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In simple terms your mind can either be your most powerful weapon or your worst enemy.
Your mindset is a collection of beliefs which shape your thought habits, which then influences how you feel and what you do. We can convince ourselves to believe and feel anything regardless whether it’s true or not.
Here are four simple steps to follow to change your mindset…
Understanding if you have a fixed or growth mindset
A growth mindset has unlimited potential whereas a fixed mindset is extremely limiting.
To further understand this here are some examples example, someone who has a fixed mindset will often say things like “when I’m frustrated I give up” , “I’m either good at it or I’m not” and “I don’t like challenges”. These are all examples of very limiting beliefs.
On the other hand someone with a growth mindset will often say things like “I can learn anything I want”, “when I’m frustrated I persevere” and “challenges help me to grow and learn“.
A good way to know if you have a fixed or growth mindset is to become aware of the thoughts you frequently think and your reactions to things that happen in your life.
After all our mindset is often what stands between our success and repeated failures.
It is extremely important that we mind what we tell ourselves because if we repeatedly tell ourselves something -wether it’s true or false- we will begin to believe it and because we believe it we then act on that belief.
So it is a good idea to notice when you are self sabotaging and talking negatively about anything to replace it with something positive; this isn’t always easy at the beginning but it definitely becomes easier if you’re consistent.
Researchers from kings college work with 102 diagnosed with an anxiety disorder to determine if positive visualisation could supplant intrusive negative thoughts. The main finding was that all three groups showed reductions in negative intrusions also all participants reported less worry anxiety.
Build beneficial habits
Did you know it takes an average of 66 days to build a new habit?
In order to see significant changes you must change how you do things.
You cannot expect to see a drastic improvements in any area of your life if you are continuing with the behaviours that no longer serve you and hold you back from aligning with who you truly are and what you want to become.
It is important to be consistent when creating a new habit; consistency is the key factor to becoming more successful especially being consistent on the days you don’t feel like doing it.
Creating a morning and/or nighttime routine is an excellent way to see significant changes in your life. A healthy routine that you can do every day without it feeling like a task is a superb way to build small habits which lead to significant changes.
Here are some beneficial habits:
- Making your bed in the morning
- Daily affirmations
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Exercising
- Reading
All of the above can help to shift and improve your mindset whilst improving your life at the same time.
If you are struggling to think of new habits to create, a great idea is to think of beneficial habits your future successful self would you. The more consistent and intentional you are the better the results will be. There will be days where you feel like not bothering and giving in but the end result/s will be so worth it!
Here are a few ways to help you stay on track when building a new habit:
- Ask someone to hold you accountable (check in daily to ask if you have completed it)
- Set your home and lock screen to something that will remind you what you must do
- Create a progress table and stick it somewhere you will see it all the time (In the bathroom or bedroom wall etc)
Understand which of your current habits benefit you and no longer benefit you.
Gratitude is a must
Although it may seem obvious it is so easy sometimes to forget all the good things/people We have in our lives because we become so consumed by what’s going wrong, what we cannot change or what is yet to come. Even at times I myself have been guilty of this.
Gratitude is a way for people to appreciate what they already have instead of always constantly looking for something new with the hope it will make them happier, thinking they can’t be happy or satisfied until each and every physical and material desire is met.
It is such a simple but affective way to change your perspective and can be easily introduced to your daily routine.
Here are some simple ways to practice gratitude:
- Keep a gratitude journal (list things you are grateful for wether big or small)
- Write a thank you letter to someone
- Thank someone mentally
- Pray
- Meditation
Once you begin to incorporate these into your life you will feel incredible!
Where there is gratitude there is peace of mind, harmony, love and healing.
At the beginning of lockdown last year I began to write things I was grateful for whether it be big or small and I felt so much more appreciative especially over things I took for granted.
Becoming aware of the content you consume and company you keep
The content that you consume and completely keep has a bigger impact on your mindset than you probably realise.
If you are constantly mindlessly scrolling through social media and consume content that is extremely negative or even makes you compare yourself to others especially celebrities, your mind will start to normalise this which is not healthy.
At the same time it is also important to understand and realise you’ve become you surround yourself with. Motivational speaker Jim Robn famously said “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Therefore you should surround yourself with people who are the kind of person you want to be. Wether we like it or not the company with you influences is greatly it can factor way of thinking, self-esteem, actions and goals”.
You cannot expect to live a positive life if you are hanging around negative people and constantly consuming negative content.
Neither of these things help you grow, if anything they keep you in a repetitive cycle unless you make a decision to break the cycle.
Also understand that as you grow as a person and begin to want to become a better version of yourself you will outgrow people and that it totally ok! You will meet new people along your journey to becoming a better you.
Follow these steps to ensure you are consuming healthy content and have positive people in your life:
- Raise your standards
- Get rid of people that are bringing you down
- Surround yourself with people who lift you up, tell you when you’re wrong and motivate you to achieve your goals
- Unfollow and get rid of any people/things you compare yourself to and doesn’t add to your growth or happiness
- Follow people who are living the life you desire educational and motivational content
In order to become the best version of yourself and have a mindset that works in your favour you must consciously choose what will only benefit you and not drain you or allow you to become someone you are not.
Never forget you always have a choice!