8 Easy To Follow Mindful Guides For Manifestation

A few tips for beginning the manifestation process.

   Finding reasons to smile these days can seem quite useless, especially with half of our faces covered. Focusing on the “changes” that have been introduced to us within the past year can lead one down a pretty negative rabbit hole. To see the light at the dark of this politically polluted tunnel is more challenging than ever before. What if there was a way to change one’s perspective completely, so that this pandemic gives a reason to smile through the polypropylene mask you wear daily. Practicing mindful manifestation can change your day to day and bring positive changes throughout. 

            Mindfulness practice begins within yourself, and not the self love affirmations on the mirror type of practice. Deeper than that, down to the core of what one believes to be true, the power of manifestation. In my experience the power of believing is the most essential ingredient to the recipe. After practicing a mindful mindset, as well as manifesting throughout the days here are 8 helpful tips to practicing a mindful manifestation:

  1. Have conviction in your goals

   In order for manifestation to unfold accurately, one must believe that what is being manifested can be obtained and, in a sense, already is. Just as the saying, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” This phrase is the perfect example of manifestation in action, by dressing as the business woman one strives to be, the beliefs are set and the goal is easier to obtain. Visualizing to a point of actual obtainment is the idea behind finding conviction.

   Beliefs were at the center of where I went wrong when beginning the manifestation process. Without realizing that even with a sliver of doubt it could throw off the balance within the universe that is bringing these beliefs to life. Understanding the Law of Attraction opened my mind to see that negative thoughts can alter the outcome of manifestation.

2. Find your preference of practice

   Beginning to unpack this more, manifestation can take many forms depending on what one prefers. Prayer, meditation, and even something tangible such as; vision boards. All ways to sit with oneself and ask what is going on in the sober mind, what does that soul long for. Religious practices may not be of the same origin exactly, but the similarities cannot be ignored. Based on preference, anyone can begin the manifestation process by utilizing examining their conscious and finding desired wants and goals.

   Growing up, I went to a Catholic School my whole life. I was able to see the religious take on manifestation practice. Of which was done mostly through pray and worship in Church and chapel time. This was something that was chosen for me, and I am grateful for the experience. Though going to a Catholic school I still felt a void inside of me, so I turned to manifestation practice through meditation, and love. Love for people, nature, and becoming a better me through self-healing. It brought new purpose in my life and allowed me to see many different beliefs and expand my knowledge further than would have if not attended Catholic schooling. Again, religious practice took up a large sum of my life and it is about finding what works best for you. 

3. Change your mindset

   With mindfulness comes a huge shift in mindset. Manifesting can be a very delicate situation especially if one does not understand the power of his/her thoughts and words. Thoughts are so private and of our own that it is sometimes forgotten that even what one is thinking, is being heard. Not by BIG BROTHER or whoever else but by your own self. If one is constantly thinking negatively, odds are their days will not be filled with positive people or events. Even more simplified, one of those “typical Monday’s” rolls around and there is no end to the problems that are encountered. Why? Typically, that mindset started off in the morning as just another Monday, not the most positive place. As the negative thoughts or words sit in the mind, it manifests its way into the day-to-day routines.

   Along with most humans, I have had a numerous amount of "bad days". WIth these bad days, come some of my worst days being mindful of how I am speaking to myself. Thoughts are so powerful to the point of manifesting events throughout your day within hours. Once those thoughts become words, that is when you are letting the universe know, exactly what you want to happen. “Debt free!” I would manifest this all day but the first word is still considered negative. Instead of using a negative word like debt, one could manifest abundance. The word abundant or abundance is positive in terms of what it will infect one’s mind. Using words that have multiple "avenues of revenue" I like to call it, is very beneficial. Example; manifesting the word abundance, allows for many different avenues of abundance to flow, such as abundance in health, wealth, and love. Manifestation requires the opening of one's mind and soul.

4. Understanding the way of the Law of Attraction

   This is all happening thanks to the Law of Attraction. What one puts out, they shall receive is the easy way to interpret it. Put out even the smallest bit, that is what will be heard. If one is putting out negative energy or hateful energy, that is what will come in return. All of this seems fragile and easy to get wrong, and that is true. Only reason it stands to be true though is because this is what has been conditioned in human minds to do. It is a trend in a strange way, to say things such as, “I hate myself” or “I want to kill myself.” Both of these phrases with a negative headspace and connotation behind it. Manifesting is all about the mindset and taking the time to be mindful of how one thinks and what one thinks about. 

   Experiencing the upcoming and now rise of technology and social media, I feel as if millennials and generation z alike, are now seeing the mental effects of mass media. The comments and likes have become a social class of their own. Verified or advertized accounts keep growing, Tik Tok's keep getting more views, and with this more hateful comments are left. I say this because when people read they process in their minds what is being said, some of which may begin to believe. The Law of Attraction is working with the universe to make our reality happen. Be mindful of all thoughts, words, and actions because they manifest what comes of your day to day. Karma is a witch.

