15 HAUNTINGLY Good Haunts In Savannah, Georgia

exploring Georgia
Explore Georgia

As a born and bred South Georgian, who has been to Savannah more times than I can recall, and as a lover of all things paranormal and spooky, there are few places I love more than this city.

The hostess city doesn’t just host thousands upon thousands of tourists and locals with good food, beautiful architecture, and southern hospitality; it is also the permanent home to countless souls who are bound to loom over its squares, streets, taverns, inns, and halls for eternity.

Why is Savannah claimed to be one of the most haunted cities in the United States? Founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe, the city of Savannah has been no stranger to death, disease, and siege for almost 300 years of its existence.

One of the bloodiest battles of the American Revolutionary War took place here in 1779. Called “The Siege of Savannah”, the battle claimed roughly 240 souls and wounded around 600. General Sherman of the Union Army during the American Civil War ended his infamous “March to The Sea” in Savannah on December 21, 1864. Though sparring Savannah from flames and destruction, as he had done to the city of Atlanta, an untold amount of souls were lost between the soldiers and civilians trying to escape the attack on their city.

Like any major port city, Savannah also had suffered the sweeping effects of epidemic spikes; like the 1820 Yellow Fever Epidemic that killed roughly 700 lives. In Colonial Park Cemetery, there is a mass grave of the many yellow fever victims and a plaque commemorating the souls lost to just one of nine epidemics that have plagued Savannah.  

Also being like any major port city, before the Civil War, Savannah was built on and depended on the labor of enslaved people. Slave auctions in Savannah were held on Ellis and Wright Squares, and a slave yard was near Johnson Square. However, the largest slave auction in recorded US history was held in Savannah in 1859.

The slave auction was so large, it couldn’t take place in either Ellis or Wright Square or even within the city limits itself. Known to history as “The Weeping Time”, the auction took place on Ten Broeck Race Track, modern-day Butler Island near Savannah. Between March 2nd and 3rd of 1859, approximately 436 innocent men, women, children, and babies were sold by Pierce Meade Butler, an indebted slaveholder, and plantation owner.

With so much death and misery seeped into the souls of Savannah, is there any wonder why this city claims the title of most haunted city in America?

These are eight hauntingly good haunts for both the living, and the dead, in Savannah, Georgia.

1. The Pirates’ House

The Pirates’ House Georgia
The Pirates’ House

As the oldest standing structure in Savannah, and the entire state of Georgia, what is now known as the Pirates’ House was the home of the gardener of the Trustees’ Garden-specifically in part of the establishment called the “Herb House”.

The Trustees’ Garden was established less than four months after Oglethorpe arrived in 1733, as the first public agricultural experimental garden in America. By 1753, the Trustees’ Garden was decommissioned to make way for more residential areas, and this construction was added to the Herb House to create an inn and tavern for visiting sailors and pirates.

inside the Pirates house

In an inn that’s over 250 years old, there are still lingering souls that have remained long after their bodies have checked out. One of the most famous resident souls is a ghost of a captain called “Captain Flint”. Captain Flint is the fictional character from the booked “Treasure Island”; who in the book, visited the Pirates’ House and died in Savannah, Ga.

tunnel inside the Pirates house

Captain Flint, along with other apparitions has been seen and heard walking through the building. Sometimes the old sea dog makes guest appearances to some poor server closing up shop for the night.

Nowadays, the Pirates’ House is a local hotspot with some scary good food and drink. And don’t forget to tip your server, Captain Flint might get you if you don’t.

2. River Street

River Street Georgia
Go South! Savannah

River Street in Savannah, Georgia was, and still is, the main artery for travel and commerce from the very beginning of the town's history. It’s that infamous street right on the Savannah River and is in every depiction of Colonial Savannah. The location is River Street was strategic, as far as Oglethorpe was concerned, because it was far enough inland where it wouldn’t be a sitting duck on the open seas and open for attack.  

However, the land that would become River Street and what would become the modern-day historic district was already being used by the Yamacraws Tribe as a burial ground. The first buildings to occupy River Street were the docks, warehouses, slave yards, and tunnels.

ghosts fo the river street
ghosts of the River Street

Long before the days of OSHA, countless men became wandering spirits by horrific means during the endless construction to build River Street and the city of Savannah. Tunnels were constructed under River Street to haul cargo-both human and inanimate-to their destinations to be sold and loaded to and from the docks. One tunnel from River Street leads to the Pirates’ House where men were shanghaied to work on ships.

