Do Animals Feel Love For Humans?

Research tells us many animals have the physiological attributes to enable them to experience love, defined as ‘a strong emotion for a particular person(s) or people’, which makes them great companions to have.

Research tells us many animals have the physiological attributes to enable them to experience love, defined as ‘a strong emotion for a particular person(s) or people’, which makes them great companions to have.

Pets bring their human owner's joy, no matter what they may be. Cats and Dogs are often on top of the list as they are affectionate to their owners and love them for who they are. In reverse, people need the company of someone there who loves them unconditionally because it is their nature to be wanted by somebody or an animal. Kids, just like adults, love having pets to care for and learn how to show compassion and love to other living beings. The elderly relies on them in times of loneliness as many do not get visitors, so the animals bring them joy.

loving pet
Credit: Freepik.Com

“Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”

– Alfred A. Montapert

1.    Pets Give You A Reason To Care

Having a pet is a joy but the responsibility makes it a little more challenging. Like people, they require nurturing and personal care to stay alive. Caring for these creatures brings a certain fulfillment that is the same as having a child, except animals are the exception to have replaced over the years.

2.    Pets Are Adorable

The cuteness of pets brings joy as they get excited to see their owners and make their day better. This type of feeling can turn a miserable day into a not-so-bad one as pet owners rely on their pets to make them feel better. Having something adorable who wants your attention can relieve whatever may be bothering you and put a smile on your face.

3.    Pets Will Always Be There

It is a known fact to many pet owners that people will always fail in being loyal and loving no matter what, but animals will always be the opposite and make the owner their number one. People have proven themselves as failures because they have an agenda and are sneaky. Animals have no agendas; they just want attention from their owners and to be cared for.

4.    Pets Are Therapeutic For Health Reasons

Pets are best utilized for therapeutic purposes. People with physical and mental health issues can rely on pets to bring them joy and happiness. Animals who aren’t even trained can be considered therapy animals because petting their fur is relaxing and relieves stress. Senior citizens often have pets since a lot of them spend time alone.

5.    Watching Movies With Your Pet

People don’t want to be bothered by others after work is over or maybe they came back from an event. Streaming a movie or TV series is a great way to relax, but what makes it better is having your pet watch too. Pets are attentive to what their owners do and love to sit or lay next to them.

6.    Pets Don’t Judge You

Pets will adore their owners and accept whatever they do. They especially want to join if there’s food involved, though it is not a good idea to let them eat human food. They generally just want your attention and tend to do anything to interrupt.

7.    Dogs Are Like Trainers For Cardio

Dogs love to run and walk, so it comes in handy to take the dog out and get some cardio going. Dogs are naturally active and need their daily walk or else they get fussy and make it obvious it’s time to go.

8.    They Don’t Question Your Life Choices

Pets are always happy to see their owner, no matter what time of day. They get so happy, even if you makes a mistake in losing something dear, the pet rejoices just to be around you. This alone is one of the best reasons why a Cat and Dog are so great to have as a part of the family.

9.    Clothing Is Optional

At the end of a long day, it’s natural to take off clothes and be in a more natural state of comfort. Pets don’t care much about that since they just want to hang out with their owner and get tons of attention and love.

10.  They Are Great Listeners

Animals are great listeners, so ranting on about a bad day or something else is something they won’t understand, but they’re happy to be a part of the conversation. The other thing is they can’t tell anyone else either since they only make sounds.

11. They Can Never Lie

They’re innocent in nature and usually give themselves away when they’ve done something but also the sign, they have done something naughty.

12.  They’re Like Living Stuffed Animals

Pets are like stuffed animals; they look great and encourage their owners to give them love. It’s the reminder that they are still living creatures, but they are also not to be taken for granted. Unlike a stuffed animal, replacing them costs more money and they are self-dependent to some extent.

13.  They Bring No Negative Vibes

They can’t kill your good mood, complain about the weather, or ruin your day. They’re always happy so negative vibes are the past when your pet stays around for company.

14.  They’re Good For Your Mental Health

Owning a pet will always bring some health benefits to the table with positive effects on mental health. Humans, however, often have the opposite effect and bring the owner unwanted feelings of annoyance.

15.  They Will Always Love You

Relationships in the human world, when it comes to affections, can be a disaster and bring the owner great misery. The affection of pets is like reaching into an endless pit of love that never stops coming. Pets will always love their owners until they die, which is then repeated with a new pet who soon grows to love their new owner.

Overall, it may be said animals are a saving grace for people: average, sick and disabled, who help them deal with their daily lives. While life will always be a journey with personal struggles, an animal companion serves to make the adventure more fun and worth the ride. Pets are never a waste of time and will always serve their owner the best way possible, as long as they can be together and have fun doing whatever is on the days' agenda.  

EJ Lopes is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Creative holding a Creative Writing and Journalism Degree.

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