Synchronicity - Universe's Way Of Guiding You On The Right Path

When you experience synchronicity you’ll have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters.
universe is guiding you in the right path

What Is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity is a term coined by Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung as an explanation for seemingly coincidental, yet meaningful events in the external world that do not have an obvious cause. He first defined synchronicity in the 1920s as the simultaneous occurrence of two meaningfully but not causally connected events.

Jung believed life was not a progression of random occasions but instead an expression of a more profound request and order, which he and Wolfgang Pauli, another father of quantum mechanics, referred to as Unus Mundus. This more profound request prompted the bits of knowledge that an individual was both inserted in all universal completeness and that the acknowledgment of this was something other than an intellectual exercise, yet additionally had components of an otherworldly spiritual awakening.

From the religious viewpoint, synchronicity has comparable qualities of an "intervention of grace." Jung also believed that in an individual's life, synchronicity served a job like that of dreams, to move an individual's egocentric cognisant speculation to greater completeness.

Diagram Illustrating Carl Jung's Concept of Synchronicity

Carl Jung developed his ideas on synchronicity in part through discussions with Albert Einstein. He wrote about synchronicity only after Wolfgang Pauli, convinced him to do so. Synchronicity shares a few highlights with the physical phenomenon of entanglement and the actual marvel of the snare, whereby physical particles at immensely vast distances from one another have been found to connect instantaneously. Synchronicity goes past reality, time, and space.

For instance, an individual may have the repeated synchronistic experience of going to telephone somebody, when that specific individual telephones them at the very same time. Have you ever been thinking of someone, and they called you the next minute? Or dreamt of finding something precious, and found it a few days later? According to Jung, these are examples of synchronicity.

Not many people are familiar with the concept of self-developing awareness of synchronicity. Jung suggests that one’s ability to recognize synchronicity can be trained and improved upon. This comes from heightened awareness, and an ability to catch and analyze different circumstances that you find yourself in. If you are able to develop an increased ability to recognize synchronicity in everyday events, you will uncover all kinds of motivation to propel you on your path towards success. Through synchronicity, it is possible to uncover new ideas, meet significant people, and open doors to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

With an awareness of Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity, the possibilities for you to come into contact with this magic are limitless. It is a phenomenon that can be observed heavily in everyday life, it just takes a keen eye to observe it.

For example, if you desire to have a relationship with the love of your life, you may be introduced to people that lead you in the direction of her/him when the right comes. Each instance in meeting someone is an event of synchronicity that is pointing you towards your goal at a specific point non your life.

Different Origins of Synchronicity

1. The Unconscious Mind

We get warning messages in our dreams, so why can’t we get them in waking life as well? Our unconscious mind influences a lot of our behavior, and at the same time, can also communicate with us. Spiritual signs and omens (or instances of synchronicity) are the unconscious mind’s way of guiding us.

2. Harmony of energy

As everything consists of tiny vibrating atoms (aka. energy), synchronicity could also be a manifestation of global/environmental harmony, where the frequencies and vibrations of the moment sync together in perfect equilibrium (or Oneness) producing such uncanny experiences.

3. Law of attraction

This theory states that good and bad events in life are caused by your thoughts and feelings. Thus “like attracts like,” which possibly explains why synchronicity occurs.

4. Psychic abilities

Synchronicity is also thought to be a manifestation of psychic abilities where, for example, we intuit that a certain person will call us or a significant event will befall us, and it does.

Here's a video on Law of Attraction and Synchronicity by Sadhguru in a simplistic manner 

How To Practice Synchronicity in Real Life

Welcoming synchronicity into your life is simple. Here are some basic practices and mindset shifts to adopt:

  • Be mindful: Practice alertness and pay attention to the present moment.
  • Be receptive: Maintain an open-minded outlook towards synchronicity. This will enhance your receptibility towards such an experience.
  • Be humble and grateful: Sometimes what you desire or think is best for yourself is not. Learn to have a very loose hold on your desires. In this way, you won’t be imposing yourself on Life, but you will allow Life to impose itself on you (in the form of synchronicity).
  • Be trusting: Trust that synchronicity will appear in your life and when it does, trust your intuition and follow the paths presented ahead of you. When you learn to trust yourself, you also learn to trust Life.
  • Follow your instincts: Listen to what your gut instinct is telling you – your unconscious mind is vast, limitless, and extremely wise. Doors are being opened for us all the time, and when we listen to our instincts, we can actively see them.
  • Indulge in Prayer: Mentally or verbally express your desire to receive synchronicity (you don’t have to be religious to pray – you can pray to whatever you believe in).
  • Sigils: Sigils are intention-infused symbols that are used to communicate to your unconscious mind – they can be used to increase the synchronicity in your life. Here is a ted talk by Yeliz Ruzgar where she is confirming that nothing is a coincidence in life.

Day to Day Forms of Synchronicity

Synchronicity can be recognized in our dreams, symbols, numbers, “random” events, conversations, spontaneous encounters, and many such things.
Synchronicity can also aid in awakening you to your full potential and serve as a guide for getting in touch with your inner self, or in Jung’s words, assist you on your path of individuation. You can also consider it as the Universe's way of sending you signals that you are going on the right path or the path that was meant for you to walk on. 

Synchronicity is different for everyone – it’s as unique as people’s needs and desires. Few common ‘categories’ of synchronicity are events like seeing repeated numbers (such as 11:11), thinking about something, then having it happen, being in the right place at the right time, dreaming about people/animals/places, then seeing them repeatedly in real life, seeing repeated symbols (such as the infinity sign, the triangle, the tree of life, etc.

11:11 synchronicity

Can you think of any other common forms of synchronicity?

Purpose of Synchronicity

A large number of universe enthusiasts believe that synchronicity is like a strong and powerful ‘wink’ from the Universe telling us that yes, we’re on the right track. Synchronicity is also believed to be a form of guidance from the Higher Self; a way of showing you where to go and what to do next in your life as you proceed through your spiritual awakening.

Uses of Synchronicity

1. Clinical Application of Synchronicity

Carl Jung’s ideas on synchronicity can be used effectively in therapy. If a practitioner is able to help a client derive value from coincidental events, it will help assist the client in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs. This is done with the fundamental understanding that the mind seeks to heal itself, and will derive direction and meaning from seemingly coincidental events.

2. Personal Application of Synchronicity

If you are interested in witnessing synchronicity for yourself, you can increase the frequency of synchronistic events by setting and pursuing goals. Whatever your goal may be, it needs to be heartfelt, and fully worthy of your pursuit. If you are able to cultivate a burning desire to achieve that goal, you will find that signs will begin pointing you down a path of achieving that goal. This may come in the form of people you meet, unusual but related occurrences, and flashes of insight.

Unfortunately, there is no scientific or objective way to determine whether synchronicity is valid or not; it’s all subjective personal opinion and experience and flexible definitions. There is, however, recent research that tries to explain scientifically how we can identify, understand, and perhaps even control the frequency of coincidences in our everyday lives. Dr. Bernard Beitman, a leading expert on coincidence studies, proposes the notion of ‘grid cells’ located in the brain, near the hippocampus as attribution to synchronicity. 

Nevertheless, synchronicity is an interesting philosophical idea and at the end of the day what matters in our relationships with each other is based on trust. Trust is a major ingredient (and arguably even the most important one) of determining if our relationships will work or not. Trust is a massive concept, with definitions that change depending on the discipline it is being defined within. I believe that trust is a human impulse for survival, as well as the driving force that keeps us moving forward in life.

                        Happy Syncing your life with the Universe!!

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