What It Means To Be Anchored In Jesus Christ

Hello my wonderful friends and readers, I recently took a trip to Camp Barnabas this year (Sunday, July 7 - Friday, July 12.) in addition to having a spectacular time with a spectacular cabin (B6) we learned and discussed how to be an anchor in Jesus. You’re probably wondering what that means? Well, let’s explore this topic.

First, let’s ask ourselves what exactly is an anchor. Now, let’s answer that question. An anchor is used to stabilize a vessel (ships or boats) so they don’t drift. Think about it: you are out in the ocean or lake. You need to swim out and retrieve something. If you don’t drop the anchor, you are most likely not going to be able to get back to the ship or boat., You are probably like, wait. Can this be translated to something else? Why yes it can. Now imagine you’re in a car. Before you drive, you should know to put on your seatbelt. Your seatbelt acts as an anchor. if you need to slam on your brakes, your seatbelt keeps you from crashing through the windshield or getting seriously injured.

   How does this translate to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

            Well, during devotionals, my Cabin and I sat around and talked about a daily verse from the Bible. The first day (Monday) we talked about Hope. we need to have Hope in our anchor. Whether it’s an anchor on a ship, a boat or a seatbelt in a car, we need to have hope that it will not fail. The same goes for Jesus Christ. We need to have hope that he can be our anchor and he will not fail. Sometimes it’s really hard to be hopeful because we go through life that has ups and downs. When we are on our knees and are running out of Hope, we still need to believe. The second day of devotionals was about peace. We read from the Bible that Jesus and his disciples were in a boat, and when Jesus fell asleep, the boat was engulfed in waves, and it got very stormy. The boat was getting tossed around and the disciples were terrified. They woke up their master and said to him, “Do you not care that we are perishing? Save us!” Jesus woke up, raised his hands to the sky and commanded the storm to be still. At last the disciples were safe. We as children of God, need this same reminder. We go through life and sometimes it can be a roller coaster. In the eye of the storm, we need to ask God to bring us peace. During our third devotional, we learned about faith. We read from the Bible that Jesus was walking on the water, defying gravity. When his disciples saw this, they were completely freaked out. Jesus then invited Peter to come to him. Peter started walking on the water but began to sinnk when he doubted his faith. as Christians, we should not try to have faith in everything we do. Sometimes it doesn’t work out. For example, someone we love is dying in the hospital and we try to save them by telling them everything is going to be OK. That is not always true. no matter how much we might be afraid, we need to pray to God and listen to him. We may not always like what he is doing, but in the end, we need to have faith that he is going to do something extraordinary. On the last day, we talked about trust. We have to trust that our anchor is strong. It will hold firm and steadfast. For example, when you set anchor on the bottom of the ocean or tie up the boat, you want the boat or anchor to be steadfast. Our god’s foundation is steadfast and we need to trust in that   . I believe we have a spiritual foundation, and when that spiritual foundation with stress or pain, we need to fix our eyes on our real steadfast foundation, the Lord!

            We are wonderfully and beautifully made by God and his love indoors forever. Whenever you feel the negativity of life, just remember the four things we talked about: Hope, peace, faith, and steadfast. I believe all of these will help you be an anchor in Jesus Christ!   

I am a 20 something male living with my parents and twin sister. I have an older brother. everything I write about comes from the heart

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