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The fear of being naked is called gymnophobia and there is a reason the word gym is in it. Going to the gym makes us feel exposed and vulnerable. We put ourselves out there, on display for everyone to see. We want to go to the gym to get in shape and live the life we know that we deserve.
However, being in a place where everyone is in shape, makes us feel vulnerable because we compare ourselves to others. We feel naked, exposed, and vulnerable. But there are ways to get over your fears at the gym and build confidence. Here are ten different ways to get over your fear of going to the gym.
There are many different types of gyms out there. Gyms cater to their clientele after all. There are bodybuilder gyms, women-only gyms, and gyms for beginners.
Taking a tour of different facilities helps you find what you are comfortable with. You will learn a lot about a place by simply touring the facility. A first-hand account of the place is better than a second-hand review.
In college, I decided to sign up for a gym membership at Planet fitness, even though I already had one at my college. I did not like using the gym at my college because it was mostly filled with student-athletes.
Everyone else there was already in shape, knew what they were doing, and had a routine, while I did not. I decided to go to a place where I felt more comfortable because that gave me the confidence to work out. A part of being confident is in finding a space where you feel comfortable.
To feel more confident, you should research the different types of gym equipment and exercises. When you are uncertain of what to do, your confidence fades.
Most people avoid machines and free weights, simply because they do not know how to use them. There are a variety of ways to find out more about machines, equipment, and exercises. With the different amounts of knowledge you accumulate, the more you will know what to do.
My gym had an app that showed me the different types of equipment, what part of the body was targeted, and how to use the machine properly. The app also offered a variety of different types of exercise, that ranged from beginner to advanced.
Now that I knew how the weight machines worked, I felt more confident using the equipment. This was because I took the time to research the different types of equipment.
In a scientific article written by Isaac Marks, who works at the University of London, the benefits of exposure therapy are reviewed. By constantly exposing ourselves to what causes fear or anxiety, people are better able to tolerate their phobia.
In other words, to help get over this fear of unfamiliar places, such as the gym, people need to be consistent to build up their confidence through prolonged exposure. Fear is only overcome by facing them, but you can control how long to face them.
When I started going to the gym, I decided to set a timer for thirty minutes. I’d work out until the timer went off, then I would leave. As I frequented the gym more, I increased my time limit.
I went from thirty to forty, to fifty, until I was finally at the gym for an hour. When I made it to the end of the timer, I felt good about myself because I felt like I was working on my fears. This helped me to build confidence.
By starting off with a set of light weights you are able to properly learn an exercise. Building muscles or losing weight takes time, effort, and consistency.
It’s important that you understand the motions of an exercise, have control over the weights and are in the proper position yourself during a set.
Swinging a heavy set of weights around, will not help you. It will most likely hurt you in the process. Don’t hurt yourself, to keep up with your ego.
Start small and work your way up gradually. After all, nothing hurts your ego more than hurting yourself in front of others.
I learned this lesson the hard way. I tried to lift more than I could handle and ended up hurting my knees. I had to take it easy for 3 months so that my muscles could recover. This impacted every part of my life. After I recovered, I took everything gradually so that I could work my way up and keep myself safe.
If you want to build confidence in the gym, avoid peak hours. Naturally, you will compare yourself to others and in the early stages of going to the gym, this is disheartening.
By giving yourself time to ease into a space, you are more likely to feel comfortable. When you're first learning how to swim you don't jump into a pool full of people, you start off small in a non-crowded space.
I don't go during peak hours at my gym. This is because more machines are available, I'm able to practice new exercises, and the locker room is less crowded. I am more comfortable with how much more is available, without all of the gym members there. I don’t go during peak hours because I'm more comfortable working out by myself.
Getting changed in a room full of strangers is nerve-wracking. The thought of stripping in a room full of strangers is uncomfortable, especially if we are unhappy with the way we look.
People who start going to the gym have problems with their body image. We are afraid that others will judge us, as harshly, as we judge ourselves. To avoid this simply change before you go to the gym until you are comfortable changing in front of others.
You're going to sweat, it's going to happen no matter what. The gym is the one place where it's socially acceptable to sweat. There really is not a need to feel embarrassed because you are working on yourself.
You are only going to lose weight or gain muscle by putting in hard work. Sweating is a sign that you are working on yourself.
When I go to the gym, I usually wear dark-colored polyester shirts. Polyester is lightweight and moisture-wick, which means that your sweat marks will not be as visible and that it will evaporate faster than if you wore a cotton T-shirt.
We are more comfortable when we have someone by our side, so take a friend. Whenever we want to feel more confident we want to have someone by our side. By going with a friend, we feel that we can do more than if we went by ourselves. So take a friend or make a gym buddy.
After work, I would go to the gym with my friend. In the beginning, it was more comfortable than going by me and it gave us time to catch up. I was able to build up confidence this way because I knew that I was not alone.
Music alters our mood, so make a playlist. If you want to feel more confident then play your favorite songs. If you feel yourself quitting play an upbeat song and if you start to slow down play slower songs. Music will help you get into a headspace that allows you to perform at peak performance.
Focus on yourself and not others, because you came to the gym for yourself. We all have anxious thoughts but that doesn't mean we should give in to them. You should focus on your growth and not your self-doubt.
To celebrate your successes, remind yourself that you are doing good and have come a long way. Even if you've only gone to the gym one day, remember that's one day more than you've gone. Celebrate your success.
I really needed this article. I've been putting off joining a gym for months because I feel so intimidated by the whole experience.
The tip about avoiding peak hours is so important. I started going at 6am and it made such a difference in my comfort level.
I disagree about changing at home first. I think it's better to just dive in and get used to the locker room right away. The longer you avoid it, the scarier it becomes.
Your point about Planet Fitness vs college gym really resonates with me. I switched from a hardcore gym to a more beginner-friendly one and my anxiety disappeared.
I love that this addresses the psychological aspects of gym anxiety. Most articles just say get over it but this actually provides practical solutions.
The playlist suggestion is spot on! I created a power hour mix and it completely changes my mindset when I walk in.
Starting small is crucial advice. I injured myself trying to lift too heavy too soon because I was embarrassed to use lighter weights.
What helped me most was realizing nobody is actually looking at you. Everyone is focused on their own workout.
I actually prefer going during busy hours. The energy of others motivates me and makes me push harder.
The research tip about equipment is great but I found watching tutorial videos more helpful than reading about them.
My biggest challenge is still the locker room. I wish the article gave more specific advice about dealing with that anxiety.
Setting a time limit was a game changer for me. Started with 20 minutes and now I'm up to full hour sessions.
I feel like this glosses over how expensive gym memberships can be. That's another big barrier for many people.
Taking a friend really does help. My buddy and I keep each other accountable and make it fun.
The sweat thing is real! I used to be so self-conscious but now I wear it as a badge of honor.
My personal approach was to start with just cardio machines until I felt comfortable enough to try weights.
I joined a women-only gym and it made such a difference in my comfort level.
The article is right about exposure therapy. Each visit gets easier if you stick with it.
I wish more gyms would offer proper orientation sessions for new members.