Fermin James

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Dodging College Debt by Fermin James

Dodging College Debt

The underrepresented communities of Los Angeles do a disservice to its constituency when providing information on how students and their families can apply to college and what the college experience will be like. Strangely, in these kinds of communities most populated by people of color, they seem to encourage children to attend college and make it seem as if college is the end goal. Most prominent while seeding from the ground was the inability of obtaining college resources from professionals and teachers. These barriers felt like falling down a rabbit hole of confusion because no one I knew or spoke with really went to college or a University. I was fortunate enough to attend a high school that valued it’s students, and the community had a foundation of people who encouraged children to attend college and it sought out reliable resources. Majority of the students in the area graduated high school with ease and I was fortunate to do so as well. It may have been the influence of the school or maybe it was my grit that allowed for me to pull myself out of a 1.8 GPA my sophomore year and graduate with my class in 2011.

writer and magazine editor Fermin James
Fermin James
stories . 14 min read