't working, when we witness injustice or a person in need, we have the power to make a change right then and there. We don't have to wait for someone else to show us how; we can take the initiative ourselves.
1) If there is no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. Connections with other people make life worthwhile. You might need to remind yourself how vital it is to locate people and form deep ties with them. Do your best to be kind to others and to do your best. Remember that we live in a linked world and that having a strong network of relationships and giving to others will provide us with additional support strength.When we are unsettled, nervous, angry, or sad, we can always turn to other people for comfort and aid, which will make us feel better than well. According to research, social connection is as important to our well-being as exercise or a healthy diet.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 3 min read

Do You Have An Addiction? Use This Strategy To Break That Stubborn Habit

Use this straightforward way to break a bad habit that has been bugging you for a long time. Our habits have a significant impact on our life. They have a far higher influence on our health, happiness, and well-being than any other factor. After all, habits are things we do every day, so their effects mount over time. As a result, if we have bad habits, we should get rid of them as soon as possible because they are likely to harm us. Although quitting a habit is not always easy, here are a few ideas to aid you
1)Awareness is critical- the first step is to recognize that the behaviour is detrimental and that we must change it. Many smokers, for example, think that smoking benefits them more than it harms them, and changing this mindset may make it difficult to change the behaviour in question. Accept that there is at on your side. There is no need to be harsh; simply admitting it and permitting yourself to start working to break it is enough 2) Make a plan—Don't anticipate the habit to disappear; instead, expect it to become stronger over time, not weaker. You must work to get rid of it, and you must have a strategy in place. Put the short term first.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 3 min read

Are You In Your Twenties? Do This To Become A Billionaire Early

Your twenties are a terrific time in your life. You are becoming more self-sufficient and completely immersed in your personal development journey. It is a period of imoirtant decisions and thrilling experiences, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind if you want to make the most of this period of your life, including: so let us have a discussion about them.
1) Networking—now is the time to build ties with others and benefit from their experiences. When young professionals approach them with questions and requests for mentorship, most people are incredibly accommodating and accommodating. Early contacts are more likely to be long-lasting and to provide a variety of professional and personal advantages. Look for activities in your area or on the internet and get involved with a range of organizations. You will gradually realize individuals who are the most valuable assets in your life. Unique events will present themselves, as well as opportunities to learn from those who have achieved success. Make the most of the possibilities that come your way.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 4 min read

Are You Wasting Talents? 7 Methods To Maximise Your Potential

Each of us has tremendous potential. We might be able to do a lot if we used our potential, but it is frequently ignored and withers. We can achieve a lot by using a few easy solutions. Here are seven techniques to reach your full potential and develop any abilities you choose. 1.Make a list of your strengths—easy it's to spot our shortcomings and weaknesses, but what about our strengths? Make a list of your skills, abilities, and talents. What are your strongest skills? What distinguishes you from the rest of the population? When you make a list of your strengths, you'll become more aware of your capabilities and the skills you can improve.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 3 min read

Do You Have Challenges With Learning? Use The Feynman Technique To Eradicate Such Challenge

Richard Feynman was a fascinating individual. He was a brilliant physicist who pioneered an entire field of physics, quantum electrodynamics, as well as a philosopher and a brilliant teacher. While not everyone is interested in physics, everyone may benefit from the technique he pioneered for learning and teaching, which has been dedicated in his honour. Feynman worked on incredibly complex physics themes and concepts, and he had to figure out how to communicate them to others while also visualising them himself. Here's how Feynman techniques work.
The first thing you should do is break down any sophisticated language you may be using. Use simple words and concepts instead. For example, if you're discussing business, you might be tempted to utilize complex-sounding words and nebulous ideas like synergy or holistic.However, these keywords frequently make you more difficult to comprehend and even make it more difficult for you to understand yourself. Instead, attempt to express yourself in a simpler phrase.For example, instead of synergy, you may say "working well together toward the same goal." Don't be afraid of using plain words; it will help you communicate your idea more effectively. The same holds true while learning something new: if a document or a speaker employs difficult words, define them and try to boil them down into something simpler that uses a common language.
writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 3 min read
Sustainability:Shareholders Versus Stakeholders by Kene Okafor

Sustainability:Shareholders Versus Stakeholders

Earlier there was a big battle, Kraft Heinz wanted to take over Unilever, and it was a battle of the systems. Kraft Heinz, the US food company, represents the shareholder model, aiming at short-term profits. By contrast Unilever represents the stakeholder model, looking beyond the financial return also at social and environmental dimensions. So, it was a big battle between the two. What happened? Kraft Heinz offered a large amount of money, but Unilever refused, they did not want to give up their sustainable business model. In the end they were saved by Warren Buffett. He saved the day for them because Warren Buffett, the face of American capitalism, does not believe in hostile takeover. So, the bidding stopped when Unilever said no. But what was happening, a clash of models in finance.

writer and magazine editor Kene Okafor
Kene Okafor
lifestyle . 9 min read