5. Benefiting from the practice of mindfulness

   To begin in manifesting for a better self, one must start with mindfulness. The first, second and even 75th day will not be perfect but one will begin to realize that even changing the smallest of thoughts, make for big outcomes. As humans, we are told to believe whatever the authority figure above us believed. Breaking this cycle will set one’s mind free, and allow it to process and believe what it wishes to. It is not their “faults” and most likely was not the authority’s intention to speak such negativity into reality. Mindfulness assists in picking apart the positive from negative thoughts that race through the brain all day every day. Being aware is the first step to fixing any situation, and mindfulness and awareness are of the same team. They work hand in hand, in being mindful is checking yourself and being aware of what is manifesting in your brain

   Talk about hard work. Mindfulness practice is self reflection at every moment. At the beginning stages it can feel like you are going crazy and constantly talking to yourself all day. I have been working hard at mindfulness thinking for over a year now, and it is a brain workout. Can be exhausting for those that spend a lot of time and energy in their head already. I am one of those people, so the times of silence and writing out what specific thoughts were reoccurring were most beneficial. It can be very discouraging because of all the negatives that surround us, but getting back to the core self is the goal. Over exposure is one reason why it is essential, when manifesting to check yourself and be mindful of the energy that is being released from your being.

6. Being selective with energy and exposure of self

   Every human has free choice to be anywhere with anyone right now. In those choices we make, they can be seen as relatively good or relatively bad, depending on who's asking. Manifestation begins at the moment of interaction. In saying be selective about where your energy is spent, this is protecting your positive energy from interfering with negative. We choose this at some point in life. Also a choice, the exposure of self. Expose yourself to chaos and see what comes of your reality. Thoughts are stimulated from places outside the body, from what you read, to the actions around you, or what is playing on the TV. It is extremely important to be mindful of what is surrounding, when beginning to manifest your reality.

   The most fulfilling part of the idea of manifestation in my opinion is that it is up to each individual. Manifesting is a sole practice that can and will change the way the world thinks and reacts to situations. Whether or not we choose to react to the world around us is a significant choice to make. It is up to individual to do as they wish, manifest and bring about your life as you choose. Be mindful of those around you, but practice this as you please. Utilizing free will, and being true to yourself in that will jumpstart the manifestation process. 

7. Understand your emotions and shift them into happy thought

   Emotions fluctuate as hours pass and outside life is occuring. Work can be stressful, the neighbor can be annoying, or your mom may have just passed. Life is full of twists and turns that cause emotions to unfold and with this alters the thought process. Focusing on the emotions that are flooding in during specific instances is healthy in acknowledging emotions from thoughts and feelings. It is a momentary feeling that will lapse. Understanding how to shift your emotions back, and gain the thoughts back as well is a key part of mindfulness practice. 

   Growing up, emotions were not expressed through words of communication. It was a temper tantrum or slammed door when the secret was out that emotions were felt within someone. This unhealthy practice can lead to suppressed emotions which can lead to extremely hurtful/negative thinking. Breaking this habit is extremely difficult but communication can aid in switching thoughts from emotion based to manifesting your best self.

8. Express gratefulness and appreciation

   Expression of appreciation for what an individual already has is essential when manifesting. To be aware of what assets are in your day to day and show gratefulness for these objects and or people drives a positive force to continue to obtain usefulness in your reality. Appreciation is like a magnetic force that is asking for more from the universe, in the nicest way. Gratitude is an opening of heart and self, with this the universe is able to understand exactly what is being manifested. 

   I did not begin to understand the power of gratefulness until I felt as if I did not have much to be grateful about. This pessimistic mindset was driving not only my school life down, but also my finances and social life. I began to surround myself with people that did not give me much to be appreciative about and my reality began to reflect those around me. Changing my mindset to love and love only has made significant changes when it comes to being mindful. To set a goal of showing love and thinking with love has opened my eyes as to how unappreciative I am to myself and the world around me. I work hard to communicate my appreciation to those around me and I have seen a huge difference in my manifestation process.  

       The practice of manifesting can change the way the world works, and the way individuals see and participate in life. Being mindful of self is necessary and it seems to have been lost in anxiety about what so and so is doing here or there. Thoughts are the most powerful and then come words, which make the reality happen. In the thoughts and words, there is a grey are of what one believes to be true. Manifesting is taking that grey area and mindfully using it produce a soul want. I believe that at the soul level, everyone is good, as for we should produce “good” or positives. There is no science behind whether or not this will fix anything but at this point, I think it’s worth a shot.

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