Remote Learning Exposes Educational Shortages In Cultural Diversity

We need teachers to reteach students about a world they think they know.

We all have one thing in common as children. We all had gone to school to learn to read, write and count numbers. But how we are introduced to the world was different because none of us has the same opportunity in school and therefore had the same experiences as each other.

And because of those opportunities if any or experiences that were how the world had viewed students as citizens also. That was how the educational system was built. Opportunity. Remote Learning has slowly been exposing the less than beneficial aspects of our educational system, however, we need to know how some of the educational cracks got started.     

The coronavirus has interrupted every part of human life including education where there have always been all sorts of discriminating factors that non-white families have faced that are now being shown quite loudly in remote learning where it has been shown that there are flaws in the educational system which have gotten twice as much worse.

According to Clea Simon Harvard Gazette World's article, How Covid Taught America about Equity in Education, there is economic equity when it comes to low-income nonwhite families who can not afford and have no access to a computer that will have internet so not every student will have the chance to learn remotely.

And for those students who can do remote learning, opportunities will be available to them who may be slipping off their lessons and therefore failing their classes such non-white students who have been previously failing the subject math which according to old research will be very problematic as these students become working adults.

The educational system needs to go back to the roots of our educational system and rethink the cultural and economic factors affecting both white and colored students.

It was understood that discipline does teach people to learn but to become obedient by following rules which are now being further explored by charter schools which were invented for the idea of converting colored people to the standards of Whiteness Supremacy. 

How was Education Started?

Charter schools were invented for colored and low-income groups of people so they can be converted into the standards of ”Whiteness”. In this reading, the speech was a social and cultural value that inspired the “precision” the White people went after to destroy because the way the colored people had talked and the White people felt the weirdness of not understanding them became a symbolism of power over class differences.

School closings were a way to racially discriminate against communities of colored and low-income people. The idea of Capitalism, institutional discrimination in material and cultural racism that is being shown in charter schools and public systems is being contested because colored people are protesting publicly in a large number of groups in an already violent environment against Supremacy.  

Corporal punishment would be more harmful towards colored people. In this reading, teachers and principals were taught to discipline students rather than teach them. Corporal punishment was denied because it became aware that corporal punishment became the education the students were receiving.

One important idea is that the White people choose to use education to destroy colored people who they believed were living their lives in the wrong way. So they invented ways in which their government could use their rules that show acts of discipline.

Speech and school closings were both huge and minor ways charter schools that supported Capitalism and White ideologies – what they should learn and how were the ways in which colored people were being physically and emotionally apart from their own cultures and communities.   

Schooling was brought to a farmer’s life when the Industrial Revolution was taking place in cities and moving towards rural areas. It introduced Country people to a more commercial way of learning and living by discipline and the status it brought with its business.

But it did not inspire ideas and move people intellectually as possible or show a new way of living that was necessarily better in any easier way. Schooling was all about teaching people to behave in an orderly fashion in a new world where people from all sorts of different backgrounds were being harshly judged and discriminated against for it. 

This build a social system called Capitalism that placed people based on their natural origin in a position to be treated in a certain way that promoted their ideology of what was considered bad or good.

Education if taken care of with the proper funding, better communication between security guards and teachers and principals can education be a really useful discipline that invites the practice of a number of people working together in different ways to move a student intellectually and physically in the new world that can make the whole world more practical and manageable.

image by Shannon Anderson 

Education teaches students and discipline is the order of a school system and the goal of its curriculum. What needs to be understood is what discipline does education teaches?

So what needs to be understood is what kind of discipline does education teaches is and discipline does not teach a student to learn but to become obedient to the rules in a school and its classrooms. Education teaches students a kind of discipline that is in the order of a school system and the goal of its curriculum.

How was Education distributed?

The connection to the mass incarceration and its relationship to the deculturization, globalization, and the management of a poor and uncivilized population of colored people. The White people wanted to understand colored people – Black men in particular because of their continuing behavior in the new world of post-industrialization, globalization, and the mass incarceration of them when urban schools were being to open their doors to them. I

t was the cause of the closing of public schools and opening of charter schools, that children of colored people were being labeled as criminals and the way young Black men were being feared by the media. Because of the fear that was being shown by the media, most African American men and a few other minorities’ men end up in jail rather than attending their urban schools.  

This was a huge response to not only the education and achievement gap where children or colored people were not being educated properly in a qualified structured educated environment. The children of the colored people were learning to become prisoners of society rather than becoming working citizens of a function in a new world because of the historical, economic, and social racial stigma the was given to them by a judgmental eye of another ethnic group of people.    

image by Wokandapix

How can Education be improved?

Although colored people who have escaped racism started to live out their lives in a culture that does not give them a chance to live a long-lasting life of opportunities. The culture that was referred to as Black Culture was being viewed and developed.

Because of these views, the true cause of the problem remained ignored. Colored and White people viewed education differently because their education was treated differently. The government had allowed them to be far from economic and social help that would connect them to the rest of the world that would be good for them.

As a result, the colored people started to respond to the way they were being treated; they did not care because they did not know any better. Young Latinos did not care for education because they too were being discriminated although they cared about their education very much. Uneducated Black and Latinas people were getting comfortable not valuing their education but living in poverty and social scientist and other people in power were being blamed for their culture trap to which was considered Black Culture.

Strength is always found in the strangest and or the luckiest places. The black culture which some social scientists thought of as a culture trap of living in poverty and doing prison time was an extremely social and cultural response to the Western racial views of black people.

Strangely the cruel treatment of white people made them into a strange breed of fear that lingers throughout the time. What should be accepted as true is that colored people are what they been treated horribly. It needs to be accepted that perhaps Western people were and some still are cold arrogant who repressed a type of origin of life that refused to be tame unjustly.  

The coronavirus has made a human life a life and death situation every minute of every day. The educational part of our lives has been pushed back and altered so much so that now the cracks of our education system that was never fully improved has now started to shift their place causing educators and students alike to rethink, what do students think they know and how can teachers possible learn to teach better? Let's start with the Critical Race Theory.

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