Why Mental Health Is Not Taboo Anymore?

The isolation has not only brought the entire world to a standstill but has also managed to make the people understand the true value of one's own mental health.

Due to the precautionary measure of maintaining social distancing and self-isolation being advocated to curb Covid 19, I often found myself sitting face to face with the one thing I preferred running away from, My mental health. 

It made me wonder whether it's actually okay to not be okay, or is it really? Before now did we even have the time to think of that, to begin with? I might face some heat for writing this but I still feel it's worth the shot. 

Sadly, in India, Mental health issues are even bigger taboo than in the west. Us, 'proud' millennials constantly boast about how modern, progressive, educated, ambitious and successful we are yet we fail to even acknowledge let alone actually even attempt to understand even the basics of mental health. We sure don't waste a single breath to point fingers when things go wrong.

We often even blame our parents, families, or even society by large for being less sensitive towards such delicate issues but are we even half as kind to ourselves if we fall a victim to it? Honestly, we don't really give a damn about it as long as it doesn't mess with our ability to constantly be in denial and put a brave face on for the world to see. Oh, and dear lord it never would or it's just what we choose to believe in because "We are not MAD!" 

I for one have lost count of the number of times I've heard people say that to a person whose mental health might just be in shambles but they wouldn't want to actually believe that because again, "Get Busy, work harder and trust me you will feel better! Achieving your professional goals will rid you of your mental and emotional misery"

Mental health is not a taboo

During the lockdown, it came as such a shocker that a lot of supposedly 'successful' Bollywood A-Listers ended up committing suicide. Even though a few of them are open cases as of now but the sad fact is that a person resorted to taking their his/her own life yet a lot of people aren't still willing to admit what a burden poor mental health can be for the person suffering from it or that they even weren't mentally fit for quite some time. 

We never really made stable mental health as a necessity to lead a happy, successful, and balanced life. As long as we are politically and socially conscious, are constantly on our toes and of course future-focused, all is good! In fact, to add to that more the zeros on our paychecks the happier and positive we would feel.  

As if by having the perfect job, the perfect house, and all the bounties and privileges available to mankind we are entitled to feel happier. This Toxic notion and idea of happiness and success are so deeply ingrained within us that we choose, not to believe it. We happen to be so future-focused with the idea of creating our 'Perfect Instagram(able) worthy lives' that we don't even allow ourselves the time to take a breather and just for once have the courage to ask ourselves whether this is the kind of 'perfect' what we truly even wanted in the first place or is this just a way to be a part of the herd?

How about the perfectly imperfect life we might wish to have as long as we feel happy with ourselves and are not constantly weighed down with the escalating pressure to  Look and feel perfect mentally and physically, at all times. To have our head in the game and dare not lose it either.

It's a shame how we wouldn't bat an eyelid at a person who might be unwell or may be physically challenged but readily labels a mentally ill person as "Insane" or simply a hopeless case. Honestly, the world would be such a comforting place to be if only we were taught how to be more loving, supportive, and accepting towards ourselves and others too, Just the way we are. The Good with the bad, the dark parts with the light. 

Opinions and Perspectives

This article really hits home. I've struggled with anxiety for years but always felt pressure to keep it hidden from colleagues and friends.

I appreciate how the author points out the disconnect between our supposedly progressive mindset and our actual attitudes toward mental health.

The part about successful Bollywood stars really shows that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their status or wealth.

I disagree that millennials don't care about mental health. In my experience, we're actually more open to discussing it than previous generations.

The lockdown forced many of us to face our mental health head-on. It was challenging but maybe that's what we needed.

Interesting perspective, but I think the article oversimplifies the progress we've made in mental health awareness, especially in urban India.

The Instagram-perfect life comparison really resonates with me. We're all trying to maintain this facade of perfection.

I work in HR and I've seen a positive shift in how companies are approaching mental health support for employees.

Can't believe we still use words like mad and insane so casually. Language matters when discussing mental health.

I feel seen. The pressure to just work harder and get busy when feeling down is so real.

What struck me most was the part about being kind to ourselves. We're often our own harshest critics.

The article makes some valid points, but I think it's too harsh on society's progress. Things are slowly changing for the better.

My parents still don't understand anxiety or depression. They just say Get over it or Think positive.

Working harder isn't always the answer. Sometimes we need to work smarter and take care of ourselves first.

I've noticed more people openly discussing therapy on social media. That was unthinkable just a few years ago.

The comparison between physical and mental illness treatment in society is spot on. We need to bridge that gap.

I actually found the lockdown helped me focus on my mental health. Finally had time to start therapy.

Talking about mental health is one thing, but access to affordable treatment is still a huge issue.

The pressure to maintain a perfect social media presence definitely impacts mental health negatively.

I wish schools would teach children about mental health from an early age. It would make such a difference.

This reminds me of how my workplace still treats mental health days differently from sick days.

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