Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution by Sheila D.

Standing Up For Feminism And Burning Bras In The New Revolution

Remember the days when women were fired for being pregnant? Girls refused admission to colleges because they were female? Separate employment sections in the paper for males and females? Neither do I. History tends to whitewash or misrepresent the plight of females throughout history. Bra burning is a myth that emerged during a protest at the Miss America contest in the fall of 1968. Women were rebelling against the idea of being put on a pedestal to please men based on their beauty. The “Freedom Trash Can” set in front of the contest encouraged women to burn items that were deemed “instruments of torture,” including high heels, girdles, and yes, bras- among other things.

Sheila D.
lifestyle . 6 min read
Easy To Learn Cakes For Half The Price by Sara

Easy To Learn Cakes For Half The Price

Cakes are an intricate part of the celebration; whether it be birthday celebrations, graduation ceremonies, or weddings. There is always a center table with a cake sitting pretty on it. Because cakes have high demand, prices are bound to be high or vary depending on size, flavour, and design. For this reason, it is more cost-effective for one to learn how to decorate a cake. This post will feature achievable designs that are pocket-friendly. I have compiled a few videos that I think are concise, and explain how to easily go about various cake designs. Therefore the tutorial would be practical rather than textual for enhanced comprehension and remembrance. The first tutorial starts in 5...,4...,3...,2...Start Piping!

lifestyle . 1 min read
Job-hopping For Mental Health, Be Free From Ties And Explore Different Lives by Sara Piselli Giunchi

Job-hopping For Mental Health, Be Free From Ties And Explore Different Lives

Have you ever felt stuck in your daily routine, felt a massive weight on your shoulders, and experienced huge swing moods (usually between extremely bored and overwhelmed by your tasks)? Have you ever wished to experience another way of living? Then, welcome to the club. Just ask around you or look at the faces of the people on the metro: what do you think they’ll tell you? I hate my job. Boss. Workmates. Whatever: the point is that they have had enough. I have got two words for you: job-hopping. That is to say, the art of changing the workplace every so often. Let’s answer a few questions that I have been asked throughout the years about my job-hopping.

Solutions To Common Excuses That Are Stopping You From Moving Out Of Your Parents' House by Zachary Buttram

Solutions To Common Excuses That Are Stopping You From Moving Out Of Your Parents' House

Whether you are 18 or 38, if you haven't moved out of your parents' house yet, the idea has undoubtedly crossed your mind. Maybe you have a toxic home life or simply want to gain independence. The problem is, whenever the thought pops into your head, it feels more like a fantasy or a dream, rather than something achievable. When the thought of moving out enters your head, what you tell yourself about the possibility of achieving it is vital to your success. Here are solutions to 13 excuses that prevent you from moving out of your parents' house. It will never seem financially viable to move out at a young age. The fact of the matter is, this is a lie that you are telling yourself which prevents you from actually succeeding. Take it from me, I moved out at the ripe age of 21. I was a full-time college student with only a part-time job getting paid minimum wage ($11 an hour at the time). And the cherry on top is that I live in one of the most expensive states in America... California!

30 Reasons Why Asheville, North Carolina Should Be On Your Vacation Bucket List by Kathlyn King

30 Reasons Why Asheville, North Carolina Should Be On Your Vacation Bucket List

Asheville is a beautiful and shining gem tucked away in the Smokey Mountains. I love Asheville, North Carolina. I have grown older and experienced the beauty that is in and around Asheville multiple times I took my first trip up to Asheville in 2005 when I was 12 years old. I have always loved the mountains, and we had taken many trips to the Smokey Mountains as a family before then. But going to Asheville for the first time offered completely new experiences for me and my family. There are many reasons why Asheville keeps me entranced and coming back. Here are 30 things to do while vacationing in Asheville, North Carolina.

Kathlyn King
lifestyle . 21 min read
8 Hints On Being Mindfully Childfree by Sara Piselli Giunchi

8 Hints On Being Mindfully Childfree

The term “childfree" is fairly recent, but it’s getting more and more popular as an increasing number of people are choosing not to have children. Not because they can’t or they’re “selfish” as society believes them to be, but for many different reasons that need to be heard and respected by those who leave their legacy on this planet through procreation. Being myself in the first category, I’ve laid down a few points. Is being a mum the best thing in the world? “I am so tired!” whispers with tears in her eyes one of the mothers in the childcare where I work. She’s at her second child, a baby and a toddler, and somehow looking forward to going back to work as her maternity leave will end soon.