Today, River Street is a must-stop to any trip to Savannah, for both locals and tourists. I have to stop there every time I visit Savannah, and I’m a local to the area.

3. The Old Harbour Inn

The Old Harbour Inn Georgia
Old Harbour Inn

What was once a warehouse that stored two of Georgia’s most lucrative commodities-cotton and slaves-for shipping and selling, the Old Harbour Inn is now what many would describe as “a blend of southern hospitality and the paranormal”. Built on River Street in 1812, the building that would become the Old Harbour Inn was a warehouse turned factory.  

In the early 1800s, River Street was a scathing cesspool of back-breaking labor and human trafficking. The end result of which often ended in death and untold misery for the countless souls. Slaves were often held in one of the warehouses on River Street, like the one that would become the Old Harbour Inn, where they would be trafficked through the tunnels to either be sold on Wright or Ellis Square or loaded back onto ships.

However, the buildings that were warehouses on River Street, including the one that would become the Old Harbour Inn, were removed and rebuilt as factories and inns. Beginning in 1888 and into 1889, a new building, the headquarters for the Tide Water Oil Company, was placed directly above the spot of the original warehouse. But, alas, fire claimed the entire sight in 1892.

ghosts of the olde harbour inn Savannah Georgia
ghosts of The Old Harbour Inn

The Tide Water Oil Company would rebuild the sight in its entirety. Today, the building that now stands as the Old Harbour Inn is the building that was rebuilt after the fire in 1892.

Like the Pirates’ House, the Old Harbour Inn also has an infamous resident ghost called “Hank”. No one really can pinpoint exactly where Hank came from, but legend has it that he was a worker who died in one of the fires that claimed the building in Savannah’s heated past. Hank is often associated with the smell of cigar smoke that mysteriously lofts around the building.

4. The Moon River Brewing Company

The Moon River Brewing Company, Georgia

Like the Old Harbour Inn, the building that would become the Moon River Brewing Company has a longer history than the current establishment that occupies it. The building that would become the Moon River Brewing Company has completed in 1821as a hotel called the “City Hotel”. Not only did it serve as the first hotel in Savannah, but also the first branch of the United States Post Office in Savannah, a branch of the Bank of the United States, and of course a bar all within the same time frame.

The building also served as a makeshift hospital during the time of Savannah’s yellow fever epidemics; in which the upper floors saw hundreds of deaths-many of which were children. The hotel was still in operation until 1864 when General Sherman arrived in Savannah.

haunted moon river brewing company
haunted moon river brewing company

The entire building that has become the Moon River Brewing Company is said to be haunted by ghost children lost during the yellow fever epidemics, as well as the ghost of a woman clad in white referred to as “the white lady”. The basement is visited by the resident ghost “Toby” and can be seen moving through the shadows of the dark corners of the basement.

On the second floor, the ghost of murdered James Stark is said to linger where he was shot down during a brawl. In the main dining area, there are reported to be multiple spirits that drop in on unsuspecting guests. One is an entity that likes to hang around the ladies restroom, like a total creep. And another one is a Victorian lady that likes to drop by the bar for a pint. 

5. 17Hundred90Inn

haunted 17Hundred90Inn
haunted 17Hundred90Inn

Despite the name, the 17Hundred90Inn was not built in 1790. The inn actually consists of three buildings; with the first two coming together in 1821 and 1823, and the last-most eastern part completing the inn in 1888. Like the Moon River Brewing Company, the 17Hundred90Inn is a must-stop on my haunted pub crawl that this city has to offer.

haunted 17Hundred90Inn
inside the haunted 17Hundred90Inn

17Hundred90Inn has two main resident ghosts, one called “Anne”, and the other is said to be the ghost of a voodoo practitioner. Anne lives upstairs at the Inn, primarily in Room 204. Anne has a rather mischievous streak, as reported by staff and guests, as she likes to move and/or rearrange things. Some guests even report some things going missing. I hope she at least puts them back before they leave.

