When Will I Meet My Spouse

In this article, we dig deeper into astrology to uncover when and how you will meet your life partner.

“When you are lucky enough to meet your one person, then life takes a turn for the best. It can’t get better than that.” Navigating through the twists and turns of life becomes easier when you have a companion by your side, a life partner for both good and bad. Perhaps that is why many people search for when the universe will bring someone they are destined to share this life with, their spouse. 

The answer to this question lies in the depths of astrology. According to learned experts of astrology online, the planetary positions at the time and date of your birth uncover the hidden secrets of a person’s life, including the traits of their spouse, how, where, and when they will meet them. 

Are you thinking about what the planets reveal about your spouse? Let us unveil that mystery. 

Meeting Your Spouse: What Astrology Reveals 

In Vedic astrology, Jupiter in a person’s Kundali (birth chart) represents the husband. Whereas, for men, Venus describes the wife. The placement of these planets determines how you will have your first encounter with your spouse. Let us explore it in more depth. 

Venus/Jupiter in the first house

The first house of your birth chart represents “yourself” and the firsts in your life, i.e., your first impression on others, the initiatives you take, your appearance, beginnings, and fresh starts. If your birth chart has Venus or Jupiter in the first house, your spouse may meet you on a day that is special or dedicated to you, for example, your birthday or an event that celebrates your accomplishments. 

Venus/Jupiter in the second house 

The second house is the house of your immediate physical and material environment. This house also governs your financial aspects, self-esteem, and values. Hence, if you have your Venus or Jupiter in the second house, you meet your partner in any financial institution/bank or when you are out on a shopping spree. Moreover, any person who works in the field of finance, accounting, business, or marketing may be the catalyst in your meeting. 

Venus/Jupiter in the third house 

The third house is the house of your childhood and communication. It describes your life as a child and related people/places, such as your siblings, teachers, neighborhoods, community, libraries, etc. 

Hence, having Venus or Jupiter placed in the third house is a strong indication of you meeting your spouse when doing something connected to childhood. For example, you may meet your person when you visit any school, a bookstore, or a library. It also indicates your neighbors, your local neighborhood, or your siblings may play a crucial role in your encounter with your partner. 

Moreover, since the third house represents communication, your meeting with the spouse can likely happen when you engage in anything related to interacting with others over some platform, such as social media applications. 

Venus/Jupiter in the fourth house 

The fourth house in a birth chart represents family. It shows your home, parents (particularly your mother), children, and mothering instincts. Thus, if Venus or Jupiter occupies your fourth house, you are most likely to meet your spouse when you are engaged in some activity near or at home (it could be your home, someone else’s home, or your partner’s home). Moreover, either of your family members (specifically your/their mother) may have a significant role in your meeting. It is also a possibility that you meet your spouse when visiting a child's daycare. 

Venus/Jupiter in the fifth house 

The fifth house in your birth chart is where romance, creativity, entertainment, fun, and pleasure reside. Hence, having Jupiter or Venus in the first house means the meeting with your spouse may happen when you visit any creative, vibrant, or entertaining place, such as a sporting event, amusement park, museum, restaurant, art gallery, concert, lounge, club, etc. 

Venus/Jupiter in the sixth house 

The sixth house is concerned with pets, service, routine work, and health. Thus, if your birth chart has Venus or Jupiter in the sixth house, be ready to meet your spouse when performing any daily activity, practicing your hobby, going for a medical check-up, during any medical procedure, visiting a gym, or doing any pet-related tasks (such as purchasing/adopting a pet, walking your pet, spending time at the dog park, etc.)

Venus/Jupiter in the seventh house 

The seventh house in a birth chart reflects personal and professional partnerships. It is the house of business deals, marriages, and contracts. Hence, having Venus/Jupiter placed in the seventh house indicates your and your spouse’s paths may align when you attend events like weddings, engagement parties, etc. 

Moreover, there is an indication of meeting your spouse when you are in any professional setting, such as any business partnership, court, or legal proceedings. 

Venus/Jupiter in the eighth house

The eighth house in your birth chart holds the key to several mysteries and secrets related to your birth, death, mystic practices/studies, and assets (including investments, inheritances, and real estate). It also includes subjects that may be taboo in our world. 

Hence, if Venus or Jupiter holds the eighth house of your birth chart, you may meet your better half when executing any financial transactions, attending a funeral/birth event, exploring spirituality, or performing any activity that the world considers forbidden or taboo. 

Venus/Jupiter in the ninth house 

The ninth house is concerned with expanding your horizon through long-distance/international travel, broadcasting, foreign languages, adventure, higher education, philosophy, etc. Thus, if Jupiter or Venus is in the ninth house, you can expect to meet your spouse when you pursue higher education or embark on any long-distance journey. You can also meet them in your religious or spiritual pursuits when performing activities related to broadcasting/publishing, or when you go to any casino/play a game. 

Venus/Jupiter in the tenth house 

The tenth house of your birth chart depicts your public image, honors, fame, recognition, traditions, discipline, fatherhood, and rules. Hence, the cosmos may bring you and your spouse together when you perform a career-related action (for example, switching jobs), attend any awards ceremony, or there is a matter concerning your reputation. Also, your father can be the catalyst in this meeting with your person. 

Venus/Jupiter in the eleventh house 

The eleventh house is home to various futuristic themes, such as technology. It also reflects humanitarian causes, rebellious activities, social justice, networking, invention, science-related fiction, and astronomy. 

Thus, the divine may reveal your spouse when you are in your social network, through your peers, or in any community gathering, party, or activity concerned with your social life. Also, protests or humanitarian causes can be where you meet someone special. 

Venus/Jupiter in the twelfth house

Last is the twelfth house. It signifies ends, separation, isolation, karma of a person, spirituality, secret foes, old age, and the afterlife. Thus, be ready for a classic tale of an enemy turning into a lover, a chance encounter with your spouse through any of your enemies, or a love story blossoming in a rehabilitation center, mental institution, jail, or hospital. Well, things don't need to be so dramatic, as there is a slight indication that you can meet your partner through spirituality or somewhere in a foreign land. 

Summing Up

So, that was all about when that destined meeting with your spouse can happen according to the principles of astrology. There is someone for everyone, and they are also seeking you and wishing for a happy life together. We hope you meet the person soon who stays with you in all the highs and lows of your life. And you should have a free chat with astrologer for for knowing all these placements in detail.

Astrology Writer

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