10 Ways You Can Express Your Individuality Every Day by Emily Zane

10 Ways You Can Express Your Individuality Every Day

Getting stuck in the day-to-day monotony and humdrum of everyday life is a trap that we all fall into. As adults, we tend to allow our unique qualities and quirks to fade into the background of our daily life, living in ways that leave us lackluster and without spark. As children, we are taught the importance of expressing ourselves. We are taught to know our favorite color, favorite animal, and favorite song at a young age, and we ingrain these things inside ourselves, allowing them to manifest into qualities that make us who we are. However, as we grow up, we lose these qualities that make us unique.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 9 min read
10 Reasons Why You Need To Explore And Embrace Your Creativity by Emily Zane

10 Reasons Why You Need To Explore And Embrace Your Creativity

Creativity is a state of mind that fosters creation. When in this state of mind, we are in a flow state, completely focused on what it is we've set out to accomplish. The imagination is free-flowing and loose, able to explore the untapped areas of the mind. The term does not have to be forced into a box. When we think about what it means to be creative, our minds often settle on the image of someone painting a picture or forming a sculpture. However, creativity can take on many forms. It can be creating something out of nothing, it can be reading books to expand your mind, it can be taking part in new and exciting experiences, it can be daydreaming about the future.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 9 min read
The 12 Best Ways To Lift Your Mood Right Now by Emily Zane

The 12 Best Ways To Lift Your Mood Right Now

Everyone encounters blue days every now and then; they’re a part of the human experience. With happiness comes sadness, with positivity comes negativity, with sunshine, comes the rain. We must assume and accept that the down days will and do occur, and that’s not always in our control. Bad days can be caused by many things, both tangible and intangible. Your car might not start in the morning, your dog could’ve torn up your favorite shoe, you might have woken up late and had to skip breakfast, you could’ve found out you didn’t get the promotion at work. Days like this are to be expected. Yes, you will most likely experience more good days than bad, but you must expect a bad day to be sprinkled in the mix on occasion.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 10 min read
18 Ways You Can Take Care Of Yourself Today, This Week, And In This Moment by Emily Zane

18 Ways You Can Take Care Of Yourself Today, This Week, And In This Moment

Throughout the monotony of everyday life, the difficulties and challenges we regularly face, and the mounting stress that is often a byproduct of being an adult, we tend to push self-care aside and opt for instant gratification and immediate relief. We don’t take proper care of ourselves anymore in this obstreperous world, and we instead allow the busyness and unpredictability of life to expropriate the care and nurturance we are entitled to provide ourselves with. Taking care of yourself means that you are providing for your needs in ways that are conducive to enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing. In order to live a fulfilling life, we must satisfy our earthly needs as well as our inherent ones.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 15 min read
How To Build Your Confidence In 12 Straightforward Ways by Emily Zane

How To Build Your Confidence In 12 Straightforward Ways

Think of that person you know, the one we all know. He or she exudes an air of certainty, carries themselves with determination, and lives in a way that portrays spirit and tenacity. We all know someone like this, and we aspire to be like them. These are family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, bosses. Whether it’s you or someone you know, we can all zero in on that someone we’ve come across in our lives who is the epitome of self-confidence. Believing in your abilities, trusting in yourself and your potential, and having faith in your performance and skillset are all characteristics of self-confidence.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
8 Reasons Why We Need To Change Our Inner Dialogues Right Now by Emily Zane

8 Reasons Why We Need To Change Our Inner Dialogues Right Now

How often do you catch yourself saying something negative about how you look, something you’ve done, or something you’ve said? Chances are it’s pretty frequent. Self-criticism is the umbrella over all the mean, harsh things you say to yourself about who and what you are. To be self-critical means that you talk to yourself in a way that is negative and cruel, and while your intention may be good, the outcome rarely ever is. This talk track manifests toxicity and is a breeding ground for self-hatred. We are often critical of ourselves in order to force growth and development. We aren’t content with how we are, and we take charge of the discontent by mercilessly criticizing ourselves and our actions, attempting to create the change we desire.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 7 min read
10 Easy Tips For Living A Minimalist Life by Emily Zane

10 Easy Tips For Living A Minimalist Life

We live in a world with so much stuff. Stuff we need, stuff we want, stuff that promises to enhance our lives, make them more enjoyable and allow them to run more smoothly. As humans, we believe that stuff will make our lives more fulfilling. We work harder so we can have access to more things. We spend more hours in the office in order to make more money so we can afford to live a more luxurious lifestyle. It’s all about having more. More this, more that, more everything until we have it all. We want the newer car, we want the bigger house, we want a closet full of trendy clothes, we want the latest technology.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
How To Get What You Want And Still Feel Good About It by Emily Zane

