Chris Ruan

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college student with too many interests and hobbies to explore but too little time

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10 Simple And Convenient Ways To Be Environmentally Friendly At Home by Chris Ruan

10 Simple And Convenient Ways To Be Environmentally Friendly At Home

“Reduce, reuse, and recycle!” I’m sure many of you have heard this phrase before. It is heard and seen everywhere. Sometimes, I even get tired of seeing it. There are many tips and tricks to be eco-friendly and slow global warming, but many of these tips are hard to do, like drive less and walk more. If you live far from urban areas and public transportation is not reliable, like in many parts of the United States, then walking is not an option, and you have no choice but to drive. Here are 10 simple and convenient ways to be environmentally friendly at home. Are you tired of throwing out a large number of plastic bottles every week because you drink a lot of bottled water? There’s an easy option out of it, that is to switch to using metal flasks or thermoses to drink water.

writer and magazine editor Chris Ruan
Chris Ruan
lifestyle . 9 min read