9 Things You Need To Know About Deforestation
9 facts about cattle farming and governments that keep deforestation happening.

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9 facts about cattle farming and governments that keep deforestation happening.
It's more than just putting on a costume and dancing around the stage.
Albert Einstein got his insights not so much from thinking as from being silent...
In the gym weighted exercises like the bench press, deadlift and squat are regarded as the backbone of lifting. A bodyweight exercise that should should stand on the same stage as those is the pull-up.
Motivation is an important element in all walks of life without which all human activities would cease to exist. Human beings are driven by the motivation to succeed in life and live their lives trying to fulfill their dreams, goals, and aspirations. These factors, when they become reality, are the ones that make people's life meaningful. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, motivation is defined as the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something. It's the act or process of motivating someone. The impetus that gives purpose or direction to behavior and operates in humans at a conscious or unconscious level.
Stress is an undeniable fact that plays a crucial role in our life, an unavoidable reality we have to accept if we want to live our lives meaningfully. It is a normal part of our lives, we deal with it every day. According to the NIMH National Insitute of Mental Health, stress is the way our body reacts to any demands. It comes in many different forms, amounts, and situations. People experience stress differently from one another. Stress may be triggered by small events, like traffic jams, a long line at the store, or it can be the outcome of a crisis or big change in life like the death of a loved one, divorce, the pandemic, etc.
What is mental health? According to World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is defined as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life and develop his full potential, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community." It is totally normal for mentally healthy people to also feel sadness, anger, or unhappiness, which are the core components of a meaningful life. Nevertheless, a good state of mental health quite often is considered as a positive state of mind, filled with happiness, and being in control over the situation and environment.
Step Into The New Age Of Medicine, And See Why Preventing Age Related Diseases Will Optimize Our Standard Of Living One Day. Stem Cell Therapies And Rejuvenation Therapies Can Help Slow The Major Causes Of Aging.
The vegan lifestyle is no longer associated with hippies and tie die shirts. Now it is a popular and trendy way of life that appeals to people of all different backgrounds.
Understanding panic attacks is very important in order to find ways and techniques to deal with it in moment of crisis.
Abundance is not about what you own, it’s about how you feel.
With the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, everyone's life underwent a dramatic change across the world, the US included. The work sector made no difference, this pandemic forced people and governments to take precautions they never thought of. Although some of us went back to our normal workplace, many Americans are dealing with a return phase or still working from home. Due to this pandemic, people feel like going through unexplored waters, forcing people, governments, and businesses to find new methods to continue working and interacting with one another, but without forgetting to take care of themselves, their mental health, and general well-being.
Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, which may be closely related to a particular situation or event. Our body's reactions can be physical, mental, or emotional. Being under a lot of pressure, e.g, situations when you have a lot to think and deal about, or not having enough control over what's happening. So far there is not a clear-cut medical definition of stress and scientist have not reached a common conclusion if stress is the reason for problems or the result of them. When stress happens, it is trying to say that something requires our attention and that we must take action. Our bodies are created in a way to experience stress and respond to it while we panic.
The wish of every parent for their child is to have success in life and fulfill his dreams. Children and teenagers face challenges to overcome during the road to progress, but it is important to remember that whatever duty or task a teen may face, it carries a considerable amount of stress for them. But what is stress? Stress is our body's response to pressure. There are various situations or life events that trigger stress. It happens when we are faced with something new, unknown, which is a threat to ourselves, or if we have no control over something. In such cases, adrenaline is released which raises heart and breathing rate. Our muscles become tense and we are in a state of alertness.
What is overthinking, what triggers it, and what are the solutions to quit overthinking.
Calisthenics differentiates itself from weight lifting by the effectiveness of losing weight. The amount of energy required and the sheer amount of muscles used makes it the ideal form of strength training to burn calories.
Simple Activities to do, as a family or individuals no matter your age, to help us connect with the Elements
Self care needs to be prioritized immediately. The benefits and what it can do to change your life in a positive direction are too immense to ignore.
An insight into how being diagnosed infertile as a teenager affects my life now, as a 19 year old university student.
What is a dream? A dream is a burning obsession to become someone, achieve something and of all live a life worth remembering. Your dream has power if you pursue to make it a reality. Life is about growth and the people who make it a reality are who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Habits make us who we are - they define our character, influence our actions and make our personality.
COVID-19 is an illness that affects your lungs the most. So during the pandemic it's more important than ever to take care of them. Did you know you could help your lung health by digesting some foods too?
