Why Do Women Still Earn Less?
on why women earn lees than men doing the same job
Where’s The Money? For years women have worked from home and done what was expected of them. We took care of the children and made sure the house was clean and a home-cooked meal was on the table when our husbands returned. Now roles have changed a bit. Today more women go to college, pursue family life later and go to work and more men stay at home and take care of the children. Both people may also work and evenly split the household chores and parenting. You would think that everything was even now, right? Unfortunately some things have not changed. Since women entered the workforce, they have made less than men. The gender wage gap has been making headlines for more than 50 years. According to a study from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women still earn only 82 cents for every dollar a man makes in the same position. The figure is even less for women of color, with African American women earing 70 cents and Hispanic women earning 58 cents to each dollar a man makes. This study may not take into account the number of hours each works per week or experience, but if everything is level why is the pay lower for women? If both candidates have college degrees and have the same number of years’ experience, they should be paid the same.
Jessica Warner
. 3 min read