What Is The Meaning Of True Friendship In Today's Reality by Eglant Hoxhulka

What Is The Meaning Of True Friendship In Today's Reality

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle Friends are just much important as family. Our parents and siblings make the first and most important family, while friends are considered the second one, due to the role they have in our life and wellbeing. With friends we grow together, share an important part of our life, our successes, and failure, our joys, and sorrows, we learn and enjoy life by living with friends. According to Japanese customs, family is considered the bond between people with similar commitments and who very likely will have the same destiny. A very short definition offriendship is "a relationship of mutual affection between two people."

How To Be A Low-Key Creep While Talking To Your Crush by Mia Belgie

How To Be A Low-Key Creep While Talking To Your Crush

Have you ever had a crush that just doesn't seem to take a hint? Follow these steps and he's sure to notice you! Look him up on social media and check it regularly. This is always the first step because social media will tell you a lot about a person, and if he’s already taken, you don’t want to be wasting your time. Pay attention to his timeline, notice how he shares political commentary but spaced out between funny memes; clever. He wants to show he stays relevant but doesn’t want to overdo it. Scroll past the pictures of him and his guy friends, but notice how one of them is actually really cute. Stop at the pictures with a skinny blonde girl making duck faces; a false alarm, it’s his friend from high school. Whew, that was close.

How Flowers And Dinner Ruin A First Date by Sara Piselli Giunchi

How Flowers And Dinner Ruin A First Date

Considering how hard it is to find someone to actually want to go out of our comfort zone with, we definitely need to establish some ground rules. Do not surprise me with flowers. We do not know each other yet; what if I am allergic? Or if I am one of those people who believe the ripping from Mother Earth is the same as murder? Furthermore, I do not know how am I supposed to react. Of course, being well-raised and all I will smile, thank you, and accept the bouquet (what else would anyone do, really?); but inside my head, there would be turmoil and confusion. What year is it, did I travel back in time?

8 Important Reasons Why You Need To Set Boundaries With Yourself And Others by Emily Zane

8 Important Reasons Why You Need To Set Boundaries With Yourself And Others

It’s safe to say that many of us have been in a situation or two throughout our lives where we didn’t have appropriately firm boundaries in place. We’ve all experienced circumstances in which boundaries were too lax, too rigid, or completely non-existent. Depending on the situation, boundaries are invisible or physical barriers we set in place to protect ourselves and others. This includes boundaries we establish in conversations, relationships, and physical and emotional interactions. If you are attempting to safeguard yourself against an emotional conversation with someone, you may put a time limit on the conversation as a boundary.

How To Heal A Damaged Family Relationship In 10 Clear Ways by Emily Zane

How To Heal A Damaged Family Relationship In 10 Clear Ways

Family relationships can often be fickle. You find yourself in a conflict with a family member, and this can lead to anything from a stint of the silent treatment to cutting that family member off completely. Your response depends on the conflict and how you’ve chosen to communicate with that family member thus far. Family conflict is most often caused by a difference of opinion or belief over an important issue. Even though you’re a part of the same family, you won’t always see eye to eye with all family members on an imperative matter, and you will often disagree. These disagreements don’t have to be earth-shattering, but sometimes they explode into something bigger than the family members expected. An argument that goes south can cause a deep rift among families, resulting in the severance of communication and affection.

11 Ways To Communicate As Effectively As Possible by Emily Zane

11 Ways To Communicate As Effectively As Possible

We’ve all found ourselves in the precarious situation of miscommunication. A message you’ve attempted to convey comes across murky and disorganized; an email you’ve conducted is wordy and difficult to decipher. We assume that the message we deliver is the exact message that’s received, but that simply isn’t the case. Over the years as technology has modernized, we’ve come to a state of obtaining a mere paucity of understanding on how to properly communicate with one another. The newest devices and technological advances are right at our fingertips today, and it is through these methods that we’re able to send messages much more rapidly.

Top 5 Tips On Avoiding Unnecessary Fights With Your Partner by Emily Zane

Top 5 Tips On Avoiding Unnecessary Fights With Your Partner

We’ve all been there. You come home from a long day at work or your partner comes home to you; you’ve had a tough day dealing with kids or school or work or family or one of the millions of everyday issues we face on a daily basis. You are looking forward to seeing your partner because you love them, but you are not in the mood for a fight and even the smallest thing can set you off. You’re tired and irritable from the day you’ve had, you are on edge, and you feel as though you could snap at any moment. You see your partner, they make a comment without thinking, you take it the wrong way and a fight is on the horizon.

Couples Hack: 15 Relationship Fundamentals You Need To Know by Rio Sensei

Couples Hack: 15 Relationship Fundamentals You Need To Know

No two couples are alike. That's because couples vary based on the individuals involved in the relationship. However, there are 15 relationship fundamentals each relationship should be built on for sustainable happiness. Many people would answer that love is the base of any romantic relationship, and that love can conquer all. Unfortunately, they are sadly mistaken. Love and attraction will bring you together but won't keep you together. There are many people walking around with love in their hearts for someone they legitimately can't be with for reasons such as; they can't agree on anything, trust issues, they're always arguing, and/or they want two different things.

Rio Sensei
relationships . 14 min read