Learn to communicate better when you realize you don't have to be aggressive to talk about an issue with someone.
We’re here to talk about all things self-worth, from what it means and how to define it, to how it presents itself, why self-worth looks different for different people, and we’ll explore the reasons behind why we believe the things we believe about ourselves and how those beliefs got there. If you have access to social media and use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.; if you watch network TV programs or stream popular shows on Netflix and Hulu; if you flip through lifestyle magazines while waiting at the doctor’s office, chances are you’ve at the very least seen or heard the term “self-worth.”
As children, we are each taught stories that are unique to us; we are told who we are, what we are, where we’re going, what we’re going to measure up to, who we will be. As children, we are young, malleable, thirsty sponges that soak up the things we’re told. Many of the details that make up these stories are determined by our parents, guardians, culture, demographic, or life circumstances. Our environments and the people in our environments impress their beliefs of who and what we are upon us. Everyone begins life as an infant with an infant brain that develops with time and experience. We start with absolutely zero knowledge of ourselves and the world around us; we absorb the information fed to us and we trust that those older and wiser truly are wiser.
From our earliest childhood memories to the times in adulthood that leave the deepest impressions on us, society has seemingly written our story for us. Society’s story unfolds in a way that is often out of our realm of control. It is written time and time again that unless we fit a certain mold, we are worthless. Unless we look or act a certain way or come from a certain background, we are different, weird, and unworthy of care and attention. Society tells us what we are, and then society tells us what we should be and what we should strive for, pointing out all our flaws and imperfections along the way.
Many of us want to live healthier lives, but are anxious of going to the gym. I have listed 10 ways to help people get over gym phobia.
Being in the flow of the creative process creates the space for learning skills in the practice of detachment.
Body weight exercises, known as calisthenics, are an old form of strength training that is gradually gaining more momentum. Convenience, spontaneity, and aesthetic appeal are just a few of the reasons why people are now choosing calisthenics.
The best way to get our life back on track is mindfulness. Mindfulness comes in different shapes and forms.
This article is about change in life, how to understand it better in order to reach it successfully
Therapists are people just like us and sometimes, despite good intentions, they don't click with their clients. But how do you know when your therapist is a good or a bad one?
At the end of the day, athletes are still humans, so why don't we treat them as such. Let's talk about how we can do better by not pressurising athletes.
When you're feeling particularly down, just keep these things in mind to help lift your mood!
This article is about taking your life in control with the eyes looking at the future, by not allowing to be affected negatively from the past.
We all tend to compare ourselves to others too much. Follow these steps to break free from comparisons and find your own worth.
The pandemic has exacerbated the global state of mental health. Now with travel restrictions loosening, more people are itching to leave their homes and vacation far and wide. Evidence suggests this could help combat anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.
It was heartbreaking to watch. A relative's mental health and overall wellbeing began to deteriorate rapidly following her husband's death from cancer. It was hard enough to see her struggle during her spouse's prolonged illness. But losing him, as well as dealing with other physical ailments of her own, was enough to catapult her into a severe depression. Despite repeated attempts to alleviate her symptoms (including several antidepressants, ECT treatments, and hospitalizations), she continued to wrestle with depression for years on end. I visited her on different occasions. Each time after my visit, when the heaviness in my chest became tolerable, my mind kicked into high gear. What else would help? What other options were there? Was there something the doctors had missed? Was there some answer located outside of the box that we hadn't yet discovered?
Imagine the following scenario. A petite woman with dark hair and a wounded expression in her eyes suddenly buries her face in her hands and starts to cry. "What's wrong?" her friend asks. "Eric cheated on me. I found him in bed with my friend's younger sister. He told me two days ago that he loved me and would never do anything to hurt me. He went on and on about how beautiful I was. He stayed up all night writing me poems about his undying love for me. Wrote me 12 sonnets. Told me how he worshipped the ground I stood on." "He's crazy that boyfriend of yours. Isn't he the one with bipolar?"
Positive and Negative Effects of Different Types of Humor on your mental health
This article is about having faith in our dreams and the future we picture for ourselves. It is important not to be discouraged no matter how harsh the world around us might be.
I have an unforgettable memory. I was at my best friend's house with my sister for a slumber party (the most audacious, wild discussions always happen at slumber parties for some reason). We were 11 years old, the three of us, just before puberty hit. But for some inexplicable reason, we were all a bit precocious, at least as far as our bodies were concerned. In our awkward naive way, all three of us had experienced the awakening of our sexuality. We hardly had the words for it. “I touch myself.” “I touch myself all the time when I wash my face in the shower when I pull out an eyelash...”
