Sources extrapolated from:

            What the spineless, incompetent, agenda-driven, greedy, traitorous Biden administration lacks our true patriots show their true colors of red, white, and blue! I find this hard to fathom, much less comprehend the ass-backward planning that was ill-fated from the beginning. It just goes to show that red blood still courses through the veins of our veterans. The beating of their Patriotic hearts beneath their chests is the pride that they want to restore our country and rescue the now hostages. What the Biden administration washed their hands with and lied, much like Pontius Pilot before ordering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Biden had the nerve to turn his back on the reporters at a press conference. When questions were posed, regarding the topic of Afghanistan, he walked behind the curtain to dodge the bullet. To say that the man is clueless is putting it mildly as he is a puppet for the deviousness of the Democratic party.

           The liar that Biden is, said, “the Americans wanted to stay behind”. In a word, what a load of bull crap! He considers them to be expendable. No human life is expendable unless it's his! The lackluster administration is now wearing the indelible label of cowardness. In a video that I had seen Nancy Pelosi was seen on the television monitor coaching Biden and didn’t want to be caught doing so. I guess that luck wasn’t on her side because that video is very accessible. So, in that instance, Pelosi was pulling Biden’s strings like a puppet master but could have been the ventriloquist as well if her voice could have been disguised! Face it, Biden can’t hold a coherent conversation without having an earbud in his ear being fed the magic words of what to say. If you look into dementia Joe’s eyes, he has a deer in the headlight’s expression on his face. He’s delusional if he thinks he’s doing a bang-up job as the so-called leader of the United States. New terms like clueless Joe, Mr. Potato head are but just a few.

           The Biden’s have skeletons in their closet, and they have yet to be unearthed. We all know that he’s been in bed with China and has been looking out for his pocket, and not in the best interest of all concerned. He’s no magician and far from it. Though he does use misdirection with the mask mandate. I have seen a video of him saying that he doesn’t see why there should be a mandate to wear a mask during the Covid craze. There has been a lot of upheaval in everyone’s lives due to the so-called pandemic. But all deaths have been falsely identified as being from Covid-19 which has been proven to be an untruth, a lie. Why are we being forced, practically with a gun at our temple of the side of our head and our back against the wall to get the death jab? It has been documented that also the State Department has no desire to rescue the abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. Any attempts would be thwarted!

           The American Eagle roars with its talons outstretched eying its next turncoat to America. I, like so many true American’s, are calling Biden out and asking that swift punishment be dealt out. There is something wrong when the enemy is given enough of our artillery, and a list of who’s who in Afghanistan that has been helping us. It’s a double-edged sword when Biden wants to take away our second amendment, the right to bear arms, and bestow it on the enemy. The humiliation of the ill-planned exit strategy repercussions sent shock waves of disbelief through all who bared witness to it. He considers himself to be scholarly and smart and claims that he was ranked high in his class. He has demonstrated that is pure fiction. The pulse of the nation nearly flatlined after the course of recent events.

           I don’t know who they are, nor would I ever reveal it like some traitors. But I commend the men and women who took themselves out of retirement after serving tours of duty in the past. Age didn’t matter, the common denominator is that the oath that they took, “leave no one behind” does mean something. The fighting spirit is thriving and alive and well. Veterans from all different branches came together for one purpose, to save the Americans. Somehow, someway someone must be bankrolling this mission. God bless them for getting involved and giving a damn.

           While the violence has been escalating and more checkpoints are being added, the Taliban have been making any possibility for Americans to escape their tight-fisted grasp. A daring mission named the “Pineapple Express) (not to be confused with the movie) was put into action. These veterans were already familiar with the terrain. They had served tours over there before. These are far from regular forces. There is the elite! The plan of action went into effect Wednesday night, under a cloak of darkness. Unofficially it worked in tandem with the United States. The objective was to shuttle people, sometimes one at a time, or in twos. But it was a rarity that a small bunch had been gathered inside the United States military-controlled side of Hamid Karzai Int. Airport.