The ghost of the voodoo practitioner is a much more malevolent spirit than Anne of 204. The voodoo practitioner is said to haunt the kitchen and is said to not like women entering their territory. Pots being thrown, people being pushed, and mean-spirited pranks being played on women are said to be the calling card of the voodoo practitioner.

ghosts in the haunted 17Hundred90Inn
ghosts in the haunted 17Hundred90Inn

While it doesn’t have a name like Anne, the voodoo practitioner is believed to the the “servant” (i.e. probably slave) of the family that owned the inn during its early days. No wonder it’s so angry.

6. Colonial Park Cemetery

Gallivanter Tours colonial park cemetry
Gallivanter Tours

It might be weird to consider a cemetery as a place to frequent, and this makes it a haunt. But I’m a creep-loving weirdo who loves cemeteries. I find them oddly comforting, and very humbling. Even being smack in the middle of downtown Savannah, with all of the noise of a large city, Colonial Park Cemetery is pretty quiet.

The entire cemetery is pretty large, it’s six acres with roughly 10,000 bodies beneath its soil. Probably well over 10,000 to be exact. There is not one square inch with the walls of the cemetery that has not been concreted by death.

Death and its bodies extend far beyond the walls of the cemetery.  If you ever walk around downtown Savannah, specifically near the cemetery, try no to trip on the uneven bricks of the sidewalks. The uneven bricks just ring in the earth are the result of countless burials rotting and being desecrated to make way for the living above. Wooden coffins old rot and collapse in the earth, and this making anything built above them sink into the ground.

haunted Colonial Park Cemetery
haunted cemetry

The cemetery has such a long and interesting history that an entire post could be dedicated to it. Here are some interesting details about the cemetery. Like all the other hits on this list, Colonial Park Cemetery has numerous resident ghosts, one of them being the ghost is Rene Rondolier. Rene is said to haunt around “the hanging tree” (southern for any big Spanish moss tree) as well as follow lone women walking in the cemetery.  

The prevalent practice of voodoo in Savannah is the reason why Colonial Park Cemetery has operating hours from 8 am to 8 pm; as some voodoo spells, like the one depicted in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, requires grave dirt over an according to time. A good spell needs grave dirt before midnight, and after midnight for evil spells.  

Also, as previously mentioned, Colonial Park Cemetery is also the resting place for over 700 lives lost to the Yellow Finger Epidemic of 1820.

I will have to do a full blog on Colonial Park Cemetery someday!

7. The Savannah Theatre

Visit Savannah

The Savannah Theatre is the one place on this list that I have not been to myself, and I could kick myself for it!  The theatre was built in 1818, and to this day is considered one of the oldest in the United States. The theatre has such a deep history that it has three named resident ghosts: “Betty”, “Ben”, and “The Director”.  

Betty is said to be the ghost of n actress who loved the stage so much, that she just couldn’t go on when her curtain dropped. She is said to be seen in full costume waiting behind the curtain for her big moment.

inside the haunted savannah theatre
inside the haunted savannah theatre

Ben is said to be the spirit of a young boy who is quite the trickster, as he is credited to a lot of pranks being pulled around the theatre. I’m sure he is enjoying all of the free shows he gets to waste his for the rest of his afterlife.  

The Director is the most well-known resident of the theatre. This ghost mostly makes their presence known to those working at the theatre. Actors rehearsing can often hear The Director shouting at them and critiquing their performance. Thankfully, The Director seems to stay quiet during shows. Maybe he’s relishing in the good work of the performance.

8. Madison Square

Lucky Savannah

This last spot on this list was a tough one to call. I have mentioned several squares here, but not Madison Square thus far. Madison Square is the sight of another Revolutionary War battle and also the sight of another mass burial ground. Many of the dead from the Battle of Savannah was buried in what is now Madison Square.  

Some of those buried at the time may not have been dead when they were thrown into the mass grave, as it wasn’t uncommon to mistakenly bury the near dead. The main resident ghost of Madison Square is an unnamed solid black shadow person.

haunted Madison Square
inside the haunted Madison Square

This shadow person is reportedly seen day and night in the square. For all those paranormal enthusiasts, Madison Square is an excellent place to try and capture EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon).  

Madison Square has the infamous Sorrel-Weed house in its block. 

9. The Sorrel-Weed House


The Sorrel-Weed house is reported to be one of the most haunted houses in the entire city. Not only is the house located at one of the paranormally charged areas in the city, but it also has a tragedy of its own to boot. In 1859, Matilda Sorrel, wife of Francis Sorrel, jumped to her death in a fit of hysteria from the home's balcony after discovering her husband was having an affair with her closest slave woman, Molly.