While there are many ways to treat Mental Disorders, there are only a few most effective ways to promote Healthy Mental health and none of those ways include the use of Marijuana.
Social media is constantly throwing the term “self-worth” at us from every direction on a daily basis. We see it in our Instagram newsfeed, we see it trending on Twitter, and we see it highlighted through shared links and content on Facebook. When we think about self-worth, self-care typically comes to mind. Our minds drift to bubble baths with fizzy bath bombs, face masks that penetrate our pores, pampering manicures and pedicures, and indulgent massages that leave us feeling whole and rested. While these acts are only a single facet of self-care, they don’t necessarily fall under the category of self-worth. These two words may belong to the same family, but they are not interchangeable.
"Meditation is not evasion, it is a serene encounter with reality." - Thich That Hanh
Anxiety is mentally paralysing. For this article I'm going to be a little more autobiographical, and demonstrate through my own experiences how my personal anxiety has affected my career ambitions, to see how we can build the confidence to live and dream.
Being in your twenties is all fun and games... until it's not.
The UK generates vast amounts of rubbish every year, contributing to landfill and ocean pollution. But are the public aware of the facts? A few simple awareness campaigns could turn the tide.
Learning a new language can be hard. The breakfast table can help.
A complex illness, often overlooked or misunderstood. Here is a deeper look into PTSD, and how it is represented in literature.
Pets bring us a lot of joy, but they can also work to improve the healthiness of our cardiovascular system.
An article exploring the defining characteristics of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the ways they present.
An article exploring the ways in which body-image can be influenced and steps that can be taken to reclaim our feelings on our appearances.
Sometimes life can get us down a bit. We can wake up on a dreary Sunday morning and just not feel ourselves. Of course, it's more realistic to assume that we will not always be 100%, but what are the reasons for this and how can we overcome them? We can buy piles upon piles of self-help books, reading through them for the holistic and all-curing answer to our dread, but sometimes it's not always there. The first major factor in attribution to our mood is the environment. This covers a fairly broad spectrum of factors here, such as the weather, lighting, room temperature, and surrounding noise.
This article is about the negative effects marijuana has on the wellbeing of individuals and society. How it can cause tremendous damages, which need time and hard commitment to reverse them.
Self-worth is a concept that’s gained traction and notoriety over the years, increasingly so with the wave of self-care that’s impressed itself upon society by the Millennial and Gen Z generations. We see ads and commercials imploring us regularly to practice appropriate self-care in order to fuel and nurture our self-worth, but before buying into the message, we first need to examine what it means to have self-worth. Before we can dive into the reasons why someone’s concept of self-worth may be lacking, we must first explore and define the term itself. Self-worth is the way you view yourself; it is how you see your value and worth in the world.
We all need some self-care every now and again, but sometimes the advices online leave us sceptical and not phased.
This article is about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD. It explains what it is, what causes it, its negative impacts it has on us, and how can we cope with it in our lives.
We all need some TLC every now and again and a spa can do just that
Why is nostalgia important? In this article suggests some reasons why nostalgia is actually a positive emotion we should embrace and actively seek, rather than try to repress.
The benefits of exercise to our mental health have become even more apparent throughout the pandemic. Running is an accessible and easy way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing, which is vital to Britain's recovery from the affect of COVID-19.
There are many different types of journaling. Find out how to enjoy journaling and improve your mental health at the same time.
An ex-mute’s guide to finding your voice.
3 Reason why you need to fail in order to succeed
This article is about positivity and how it can always affect our lives for the better.
Watching TV or binging on a show can be a good way to decompress, but watching too much, too often is a recipe for disaster.
In a world that cherishes man's best friend, you must know when not to fear the fluffy good boys
Eating disorders are the leading cause of death among all mental illnesses, including depression. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), approximately 10,200 eating disorder-related deaths occur every year in America. There are many different classifications of eating disorders, ranging from Anorexia Nervosa to Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Bulimia Nervosa, Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS), and everything in between. An eating disorder is an unhealthy preoccupation with food. This can include over-eating, under-eating, eating only specific foods, avoiding certain foods, over-exercising to compensate for eating, purging meals out of fear of weight gain and fullness, obsessively measuring food, having food rituals and rules, and an array of other aversions to food and eating.
