Navigating Food Allergies In The Restaurant Industry

Scripted Version for FEI Podcast

Food allergies are common in restaurants, more than you think. One in three people report having a reaction in a restaurant so it’s important to understand the risks and training that are both provided when dining out and having food allergies. Going out to eat  is common between families, friends and colleagues, so learning what to eat in these spaces can provide a more safe and satisfying experience. 

But, what can restaurants and the food industry provide to create a safe and enjoyable experience? How can we keep ourselves and our families safe in environments that induce allergic reactions to certain foods? How can we manage our stress when we have partners that work in the food service industry, when we have severe food allergies? These are some topics we will talk about today.

Welcome to the Free-from Podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping individuals with restricted diets realize the fullest potential in their food. I am your host, Sofia and on today's episode we will talk about the restaurant industry's role in dietary restrictions and food allergies and how people manage them throughout their lives.


The restaurant industry is expected to boom to a whopping $898B in sales in 2022 coupled with a food service industry workforce of 400,000 people. These people and these sales include a community that suffer or manage food allergies and dietary restrictions. Take John and Lauren for instance, two of our guests on today's episode. John and Lauren are partners that experience management of food allergies throughout their relationship. John works in the food service industry as Lauren has strict dietary needs to avoid severe complications in her food allergy management. So how does this dynamic work in their relationship and when dining out together? 

When we come back we will talk to Lauren and John both about how they manage their lives with Laurens food allergies and John’s employment within the food sector.


Welcome back to Free-From Podcast everyone and thank you John and Lauren for coming on today’s show. We are talking about food allergies in the restaurant industry and how people manage them when dining out. 


So, we’ll start with you Lauren. Tell us what kind of food allergies you have. Can you recall your first allergic reaction in a restaurant setting?

What were some of your symptoms? How did you manage them while they were happening? 

John, tell us a bit about your background in the service industry. Do you experience any food allergies as well?

How have these revelations of your allergies affected your daily and dining life today?

I think a lot of people don’t understand what goes on behind the scenes when addressing food allergies in a restaurant setting. John, what precautions have your restaurant or previous restaurants taken to reduce the risk of food allergen reactions? Are there any training programs in place?

Lauren, what are some of the precautions you take before dining out or going to events knowing your dietary restrictions?

Before we wrap up today, I wanted to see if there was anything else you both would love to share today about food allergies and the food service industry.

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