Why Is Tea Good For You?

Research suggest tea drinking reduces the impact of stress, associated with lower risk of certain diseases. Its ability to strengthen the immune system to fight against many microscopic threats are essential for the 21st century lifestyle.

Research suggest tea drinking reduces the impact of stress, associated with lower risk of certain diseases. Its ability to strengthen the immune system to fight against many microscopic threats are essential for the 21st century lifestyle. 

Tea contains substances to lower the risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. There’s a saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” well in the sense of tea drinkers, it has many health benefits to rely on. Aside from drinking it for personal health reasons, it’s a great drink in general to replace unhealthy beverages that will otherwise cause damage in the long term.

tea lovers
Credit: Freepik.Com

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”

– William Ewart Gladstone

1.    Exercise Comes Easier

Do you like to workout? Well, tea has been proven to increase endurance. Scientists have discovered catechins (antioxidants) in green tea increases the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel – this also accounts for improved muscle endurance to stay consistent with strength training. Knowing such a healthy drink is giving a push during a strenuous period is motivational and a great way to be healthy.

2.    Disease Control Is Effective

Many fear losing control of their bodies for good reasons. The three that come to mind are heart attack, cardiovascular, and degenerative diseases. Each one comes with its scary effect and will make you, someone healthy be in a truly terrible spot. Another way to fight these diseases is to be on a healthier diet and stay away from products that cause great harm.

3.    Less Parkinson Disease Worries

Drinking tea is also linked with lowering the risks of Parkinson's disease. Other factors like smoking, physical activity, age, and body mass – no matter the gender, regular tea drinking has a general promotional health factor. 

4.    Helps Fight Free Radicals

According to research by professionals, tea is high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), which is a fancy way of stating it helps destroy free radicals in the body. Human bodies are designed to fight free radicals on their own, it is not 100 percent effective. Damage from these radicals has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and neurological degeneration, getting all the extra help will come in handy.

5.    Backup Sunscreen From Sun

It’s important to limit exposure to UV rays because most people know what it’s like to feel the burn. On top of being a healthy drink to fight off disease, it also counts as a backup sunscreen to fight off the sun rays. 

6.    Counteract Negative Effects

Regular tea drinking also counteracts the negative effects of smoking, lessens lung cancer, and saves way more money for the smoker with a bad habit. This is not a justification for cigarettes though. 

7.    Type 2 Diabetes Remedy

For people who regularly want to eat candy or other products with a high amount of sugar but can’t because it can hurt them, the good news is that green tea could help diabetics process sugar easier with a lower risk.

8.    Bone Improvement For Longer Life

As you get older, your bones get weaker and that makes living a little harder. Green tea has been proven to increase bone mineral density and strength. Add in a little exercise and a healthy eating diet, then moving around and staying active is a lot easier to do.

9.    Avoid  Getting Alzheimer's When Older

Many factors influence brain health, polyphenols in green tea can help keep parts of the brain that maintain learning and memory. This is great news for anyone who has a fear of this disease and wants to stay in control of their bodies. Though not definite, most research on tea is positive.

Different Types Of Tea

  • White Tea

Comes from the Camellia plant, native to India and China – known as the least processed tea. Research has shown it may be the best in fighting various forms of cancer. It’s a smart choice for tea drinkers to limit their consumption of caffeine. 

  • Herbal Tea

Very similar to white teas, but they contain a mix of fruits, spices, herbs, and other plants. It doesn’t contain caffeine, which is why they are known for their calming properties.

 Here are some numerous types of teas with benefits:

1)    Chamomile tea – reduce menstrual pain and muscle spasms, improves sleep and relaxation, and reduces stress.

2)     Rooibos – improves blood pressure and circulation, boosts good cholesterol - lowering bad cholesterol, keeps hair strong and skin healthy, and provides relief from allergies.

3)     Peppermint – contains menthol - can soothe an upset stomach and serve as a cure for constipation, bowel syndrome, and motion sickness.

4)     Ginger – helps to fight against morning sickness and can be used to treat chronic indigestion and helps to relieve joint pain created by osteoarthritis.

5)     Hibiscus – lowers blood pressure and fat levels, improves overall liver health, can stave off cravings for unhealthy sweets, and may prevent the formation of kidney stones.

  • Green Tea 

Originates from China with the leaves being processed using a heated frying pan or roasting. It’s exceptionally high in flavonoids which help boost heart health, lowering cholesterol, and reducing blood clotting. Some suggest that one cup of matcha is the same as 10 cups of regular green tea.

  • Black Tea 

Made from the leaves of the Camellia plant, the same one that’s used to make green tea. The leaves are dried, giving the black tea a darker color with a richer flavor. It’s important to monitor the intake since this is caffeinated. Also, it combats inflammation. 

  • Oolong Tea

A traditional Chinese tea that’s made from the same plant to make green and black teas. This is not allowed to oxidize much, but black tea is allowed to oxidize until it turns black. This is responsible for oolong tea's color and characteristic taste. Also high in polyphenols, which are linked to lowering inflammation, preventing the growth of cancers, and decreasing type 2 diabetes risk.

Teas To Avoid

According to my online research, the list below are the teas which can be avoided to steer clear from: 

  • Detox teas made for fad diets that suggest you will quickly lose weight. These teas often come laced with laxatives that can be harmful to your health.
  • Fancy tea lattes and drinks from your favorite chain store. While some of these drinks, such as a green tea latte, may appear healthy, they are loaded with sugar.
  • Trendy bubble teas are also loaded with sugar, calories, and carbs, and have little to no nutritional value.
  • Herbal teas may potentially trigger allergies. Many herbal teas contain different types of fruits, herbs, spices, and flowers that some people are allergic to. If you have allergies, always read the ingredients on the package before you consume a new herbal tea.

As a final observation, tea has many benefits in which makes it worth the time and effort. The long-term effect can make your life a little easier when getting older. Even when suffering from minor diseases and you can find peace knowing there is a natural solution to some problems. This everyday habit can bring great joy to you, or anyone, seeking to stay healthy without medication use. 

EJ Lopes is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Creative holding a Creative Writing and Journalism Degree.

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