Shadow work is getting to know yourself underneath all the layers of emotions. It’s getting rid of the layers all together to live in the high vibrational frequency of love.
Life advice is something we all desperately need, especially in a time where relationships and life has been changed by a pandemic.
Become Harry Potter, find the Horcruxes, and destroy the shame around them.
It's A Girl Thing...
When we are busy with many things, our attention is divided. We are not fully present in what we do.
What we tell ourselves can reveal our believes in our abilities and How we can overcome the negative beliefs stopping us from taking action on our goals.
A lens for superior vision while keeping your eyes young well into old age.
You pull on your leggings, tie up your laces, tighten your ponytail, and secure your EarPods. The weather is beautiful, perfect for a run. You head out down your normal route and run a couple of miles with the music pumping in your ears. With a glistening sheen of sweat, you circle back home and head inside to cool down. As you wipe your face with a towel and lie under the fan, you feel strong and energized. The endorphins are racing through your body and you feel empowered, ready to take on the world. You’re tired but you feel proud and content. Maybe you’ve just finished a yoga, barre, or Pilates class. You may have just wrapped up a CrossFit WOD, a weightlifting session, a dance, or a kickboxing class. Maybe you’ve just knocked out a quick HIIT workout or spent 30 minutes on the Stairmaster.
Words are vibration that can either help you or bring you down. Choosing words to uplift yourself will help bring you more into a positive state of mind.
It's impossible to do meditation wrong but I did…
It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes—before you get carried away, let's talk about the importance of having safe sex.
Tired of feeling discouraged every time you procrastinate? Here's how to solve this problem once and for all!
Look here for some new fitness videos to inspire your next workout session.
Have you ever started a new diet, all fired up and excited and ready to go all-in, stuck with it for about a month or so, lost a couple of pounds, and then the flame you started with began to steadily burn out? You gain back the weight you lost during your diet, and a few extra pounds creep in as well. You started out so strong; you had your eye on the prize and you were fully committed to the task at hand. You stuck to the rules and regulations of the diet you chose to pursue, even though it was challenging. You spent the money necessary to buy the right foods, kitchenware, and exercise plans. You even refrained from “bad” foods like chocolate and ice cream and ate only the “good” foods your diet promoted.
Are you struggling to care for your metal braces as a teen or a young adult? If so, here are several tips to care for those metal braces!
Ever wonder what cookware option is really the best? With health, environmental, functional, and budgetary concerns in mind, I weighed all the options to help you determine what cookware is the best for you.
Chances are, you’ve met someone in your life who has struggled or is struggling with an eating disorder, or perhaps you have found yourself in the grasp of the mental illness. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reveals shocking statistics, ranking eating disorders with the second-highest mortality rate among mental illnesses, imploring that 9% of Americans will struggle with an eating disorder at some point in their life. Eating disorders appear often in the media. Consequently, we are typically shown emaciated white females when the topic of eating disorders comes to the surface. However, eating disorders don’t share the same face; they are all revealed differently in each individual. Anyone with any background, culture, race, and ethnicity can struggle with an eating disorder, whether wealthy or poor, male or female, binary or non-binary, child or adult. You can never look at someone and assume they have or do not have an eating disorder simply based on their physical appearance.
It is instinctive to reminisce and be nostalgic about the past when things get tough.
Don't keep it all inside, release your burdens to live a better life.
Are you afraid of entering adulthood? There's no need to worry. Living life as a responsible adult can make your path through life easier.
Who wouldn't want to be a nice and caring person? Nice and caring people feel great about themselves. They share their kindness with the world because they have good hearts. People with high self-esteem and confidence treat others in a generous and caring way. On the other hand, some people think being nice is a sign of weakness. Others see nice people as vulnerable individuals and push-overs. Some people believe nice people are people pleasers and are playing nice to get what they want. Although this may feel true, there are many reasons why someone would want to become a nicer person. Nice people help others when they are in need. They are always there for you when you need them. When you are a nice person, people respect and appreciate you. Besides, people hang around those that are nice and caring instead of those that are bitter and mean.
Destructive emotions thrive on three things: secrecy, silence, and judgment, says Brene Brown.
Painful periods aren't any fun; it's hard to do anything when dealing with them! However, there are certain steps you can take to soothe your painful cramping.
It's hard to meet creative goals when ADHD and Depression come calling. Here are some tips for managing them.
Many of us are worried about getting the coronavirus, but with these simple steps, you can minimize the risk of contracting it.
