Why And How Do People Tell Stories?

Stories told through songs, dance, images, picture books and oral telling is the fundamental ways people communicate and express an idea or thought to share with others. It also helps people develop divergent thinking and cultivate imagination from the entertainment and intrigue of the stories being told.

Stories told through songs, dance, images, picture books and oral telling is the fundamental ways people communicate and express an idea or thought to share with others. It also helps people develop divergent thinking and cultivate imagination from the entertainment and intrigue of the stories being told.

why stories matter
Credit: Unsplash.Com

“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.”

- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author

What Is Story Telling?

Storytelling is the essence in which people turn to when events, people, big news or something else that needs to be said occurs. Wanting to know more is the curious mindset people have come to interpret what they seek to understand. Now here lies the divider which separates people. There are those who enjoy fiction - stories that are not real and have highly unrealistic events and characters that are not at all relatable to reality most of the time, but there are similarities. Then there’s non-fiction – stories that are based on true stories with the plausibility of happening given the right circumstance and facts. Each are powerful in their own way, fiction telling is unrealistic and non-fiction is trying to be accurate.

When it comes to stories, whether it be short, novels or film scripts, one factor always stays: A story with a beginning, middle and end. Not to say they need to be tossed in the trash, as in the case for solicit materials publishers receive from new writers begging to be noticed, but more like wanting to be acknowledged for what they created in hopes of becoming something bigger.

The Differences Between Fiction and Non-Fiction?

In the world of the creative industry, a place where almost anything can exist and live in a variety of many mediums, the sides stories talked about are those who enjoy writing to create stories that are not real but are entertaining and others that are but are limited to altered changes because they already exist.


Non-Fiction writers love to re-create stories that have come and gone, others that even end up in the public domain for free use and are not liable for lawsuits. Many tales from stories that have come before and after our birth can be retold… as long as there is mostly facts and the events are loosely based on truth. These stories can’t be altered too much as such will make the story untrue, therefore, creating a lie in which that event never happened. It’s best to stick with the truth and make little changes here and there, instead of what would have liked to be seen.


Fiction writers have a lot more space to be creative and elements to play with. Many genres can be explored and almost any scenario can be played out because it does not exist. Typically speaking, the creative writer does well here as they prefer to have a landscape to play around and ideas to transform into unspeakable madness… that is what makes this fun and interesting. However, this area is both a gold mine for people in Hollywood and Media Heads who can utilize the creations but is also a place where self-implosion and the end of a potential writing career can end. As great as it sounds, this area is where it’s easy to get lost and fighting to get any attention, especially for potential fortune and fame, is never guaranteed if that is the goal.

The Truth of Story Telling

Many writers in the world have a passion for story development, character creations and making a brand that can become a house hold name. Writing to most is not considered a job because of how difficult it is to secure a spot to make enough to make it a living. Not that it’s impossible, but the lack of opportunities for something like this is hard to achieve for most, so a lot of people have to resort to having a regular job to keep their bills sustained, while slowly losing passion for something the world could use.

Writers in general have a huge impact on the world, even more in the social media world where “words” are the weapons of choice and the media medium is their offensive weapon to keep their products, clients, and followers happy. The art itself is a chore at times as writers must balance their personal lives with their writing schedules to keep up the consistent weekly or bi-weekly paychecks to keep their position safe.

Some of the best story telling comes from those who have little to no knowledge about the science of writing and proper format, but at least their ideas can be shaped and formed into something worth using. Stories like the Greek and Norse Mythologies sound absurd and unreal as what they speak about doesn’t make much sense, but they are entertaining and fun to read. Many people have the talent to be writers and do a decent job at honing that skill, but don’t go any further than that due to constant revisions, unhelpful feedback, unsupportive individuals or just plain problems with themselves that make the potential writer quit.

Hollywood Problems

A world full of millions of people each have their talents and gifts, but specifically speaking of writers here – many people in Hollywood tend to rehash old products and place money first before creativity. Thousands of manuscripts are sent out to people with the power to create fresh new stories, instead is tossed in the trash because of the mainstream normal that mostly repeats itself and never changes. Fiction and Non-Fiction writers who have a story to share with the world need to use their voice and use mediums to tell their stories. However, in a world full of greed and big money checks, many ideas and stories will never see the light of day.

The potential for fresh and revolutionized ideas to make a difference in the world will always suffer. Only when a dedicated group of people who can do more with these stories comes into the light by showing themselves. The only true way to experience a great story is to rely on a website which host stories for free with no cost.

In Conclusion, the creative industry will always flourish with amazing ideas from places and people whom is not expected but that will never stop people from trying to get noticed and make a potential living off it.

EJ Lopes is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Creative holding a Creative Writing and Journalism Degree.

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