Election Day 2020: A Fun Time For All

Catch the anxiety in a paragraph, like a photo of a disaster. Frame it as a sign of the times, so all can feel themselves in that moment.

As a gay guy with a Hispanic boyfriend I have a lot to lose in an election, yet I don't have a candidate that supports my interests. Go figure. Or be outraged by  the unfairness of the situation, a lot of people are these days. With all the brutality, racial insensitivity, and pandemonium it's hard to feel anything besides tension.

Speaking in the moment, the pandemic is burning the bridges of human connection that we desperately need. I wonder how much worse it'll get before it gets better, maybe we're an inch from rock bottom, maybe a mile. However it's important to remember the American way, and the legendary American willpower, those who overcome and achieve irregardless of any obstacle. What can you be in America? anything.

Every race and culture can thrive in this environment, there's at least one rich and famous person from every walk of life, and that's something beautiful. Now the question that causes riots, will that change? There's been a lot of progress in a very short amount of time, is that going to be reversed?

Ultimately that depends on what happens in the next few hours and the four years that result from it. To all who read this, be stricken with courage to move into tomorrow, for the past has passed, today only comes once.

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