Want to start meditating, but can’t seem to get into it? These tips have got your back!
Keeping away from a toxic person isn't enough? Explore these different tips on how to deal with a toxic person.
Is your lack of confidence taking over your life? If so, it's time to boost your self-confidence and experience joy in your life! Life is too short to be unhappy because of your lack of confidence. When you have high confidence, you can tackle any obstacle! You'll feel confident about your imperfections, talents, and you'll think more positively about yourself. With high confidence, you can also build healthier relationships with others. With high confidence, you are willing to try out new things and overcome any fears! Now since we've talked about all of the great things associated with having high confidence, let's get into simple things you can do to build your self-confidence.
Having trouble moving on from past mistakes? Don't beat yourself up about past mistakes; instead, learn from it and committ to a better future.
Accepting and appreciating your body through all the noise that tell you to do the opposite.
Is it hard for you to express your anger because it's uncontrollable? Learn several ways to control your anger to prevent it from escalating.
Working out sucks. But it doesn't have too.
How to break free from addiction for good? Whether it’s alcohol or social media, if you have battled with addiction for any number of years, you know that it’s not enough to just stop. Stopping is relatively easy. The hard part is not to start again. Bill Wilson, a co-founder of AA, saw thousands of people quit drinking after “working the 12-step program.” But he noticed over time that many of them eventually replaced their old addiction with a new one. “How often have some of us begun to drink in this nonchalant way, and after the third or fourth, pounded on the bar and said to ourselves, “For God’s sake, how did I ever get started again?’” AA’s Big Book, page 24.
10 tips and practices to improve your quality of sleep every night
Shadow work helps you embrace your positive aspects as well.
Feeling as if you are surrounded by fake friends? It's time to find real ones that'll stick by you for a lifetime.
A lot of us skipping the gym and working out at home has become part of the new normal, but exercising regularly is a challenge in itself. It has become even more important to find your fitness motivation.
A lot of research has been done to prove how music can be beneficial to the mind and body. But what does it all mean? Here's why and how music can help you, put simply.
Your reality just is, it isn't attached to anything.
Everybody gets stressed out. These items can help you manage that stress, without breaking the bank.
Getting an ADHD diagnosis can help curb the downward spiral of shame and low self worth associated with ADHD.
Chances are, someone you love is part of the LGBT+ community. Learn what it means, why it's important, and how to be a great ally.
Journey living with an Adult ADHD. This is how being diagnosed with ADHD turns your world upside down.
Examining the benefits that make CBD oil such a popular ingredient.
Is that $45 amethyst really worth it?
Studies point out to emotions being energy that we can transform and harness.
If you've meaning to try the cup or are looking for some cup hacks, here is everything you need to know about the menstrual cup.
Getting proper nutrition on a busy morning doesn't have to be hard.
Take back your life with these 7 easy to follow de-stressing tips!
What is self-love? How is it related to compassion? What does it comprise?
We all have those moments where our insecurities start to get the best of us. Loving ourselves through those insecurities is a process, but we can all do it!
Some of us are new to working from home or having school online, and also new to the surprising number of distractions around us. These easy-to-use apps can bust distractions and build you up with better habits.
How To Manage Negative Or Intrusive Thoughts Wherever You Are
Break-ups are never easy, but with a little self-care and the thing that heals all wounds "Time" you can be on the road to recovery soon.
Investing money into an ergonomic workspace can really pay off.
There are a number of ways that we have adjusted to living in quarantine.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 85% of individuals will encounter some acne type in their lives.
Did you know that you may potentially have 40-60 pounds of waste in your body right now! Detoxing is advertised as an act that leads to eating disorders and mental health trauma, but we want you to detox all the waste and weight out of your body.
These are the best bodyweight exercises that do not require any equipment!
Here are some common signs of toxic productivity and what you can do to healthily deal with it.
Here Are 10 Fruits High in Vitamin C That Will Help to Improve Your Health
There are tools out there that you can use to spark creative writing or to overcome writers block. these are few of mine.
The minimal trend has really made its way from our closet to our soul. And this extension is really not good for us, as the soul should be fed more and more in this busy, materialistic world. So, lets get to know some really good recipes to feed our soul
These essential vitamins, herbs, and minerals are essential for overall health and immunity
Synchronicity has been a term that not many people seem to be able to define. I, myself, have experienced synchronicity quite often whether it is through experiences or physical synchronicity. Many people, in various professions, seem to think that synchronicity is either coincidence, various coincidences that don't have a reason for being, that it is confirmation bias, anecdotal, or that synchronicity can't be possible because everything happens at an individual level and not in a unified field. But what are coincidences and confirmation bias? What is synchronicity for that matter? We will see below.