Sometime later, Molly having been stricken with grief was discovered hanging in her room, above the carriage house, having supposedly killed herself. However, it is also speculated that Molly was murdered by Francis Sorrel by being hung in her room. EVPs of screaming and an altercation have been collected from Molly’s room above the carriage house that seems to confirm this speculation.

inside the haunted Sorrel-Weed House
inside the haunted Sorrel-Weed House

Today, the house is a feature in many of the city’s renowned ghost tours and even has a daytime tour and nightly paranormal tour. The spirits of Molly and Matilda are reportedly the main resident spirits of the house, with both making full-bodied appearances from the windows and in photos.

I firmly believe the claims of it being one of the most haunted houses in all of Savannah. I took a tour of the Sorrel-Weed house on my last visit to Savannah. Downstairs, in the area that once functioned as a surgeon’s office, I swear on my life I heard a scream!

10. The Olde Pink House

haunted Olde Pink House
Old Pink House Restaurant

The Olde Pink House is one of the recognizable restaurants and taverns in the hostess city. Its iconic pink exterior makes it a beauty to behold in the downtown area of Savannah. The house was completed in 1789 by, James Habersham Jr, who was the son of James Habersham Sr., a British Loyalist.

During the Revolutionary War, the house was used to occupy British soldiers, which caused even more bad blood between Habersham Sr and his sons-who were fighting on the side of the Americans. It is speculated that Habersham Jr had committed suicide in the basement, in what is now the tavern part of the Olde Pink House. However, there is little to no historical evidence to back up those claims.

inside the haunted Olde Pink House
inside the haunted Olde Pink House

The Olde Pink House is said to contain several resident spirits, including Habersham Jr, another male spirit-possibly Joseph Habersham, a sad female spirit, and, of course, ghost children. Habersham Jr. is said to be a meticulous spirit who likes everything neatly in order. Servers have reported messy workstations and tables being left in pristine order when they return.

inside the haunted Olde Pink House
inside the haunted Olde Pink House

The other Habersham spirit is said to be a fun and rowdy type that likes to hang around the bar and toast with inspirited patrons. The unnamed female spirit can be heard sobbing and weeping on the second floor of the house.

She has been heard by both customers and employees. And because this is Savannah, after all, the spirits of children can be heard playing in the halls from the time when the house actually operated as a house.

If you do ever go to the Olde Pink House, I recommend their fried green tomato BLT.

11. Laurel Grove Cemetery

Laurel grove cemetery
Laurel Grove cemetery

When Colonial Park Cemetery maxed out capacity in the 1840s, Laurel Grove Cemetery was the solution to Savannah’s growing dead problem. It became the main cemetery for the city until the late Victorian age. The Laurel Grove Cemetery has two sections, the north section reserved for whites, and the south section reserved for slaves and free people of color.

inside the Laurel grove cemetery
inside the Laurel Grove cemetery

Ghosts and ghouls don’t wait until night to make their grand appearances here. Many specters have been seen in broad daylight here. Like Colonial Park Cemetery, the main reason why the cemetery is so haunted is because of the sheer number of dead that now call the soil its forever home.

inside the Laurel Grove cemetery
inside the Laurel Grove cemetery

Acts of spiritualism, like Voodoo and witchcraft, have been more reported here, likely because the location of the cemetery gives the practitioner more peace than say Colonial Park Cemetery-which is right in the middle of downtown.

12. The Marshall House Hotel

The InnBox

We’re back on River St. with another haunted hotel. Unlike many other haunted hotels in Savannah that claim to be “one of the most haunted hotels” in the city, the Marshall House Hotel is claimed to be THE most haunted hotel in Savannah. Also unlike many other haunted hotels in Savannah, the Marshall House Hotel was originally built as a hotel in 1851 by Mary Marshall.

The Marshall House remained open to the public right up until the middle of the Civil War when it was used as a Union hospital from 1864-65 when Sherman’s troops occupied the city.

