Reasons To Get A Driver’s License?

The general convenience and pleasure of being in control of your own travel, and not being limited to where you can reach by public transport opens up the variety of places to visit from both in terms of type of location and distance from where you live.

The general convenience and pleasure of being in control of your own travel, and not being limited to where you can reach by public transport opens up the variety of places to visit from both in terms of type of location and distance from where you live.

Living is a privilege and present - to wake up every day and enjoy what the day brings is always a fun surprise. One personal benefit is the chance to drive anywhere to make errands easier to get done with little hassle. Your personal life can easily be enjoyed without a vehicle as there are other means to use; however, they feel more like temporary solutions at best. There are also personal errands that need to get done - and time goes quickly. Below are six reasons why a balanced personal life and car are essential to living a worry-free, stressful life.

freedom in driving
Credit: Pixabay.Com

“The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”

– William Morris

1.    Personal Happiness

Every day is a battle to decide what you can and can’t do. Depending on your mood and errand on the time, it can become easier to focus on that day's goal and whether it will make you happy. It’s often better to take care of the heaviest, most unbearable chore to feel the best and return home with the idea of what needs to be done next. Of course, the same can be achieved without a car but will take longer. The bus consumes time as it takes time to arrive, makes frequent stops, and gets to the location at a reasonable time. This doesn’t produce effective results most of the time. Then there’s Lift or Uber, which is great to get around fast. The only downside is that it consumes a lot of money from your banking account and creates financial stress to maintain what’s leftover.

2.    Fewer Buses, More Freedom

The point of having a car is not to goof off or look cool, it’s to maintain a form of independence away from others whom you would have to ask for favors from friends or family. While the bus is convenient and easy to use (google maps bus directions help a lot), it’s fair to say it isn’t the best for you who needs to be places fast. The freedom of having a car creates a life where hassle and distractions are easier to avoid getting done faster. Or it can create the exact opposite, which makes many distractions and hours be consumed because it’s fun. Another good example is getting away from a situation that can trouble you with a negative attitude or scenario you don’t want to be a part of. Although it’s a great time, the hardest part is being responsible when the car decides to act up, and that’s when the freedom can be compromised. 

3.    The Balancing Act

Maintaining a personal life with an independent road life is what most people prefer, especially teens driving for the first time. It is vital that no matter how tempting the idea is to follow, too much on pursuing a personal goal or being out driving all day can be a bad thing. There needs to be a balance in which each side has more importance than the other on certain days or times. One example is a teen who graduated from high school and has college plans. In this scenario, it’s better to focus on the personal goal of focusing on the education aspect with study time to learn the subject. On off days, personal life is not so important, driving around is a great way to reduce stress and clear the mind. If you don’t have any plans on going to college - you need a job to support yourself. No matter what it is, the car becomes a vital part of the everyday routine. That can get hard if you don’t know how to take a bus too.

4.    A Strong Practice Regimen

You can’t hope to change and expect life to deliver rewards – life is not a machine with an auto reward system. Daily habits produce the rewards earned at the end of the day, hence why time is considered valuable. Many try to live one life and switch to the next hoping to get their due diligence, but the inconsistency can’t compare to a consistent regiment that makes the daily grind better. The easiest way to find success is finding a lifestyle that makes sense to you. Examples included are exercise (anytime in the day), mediation for mental and stress relief, walking by yourself or with a companion to keep you company, reading a book to help learn a skill to excel at, and creative projects that help express yourself in unique ways. The right habit with a strong ambition to see a vision makes life less depressing and more enjoyable. 

5.    Find Others to Push and Train You

Self-development doesn’t have to be a solo activity; it can also be done with others who have the same goals or something close enough that each party can agree to help each other. This is super effective with personal life and driving freedom because it helps to stick to a group for those who need others to keep them motivated. Having at least one car to makes trips, have meetups, and travel can make life more fulfilling and wholesome. While one person may not have a car or even several, if one individual has access to a vehicle, they can still benefit by working together to help the others out.

6.    Stay Honest

People who say they will change often forget to apply the effort because of laziness. Understandably, this is the hardest part, even when the answer to their solution is right in front of them.

In review, it’s not about how the activities is done, nor is there a correct way. The question to be asked is “how can life be easier with a car?” and bluntly put – can you be happy with and without a car. Trying to define what makes life easier is something that can’t be answered, however, having a driver's license with a car does offer enough room to create a schedule and make time for what matters most. Regardless of how you live and what you decide to do, the goal to achieve here is to make each day worth living.

EJ Lopes is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Creative holding a Creative Writing and Journalism Degree.

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