Learn all about aromatherapy for stress and anxiety relief.
Some crystal suggestions for when your travel.
If you spend all day at the computer, try these stretches to relieve some of the built-up tension.
Find quick relief from stress with these tips that are backed by science.
Get stronger and fit with just a few props and simple moves.
Stop putting things off and start being productive.
Why does a crystallization of a politicized formulation of religion lead to increased risks of suicide for LGBTI people?
We have all read personality descriptions and had that little excitement thinking "Oh, that's me!". But we are often blind to the fact that it groups us to a certain type and puts us against the other, leading us to an unspoken yet strong battle. Ever thought of it?
Mental disorder can affect men and women in different ways and there are some mental disorders that are unique to women.
From spiritual practices to earthing, there are a lot of out-of-the box things that can be done to help your anxiety.
Recent studies have began to show how the chemicals in our brains can contribute to addictions to our emotions.
Sometimes the best way to ensure wellness for people is getting outside.
The isolation has not only brought the entire world to a standstill but has also managed to make the people understand the true value of one's own mental health.
Many in the spiritual community have resorted to the Schumann Resonance for reading these energies and how it affects us.
When you experience synchronicity you’ll have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters.
If you're sick of your home workouts and are feeling the need to skip them, but also want to stay consistent with exercising, this article is for you.
My personal story with Bacterial Vaginosis.
As far as human conditions are concerned, addiction and mental health disorders are nothing new. However, understanding these afflictions and ourselves is less than perfect science. Take a look into our history and these themes are seen repeatedly. Snippets revealed in arts, societies, and sciences alike. It may be ugly but look closely, what we know now certainly isn't what it used to be. We’ve come a long way from exorcising schizophrenics, eating happy paints, and letting women die of broken hearts and black drapes. Our minds are intricate things and even now some of our most intimate workings remain mysteries. The good news is they're ready to learn. We know mental health refers to a person's psychological and emotional well-being and mental illness attacks this health.
How being kind to oneself creates opportunities for personal growth and improved mental health
Mindfulness practices offer an astounding array of benefits on the human body.
With the holidays around the corner, we start shopping for Christmas gifts, but most importantly, we start feeling love fill our hearts. What is it about this time of the year that's so magical?
What does a mental health day mean to you and do you really need one for your wellbeing?
Life is filled with grey areas and complicated emotions. People will lie to you, and that's the truth.
The pandemic forced the entire world to adapt to new sets of rules, following social distancing measures, self-isolating when traveling, and respecting provincial and feral laws surrounding your social bubble. The entire world has to adapt to the “new normal” until the coronavirus isn’t a threat to society anymore. Fear and anxiety about what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. With that being said, you must be tired of hearing the impact of covid on our daily life.
Coping with our new normal and dealing with excessive stress and anxiety caused due to isolation during the pandemic
For many people cacao and cocoa are not the same thing, nor are they processed the same way. While ceremonial cacao holds a more spiritual meaning.
Spending more time at home means a new pressure to be productive and creative. Those don’t always really go together, so I’m going to take creativity back for ME.
A list of doable and practical ways to be happy
Natural Lighting Provides Amazing Health Benefits for Our Physical and Emotional Wellbeing
Do you ever feel like working at a 9-5 job is making you unhappy? Perhaps it's because you don't feel like what you do has a purpose.
Taking care of yourself includes mental health. Life is on your timeline, not anyone elses.
If you want some good tips on keeping a positive mindset, look no further. I have 5 sure ways to pull yourself out of negative thoughts, even in the toughest of times.
During quarantine, one of the only things that has kept many sane is diving head first back into their middle school obsessions. Turns out, there's a reason why you've been binge watching nostalgic shows on Netflix.
Motivation is hard to come by these days. Here's a few tips to get yourself up and working out.
This is my tried and tested recipe for healing and self care. Perhaps some of these tips that I have relied on myself will help you bring more self-care into your own life.
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear of self-criticism? The answer usually happens to be a word describing a negative feeling. But, have you ever wondered why?
This article will help you in identifying if your weight gain is due to hormone disorder.
At-home workout trends with a digital touch via on-demand online video classes
Binge-watching can affect your psychological and mental health. With early signs like depression and anxiety, find out how to watch TV responsibly.