           The day later the operation was underway when the attack took place in Kabul. They were after the redemption of their fallen brothers and sisters by a so-called suicide bomber affiliated with ISIS. The fallen came from the Marines, Army, and Navy. After witnessing the debacle, they decided to unite and take matters into their own hands.

           The evacuated number was 500 Afghan special operators. Their families, assets, and enablers were transported to the Kabul airport overnight, then handing them over to the protective custody of the United States Military. With that number being added to more than 130 others. The team consists of aid workers, special operators, and intelligence officers that banded together to pick up the slack. High-risk individuals by the dozens including small children and families, pregnant women were secretly ushered by the dark of night just seconds before a bomb was detonated into a gathered mass of Afghans seeking freedom and safety. A retired Green Beret, Col. Scott Mann led the rescue.

           After helping dozens of Afghan commandos and succeeding with getting them to the airport. They aided U.S. troops inside. Heart-pounding procedures took place as their efforts weren’t brought to light but were confidential. A former Afghan commando that had served with Mann was being taunted with death threats via text messaging. The elite SEAL Team would be a special prize to attain. Two months prior, ABC News had been told about the narrow escaping from a tiny outpost that was later taken over while awaiting his United States special immigrant visa to be approved.

           This stealthy effort couldn’t have been carried out without the help of unofficial heroes inside the airfield, by defying orders not to help past the surrounding airport grounds. Like something out of “The Shawshank Redemption”, they waded through sewage canals. As they sought out flashing pineapples on their cell phones. Former Green Beret, Capt. Zac Lois was nicknamed the engineer. Though there was only one engineer and a few conductors they had intelligence-gathering duties. An encrypted chat room in current time guided people on maps to GPS pin drops to specific rally points for them to hide until they were summoned by a conductor wearing a green chem light.

           What if the Taliban had disabled the cell towers? But it was later learned that a Green Beret of the task force informed him otherwise. Cell phone jammers were used to counter the threat of IEDs. While minutes slowly ticked away an hour had gone by, and communications were reestablished with the passengers. The terror-filled night was chaotic at best and all were exhausted from stress. At least 630 Afghan lives were saved. The special forces had a feeling of great disdain for the government that left them to squander. By waving their cell phones with the illuminated pineapples on them they were scooped up and huddled inside the wire to safety. The United States soldier was wearing red sunglasses to identify himself. Also, an army Ranger assisted in the event. It was noted as a historic event when hundreds of personnel get transported over the past week.

           Ironically, none of these heroes have ever met before until the day before the mission. During the span of the two-decade war, the Afghan passengers were represented. Retired Green Beret, Army Maj. Jim Gant played a key role. He remarked that the scale of this mission was off the chart. He applauded the courage and patriotism of his fellow brothers and sisters, and that it is greater than the commitment on any battlefield.

           Retired SEAL commander, Dan O’Shea successfully helped his group including a United States citizen that was an operative and his Afghan brother and father. It took hours to trudge from the entry point to checkpoints to get them to safety. O’Shea refused to leave his family behind. It isn’t in the SEAL ethics/credo to leave a man behind, much like the other oaths his brothers/sisters in arms swore to.

           The effort is coordinated between Mann and another Green Beret. A Floridian Republican and Green Beret officer Rep. Mike Waltz enlisted the tireless aid of a U.S. Embassy officer inside the airport. He witnessed two civilians getting knocked to the ground and killed. So close and yet so far, the Taliban fighters mixed into the masses and fired their AK-47’s overhead. The password is, “Pineapple”, and if that wasn’t replied then consequences were paid.

           We all owe them a debt of gratitude when the Biden administration dropped the ball. The time that Biden takes a trip to the land of Oz. There should be two items on his to-do list.

            Part Scarecrow and, part Tin-man. He lacks in common sense, intelligence, and a heart. No solvent, soap, or anything can remove the Macbeth-like stains on the hands of him, his administration, and all the conspiring Democrats and the ones that supposedly voted for him!

I am the second-generation writer in my family. My late father was first. I have self-published a trilogy on amazon. It\'s original!

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