How Hula Hooping Everyday Is A Fun Way Of Exercising

The use of a hula hoop for exercising can bring many benefits to you and your life.


Some people do not believe that exercising is fun but I am going to prove to you that it can be. An uncommon way of exercising is by using a weighted hula hoop everyday which not many people would know about and would not consider this as an option as some people believe it is child like. This does not seem like a exercising although it has become a common trend throughout the lockdown in the pandemic through the social media platform tik tok. By using a weighted hula hoop every day for around half an hour can give you many different benefits that you would be surprised about including losing weight. 

A way of losing weight

A weighted hula hoop puts pressure on your stomach and abs which can therefore provide benefits for your stomach helping you lose weight. By exercising this way can burn a lot of calories in just half an hour, it is said to burn around 210 calories just in 30 minutes depending on your effort levels and your weight determining how many calories are burnt. 

A quick way of exercising

You can spend as much time as you would like using the hula hoop however if you continue to do it each day just 10 minutes of completing this exercise will help you see the benefits. Additionally, if you hula hoop for 15 minutes a day this is when you see the raising of your heartbeat which increases the blood flow around your body.

A way of keeping you motivated

Weighted hula hoops are a very fun activity to do every day and once you start seeing some results it will keep you motivated to continue each day. Once you get the hang of how to hula hoop you will feel good about yourself which will enforce you to want to do it every day. When hula hooping you can burn as many calories as you would when you are running on a treadmill meaning it is an efficient and interesting way to burn calories but from the comfort of your own home. 

Toning your abs

Weighted hula hoops have also been used to tone your stomach and make your abs more prevalent. This is easily done because the hula hoop swings back and forth around your waist pushing against your abs giving them a defined shape. Unlike other activities used to lose weight such as cardio exercises, hula hooping helps you tone up especially around your core, your back and your hips. 

A good type of core exercise

Hula hooping has been called an ‘unbeatable’ core exercise working ultimately on your core improving your abs and shape of your stomach. By spinning a hula hoop around your waist everyday can work 30 of your core muscles which means it does good with toning you up. By doing this type of exercise each day it will focus on strengthening your core muscles as the hula hoop spins around your core. 

A few ways that hula hooping can improve your health

 Hula hooping can improve your posture as you are standing up for certain amount of time every time you choose to use it which will help your posture when you are sat down and decrease the risk of any back problems in the future. This also means that hula hooping can improve your balance as you are standing up for a period of time whilst other parts of your body are constantly moving suggesting that you will have better balance from day to day. Another health benefit is that by hula hooping it can help your cardiovascular health due to your heart rate increasing when completing this type of exercise which leads to your lungs working faster meaning your blood flow will improve and therefore helping the flow of your cardiovascular systems within your body. 

Exercising is good for your mind 

You could hula hoop in the sun which is giving you your daily vitamin D that you need whilst enjoying the sunshine making exercise different to some other types of exercising such as being stuck inside at the gym. Obviously exercising can improve your mood throughout the day as well as this by boosting your energy and happiness. Therefore, especially with hula hooping and making exercise fun this can have major health benefits for your mind specifically. 

Improvements to your mental health by exercising

Exercising has been proven to benefit your mental health especially depression or anxiety. It makes you forget your surroundings and clears your mind. By exercising for even a short amount each day it can improve your mood and also your concentration for the day ahead. Therefore, explaining that hula hooping would be a great way of exercising to clear your mind and forget about everything giving you a positive mindset for the day.

Getting rid of belly fat

Hula hooping engages with your abs the whole of the time you are completing it which increases the chances of getting rid of any belly fat you might have. This should then eventually lead to a flat and toned stomach if this exercise is carried on each day. 

A cost effective way of exercising

Hula hoops are reasonably priced and are easy to get a hold of as many different stores now sell them. Compared to the gym which you usually buy a years membership for, buying a hula hoop that will last you a long time is a very cost effective way of exercising. 


Hula hooping is a newly popular exercise that is very fun and burns a lot of calories as well as toning up your abs and helping you lose weight. There are so many benefits to this type of exercise as it is getting more and more popular the benefits are starting to be more prevalent online. This is a very helpful way of losing weight or body fat whilst giving you definition on your stomach area. 

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