Custom Essay Vs Customized Essay

Students are under constant pressure in college. Some have a major discipline they need to excel in. Others have to do sports or theater. Then, there are family issues, parents, girlfriends/boyfriends, and jobs to do.

What is a custom essay?
A custom essay is an academic essay that is done-to-order or written to exact specifications by a classmate, a friend or an online writing service. Like a custom guitar, a customized chair, or a custom suit done by a tailor, a custom essay (or "customized" as some websites call them) is one that is written according to the professor's specifications – it is to be written from scratch without any plagiarism. A true custom essay company writes such essays from scratch. They are written by a real human writer with a University degree. A 100% custom essay will always pass any plagiarism test.

What is a customized paper
There are websites that use the term "customized essays"  in reference to their academic works. A customized essay is most probably an essay that was written for somebody else in the past , that closely resembles the current project. A writer then tweaks the essay here and there to make it address the requirements of the current project. We consider that practice unprofessional and never offer simply "customized" essays. A genuine custom essay must be written from scratch without any plagiarism.

Reasons to order a custom essay online
Two reasons drive students to buy essays from a writing website:

No time.  Students are under constant pressure in college. Some have a major discipline they need to excel in. Others have to do sports or theater. Then, there are family issues, parents, girlfriends/boyfriends, and jobs to do.
Lack of ability to write well . Many people simply cannot write well or have a writer's block. There are many foreign students in the US, UK, Canada and Australia for whom English is a second language. While they can excel in most other disciplines, they cannot keep up with the writing skill set of their native counterparts.
Imagine a situation. You and your buddy need to write essays for your midterms and both of you started late. Unfortunately, you’re also stuck with other equally important tasks for another class. You rush writing your essays because you want to finish quickly so that both of you can focus on another assignment. As a result, you end up with subpar, poorly-written essays while your other tasks also suffer because your attention was deeply divided. In the end, you fail both classes. 

Had you asked for help online, the disaster could have been prevented. If you knew a reliable helper online, you could have ordered an essay simply doing the following:

Go to the website.
Fill out the order form.
Supply all the instructions along with any additional files.
Use your mobile phone to chat with the writer, making sure the work is started and headed in the right direction.
Download the completed paper when done.
Read through the work and tweak it to make it sound like yours.
Submit the project.
Receive an A+ and pass the course.

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