Ghosts are a-plenty in the Marshall House Hotel. Anything that was used as a Civil War hospital is bound to have a few lingering spirits lying around. Renovations of the hotel throughout the years have unearthed remains of Civil War soldiers.

inside the haunted Marshall House Hotel
inside the haunted Marshall House Hotel

Soldiers with missing body parts have been seen wandering aimlessly in the lobby and halls. Horrid smells have been reported in Rooms 314 and 414, like the smell of rotting flesh from amputated limbs continues to linger in the air.

The spirit of Mary Marshall is also reported to be among the permanent residents of her fine establishment.

And what haunted hotel in Savannah would be complete without ghost children. Because of Savannah, of course. However, these ghost children aren’t just content with playful laughter in the halls at night. Some ghost children have been reported playing in guest's rooms, and even biting on one occasion!

13. The Six Pence Pub

Six Pence Pub

The Six Pence Pub adds a British flair to a city with already so much to offer. Said to be “the most authentic English pub in Georgia”, the Six Pence Pub is one of the city’s favorite watering holes.

Unlike many of the other places on this list, the Six Pence Pub doesn’t have any identifiable resident ghosts sticking around for another pint after death.

inside the haunted Six Pence Pub
inside the haunted Six Pence Pub

The building it occupies is probably 100+ years old and is definitely built on top of more than a few graves. Apparently, the ghosts of the pub don’t like the staff too much as most of the activity is witnessed by the staff and is mostly in the kitchen. 

Maybe the ale is so good there, it keeps customers coming back long after their dead?

14. Factor’s Walk

Savannah, Ga

Factor’s Walk is one of those things that is just hiding in plain sight but is often overlooked. I even admit, as many times as I’ve been to Savannah, I have never known of its existence until I conducted research for this blog. And I have even been on it too!

Factor’s Walk is the area behind River St. and Bay Street. It gets a tone of foot traffic to be so overlooked. This area is filled with alleyways, iron rod little bridges that lead from shops, restaurants, and hotels to the sidewalk. There are cobblestones streets just below, with vaults built into the brick that housed commodities for transport from the tunnels to the docks. Many of those commodities were slaves.  

As previously mentioned, Factor’s Walk is the entrance to now sealed-off tunnels that snake all through the historic district of Savannah. Moans and groans, maybe even a few screams, can sometimes be heard from the vaults and the sealed-off entrances to the tunnels at night when the city's living are at their most quiet.

inside the haunted Factors walk Savannah Georgia
inside the haunted Factors walk Savannah Georgia

Shadow figures can be seen lurking in the alleyways and cobblestone streets of Factor’s Walk. A feeling of helplessness is often reported by visitors of the area, even I do recall a sudden way of despair hitting me like a ton of bricks while walking on Factor’s Walk.

Next time I visit Savannah, I will be sure to visit Factor’s Walk with the remembrance of all the helpless souls that making their way through that forgotten walk.

15. Fort McAllister

Georgia State Parks

Every person who was once a grade-schooler even remotely in the area of Savannah remembers a school trip to Fort McAllister at some point.

Built along the Ogeechee River, Fort McAlisster was built on the grounds of a rice plantation owned by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Longworth and served as a fort for the confederacy during the Civil War. The fort was placed along the Ogeechee River strategically to keep the citizens of Savannah safe from attacks and served as a secure waterway to bring trade in and out of Savannah during the war.

When Sherman made his way to the fort in 1864, the slaughter of a battle commenced where over half of the Confederate soldiers stationed there lost their lives. Reports from the battle detail how the fight was so brutal that butts of the muskets were used a clubs in hand-to-hand combat. After the battle, the fort was used as a prison camp by the Union army.

haunted Fort McAllister
haunted Fort McAllister

Workers in the 1930s would report disembodied sounds throughout the day and night. Military commands, cannon fire, moans, and groans were reported among the men working on the fort. Modern park rangers at the fort have reported a headless apparition standing on one of the land mounds around the fort. A cat ghost has also been reported wandering around the fort from time to time. Did this cat bring comfort to those imprisoned at the fort?

Savannah is one of my favorite places in the states. I am so fortunate to have grown up in the area where I can visit Savannah pretty often. I love the beauty of how much history is in the city, and how the modern city grew around its haunting past. Today, Savannah is as colorful as the people who call the city their home. You could say that Savannah is so captivating that people come back to sit a spell long after their body checks out.

Hi! My name is Kathlyn and I love travel, history, foodies, and all things paranormal.

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