Signs Of A Stubborn Person

Stubborn people are attached to their tastes, ideas, opinions, and especially personal beliefs. Other’s opinions that disagree with them are a threat. Though this is a “Pain Avoidance” this can come across in the wrong light; it is about the perspective you want to see.

Stubborn people are attached to their tastes, ideas, opinions, and especially personal beliefs. Other’s opinions that disagree with them are a threat. Though this is a “Pain Avoidance” this can come across in the wrong light; it is about the perspective you want to see.

people are stubborn

“Sometimes people will be critical no matter what you do. Don’t take it personally. It’s more about them than you.”

-Kristen Butler

This statement is true because it is not about you, it’s them. Being hardheaded and planting themselves so deep you won’t change them, even if your intentions are done with love to help him/her become a better person. Then there’s also trust, this can come off as paranoia and self insolation, leading to distrust. People mentally aware enough will take notice and become uneasy around them. Most of the time, this is to be normal, meaning whatever habit or state of mind they grew up with seems normal enough that it can’t be questioned. 

But they also tend to forget others have a different upbringing and adapting to other’s ideas way of being doesn’t process well, which in turn makes them stubborn. The secondary effect is not enjoying hanging out with them as much, this becomes more of a pain if you live with them. Coming home to deal with it can lead to ideas of abandoning them in a place they can be happy and lead to your happiness in a home where none of it will be a chore to deal with again. Seeing them once in a while is a lot better than every day.  

The signs of a stubborn person:

  • Insist on making a point about an idea or plan to feel safe, even when the situations are different but act as if it is the same all the time.

  • Makes a plan and sticks with it without letting others know because it makes them feel better, even when it’s completely unnecessary.
  • Rejects the ideas you present because logically it doesn’t make sense, but what they present is more selfish than helpful, so long they get to preserve ridiculous ideas that make them feel great.
  • Most times they tend to show anger, frustration, and impatience to other ideas or changing up a habit they have become comfortable with. Other times they will give excuses like “I’ll think about it”, “Let me get back to you on that”, “Well that’s going to take time so I need to get ready”, and the last “I’m busy right now but I’ll see what I can do about it.”
  • Some might even commit halfheartedly to make others feel better, but the truth is they never planned on changing and give false hope to avoid breaking their own rule.

Perseverance is the ugly side of stubbornness and it looks bad to others who are now just seeing this side for the first time. This also relates well to leadership qualities, but is clinging to this notion worth it? Though it can be a good and bad habit at the same time, it loses purpose and quality when it’s for the wrong reasons; mostly to keep their comfort level where they always had it, before you came into the picture. 

1. They Have A Strong Will

Stubborn people genuinely believe in whatever their cause is so hard, they don’t see how it can make others feel, especially those who have done them no wrong. Hence, performing any action they like will not require approval from anyone. This act increases pride, conviction, and paranoia so they stay guarded, no matter if it is a friend, stranger, or someone they dislike. This comes from a series of challenges in their life they had to conquer with struggles early on in life. Unshakable willpower makes the dreams come to life, but it also pushes others away if done wrong.

2. Resilience In Stubborn People Take Them Far

Stubborn people feel the need to do everything in their power to maintain control. Even with a happy upbringing, the trait does not always start with the individual themselves, it can also be a planted state of mind by others they grew up with. These bad habits from others force a change to find a way to be happy, but they soon become what they try to escape in one way or another. They have the drive to see reality fit in their lives, but they also carry a burden with them. 

3. They Handle Peer Pressure Well

No matter the argument, if a point must be made to look good, they will not cave in. First, they have evidence of backup and then stand their ground like a boulder. Topics is a fire starter for discussion and have a need to expand the minds of others to understand but some people just want to talk and have some fun, not to be lectured. 

4. They Have A Passionate Attitude About Life

Vigor and challenging best describe their commitment as nothing seems impossible for them because of what they need to see. However, following their determination and willpower so strongly that becoming illusional and blurring the lines between realistic and unrealistic is hard to spot. They make it about themselves a lot but forget others will never have a chance at the life they have. It’s not being negative if you look at the whole picture and realize it’s about where you are and what you can accomplish. There are places in the world people are naturally doomed and there’s no saving them, even though it hurts to admit it. 

5. They Have A Wonderful Work Ethic

High standards are the normal way to look at stubborn people who enjoy getting the job done, no matter what gets in the way. Working alone is better as the required laser focus does not blend well with others, however, some can work in a group with the right mindset. The contributing factor that decides this is pride. They listen attentively with a wider range perspective which makes it easier to work on tasks others find a chore.

6. They Don’t Take Change To Well

They follow a status quo and in return have great resistance to change. This also can be a downfall because of the lack of truly understanding the situation for what it is unless they start listening with good intentions. They see the potential they must reach and, in the process, bring all kinds of bad habits with them. Some are not welcome and seeing them less is more pleasant than seeing them all the time.

7. They Must Prove A Point No Matter What

Pride gets the best of them, even when they have nothing to prove. An example situation is making fun of them and many others to pass the time and have laughs, yet they feel targeted and want to prove why the person who made fun of them is wrong. In other words, they instigate arguments to feed their need to be right and expressing these thoughts as a pastime. Not many people see this as fun and tend to shut up, walk away, and usually exclude them from being targeted for anything. Their need to expand people’s mind and seeing it from another perspective is not healthy, it needs to be treated like a pill and given a small dose, so others won’t get uncomfortable. Overstepping boundaries is natural but will turn against them when it comes to people who don’t like to argue.  

“We also found that this group tended to be domineering, stubborn, and needed a sense of control…” study co-author Anna Scelzo stated in a press release from UC San Diego Health, “This tendency to control the environment suggests notable grit that is balanced by a need to adapt to changing circumstances.”

To make the long story short, walk away from them to breathe as they tend to keep picking at your brain until you give into what they want. Seeing eye-to-eye can further increase their passion while increasing the tension you try to have with them which will not be good. When you return, try to understand their perspective and where they came from, but to be honest, some of them have no real reasons, they are just sick in the head naturally. Dealing with their energy isn’t easy but once it’s over, they are not bad people. Overall, attempt to compromise in a rational, yet mature way from another person’s perspective. It’s all about getting to the middle ground and ultimately agreeing to disagree if neither side finds peace.  

EJ Lopes is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Creative holding a Creative Writing and Journalism Degree.

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