How To Get What You Want And Still Feel Good About It

There are things in life we have to go out and get for ourselves. Things that are not simply given to us, things we have to earn and put effort towards receiving. Sometimes we have to ask for what we want, and other times we have to take actions that will award us the things we’re after. You must ask yourself what it is you want. Are you looking to earn a promotion at work? Are you trying to get a job in a competitive environment? Are you fighting for what’s rightfully yours in an argument? Are you trying to gain favor, appreciation, or praise? Identify what it is you’re truly after.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 11 min read
10 Simple Things You Can Do To Set Yourself Up For A Good Day by Emily Zane

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Set Yourself Up For A Good Day

Days typically fall into three different categories: the good, the bad, and those that land in between, those ho-hum days that just aren’t memorable. Experiencing all three types at one point or another is simply part of being human. We all live through our fair share of good, bad, and in-the-middle days, and we have become comfortable with that. We’ve come to terms with the fact that not all days are good; some are bad, and some are just so-so. We’ve accepted this as just how it is, and we’ve become complacent about changing the outcome of our days. Everyone has bad days. They are challenging, but they are a part of life. To be cliché, one could say that experiencing bad days allows us to truly value and cherish the good days.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 13 min read
How To Most Effectively Avoid Heartbreak Without Numbing Yourself In The Process by Emily Zane

How To Most Effectively Avoid Heartbreak Without Numbing Yourself In The Process

If you’re a living, breathing human being, chances are you’ve experienced heartbreak at some point in your life. To some degree, you’ve had your heart broken by someone or something and you’ve felt the deep pain that coincides with heartbreak. Heartbreak is, well, heartbreaking. Heartbreak is an experience that cuts extremely deeply and you feel the emotions to your core. You feel as though the pain will never end; you’ll always feel a strong sadness and deep anguish you’re experiencing, and those feelings will never go away. Heartbreak is something that we all carry with us. Whether it be from our childhood years with a crush who didn’t return the feeling, our teenage years where we were cheated on by our boyfriend or girlfriend, or our adult years where a marriage ends in divorce or a relationship takes a turn for the worst, heartbreak can come in many different shapes and sizes.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 6 min read
The Real, Honest Reason You're Unhappy With Your Life by Emily Zane

The Real, Honest Reason You're Unhappy With Your Life

We’re all human; we all experience those days where we’re feeling down, sad, and generally unhappy. There are things that cause that momentary unhappiness such as life circumstances, events that occur, needs not being met, and conflict within relationships. There are many daily situations that can bring our mood down and impact the way we feel about ourselves and our lives. Unhappiness comes in several different forms. To be unhappy, you are lacking joy and excitement in the moment, as well as the typical feelings of normalcy that come along with day-to-day monotony.

Emily Zane
lifestyle . 7 min read
Calcutta Meets Boston In The Tale That Spans Three Generations: The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri by Menaka Ravikumar

Calcutta Meets Boston In The Tale That Spans Three Generations: The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

The first time I got the chance to read Jhumpa Lahiri's writing, I was in an Introduction to Literary Studies class at college, and I had no real knowledge of how to appreciate her writing. But I picked up The Namesake two years later and thoroughly enjoyed listening to it via Libby, the Boston Public Library app. I also got a chance to read the paperback version of the book - something I rarely do when I pick up a book nowadays. I found myself drawn to The Namesake because I myself am an Indian immigrant, and the story made me wonder if by reading it I would feel more of a connection to my culture. I have lived in America for six years, and in Boston for three, so I sometimes find myself feeling like India, and Chennai, my Indian home, is a distant memory.

Best 10 Tips To Raise Your Energy Level And Crush Your Day by Roxane Bossavit

Best 10 Tips To Raise Your Energy Level And Crush Your Day

Even after a long night's sleep, we can feel tired, because exhaustion comes from many places - an emotional burden, poor diet, or more profound motives. It's important to take the time to introspect and find the reasons to then take action. Here are the tips to raise your energy levels and make the most of your day: I can already hear you sigh "I'm not a morning person". Actually, there's no such thing as a morning person or night owl, it's all about habits. You can train yourself to become a morning person if you want to. All you have to do is start putting your alarm half an hour earlier than usual.

4 Tips To Lose A Fight, With Your Outrageous Outer Look To Your Inner Self by NidhiSingh

4 Tips To Lose A Fight, With Your Outrageous Outer Look To Your Inner Self

Beauty has always been measured inside a very narrow frame. But in reality, the actual potential of beauty is much broader than anyone could ever think of. Beauty is not about all shimmer, brighter colors, and perfection. True beauty stands with the color. Here are the tips to feel confident and beautiful in your own skin. It is imperative to love yourself and embrace what you have. Knowing your own personality and factors which make you unique from others is really the reason to be happy about yourself. This era of digitization might be able to connect everyone digitally but it’s really tough to connect from one’s inner self.

lifestyle . 6 min read