Exploring The Intersection Of Science And Quranic Revelations

In history, every scientific discovery has brought some connections to various texts which helped in improving the capability of mankind to understand the natural phenomena prevailing in this world. We extract a brief overview of how contemporary science corroborates with the accounts captured in the Quran by exploring skin pain receptors, internal ocean waves, prefrontal cortex, star formation, and gender detection in human beings. In this article, the author presents a review of the ever-growing field of nociceptor research from its early beginnings in the 20th century to its links with religious scripture, such as the Quran, and other findings, also analyzing their broader meanings for science and Quranic interpretation and study.

Skin Pain Receptors: 

Nociceptors, also referred to as pain receptors, are sensory receptors that react to stimuli that may cause harm. These nociceptors are essential for warning the body when anything might be wrong. In 1906, Sir Charles Scott Sherrington made the discovery. But more than 1400 years ago, the Quran told us.

The Quran says that the skin is capable of feeling pain, even if it doesn't specifically address pain receptors in the text. Allah SWT threatens to cast someone into flames if they ignore his signals in the 56th verse of Surah Nisa. And he will replenish it if their skin burns from the heat, so the unbelieving people will always be in misery. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful and All-Aware.

Waves within the ocean

The underwater counterpart of the surface waves in the ocean is known as the internal ocean waves. They are essential for the movement of heat and motion inside the ocean. They are also essential to the global climate and the survival of marine life.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, scientists were interested in internal ocean waves. A great deal of research has been done on the topic, with the most recent study being completed in 2022.

Allah SWT claims in the Quran 24:40 that the crimes of the disbelievers and the hypocrites—including those who perform good works for show—are like blackness in an incomprehensible sea covered in waves upon waves of darkness, layers of darkness layered on top of each other, like clouds. 

And someone stretches out his hand, but the darkness prevents him from seeing it, and the one to whom Allah doesn't provide light has no light at all.

The Frontal Cortex

Near the back of the forehead, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is where most of our higher cognitive functions are based. The PFC regulates processes like planning, memory retrieval, and focus. In 1848, research on this area progressed when Phineas Gage recovered from serious brain damage.

The Quran contains two passages that mention the PFC. In Surah Alaq, verses 15 and 16 describe the punishment for those who commit wrongdoing. They say that if they don't give up their stubbornness and strife, Allah will drag them by their forelock, which is a lying and sinning forelock. 

This verse uses the terms "sinning" and "lying" since it is the PFC's responsibility to make decisions, which includes lying and sinning.

Starry Night Sky

Fusion processes in stars generate light. Massive amounts of energy are released when hydrogen atoms combine to make helium in the core of stars. The stars sparkle because of this energy.

According to Surah Fussilat's twelfth verse, Allah SWT decorated the lowest sky with lamps, or stars, for safety and beauty. Contrary to popular belief, which holds that stars just reflect light, this lyric compares the stars to lamps, implying that they independently make light.

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