Man Who Didn't Like Cats Now Feeds Over 18 Cat Colonies A Day

Black Noah Can't Stop Rescuing Cats

Black Noah, Birmingham's Animal Rescuer 

image source: Instagram

Calvin Tucker kept himself guarded against animals nearly his whole life. He barely tolerated dogs and avoided cats in any given scenario. In fact, he went to the extent of avoiding social gatherings based on the potential company of a household pet. I grew up listening to his ramblings, “Cats are unpredictable,” and “They are sneaky.”

 Suddenly, Calvin Tucker changed into a person who nurtures unsheltered animals. In 2017, a tiny, grey kitten was discovered alone struggling outside of Tucker’s former workplace. The little kitten approaches Calvin and stops at his feet. With one gentle look into Tucker’s eyes, everything changed.  Tucker's heart was touched at the sight of this small baby and felt as if it was impossible to walk away. Tucker would start to feed the kitten crackers and a bowl of water every morning and in the evening even on his off days. On day 45 of feeding the kitten, Calvin could finally touch him & the kitten finally trusts him.

The immediate connection between tucker and this cat is incredible. He rescued the kitten and brought the kitten home with him. Tucker named the kitten Henry.  All of his former biases against cats melted away. He knew in his heart to help this cat. Instead of avoiding animals, he finally cared for one. Tucker internalized his newfound love for animals and continues to share it with the world.

image source: instagram

The compassion was lit in Tucker. He would go to stores and notice cats hanging around the dumpsters so he would go in the car and get them some bowls and put some cat food and water out. They expect him to come back and feed. He feeds 18 cat colonies says it takes him bout three and half hours but he realizes the animals on the streets have no home, are sick, looking for food & water, have it hard enough. That is why Tucker is out here 7 days a week trying to save as many as he can.

image source: instagram

Tucker continues his character development by helping more animals in need. A mission to feed and house stray cats has expanded into a larger organization. Tucker currently feeds ninety-two stray cats every single day at fourteen different locations all over town, in spite of any weather conditions. He has been recognized on several social media platforms and I am responsible for the maintenance of the accounts. He utilizes his expertise to coordinate with thousands of followers, messages, and donations daily.

image source: facebook

He says he now has trapped over 600 cats and found homes for 123 of them. He rescued 28 dogs, 2 alpacas, an emu and a tarantula. So He took on the name Blach Noah because he pretty much saves every creature. He says the hardest part to him his fosters. If he had a place where he could take them he could easily save hundreds more.

He says now it is to the point where now he sees if he sees an animal out or in need, he has to stop and help. When he first got the call about the dog patches he was tied up. When he first laid eyes on him tucker's heart was broken. Patches taught him even being abused neglected and abandoned you can still trust. 

Tucker finds another dog laying on the side of the road. He didn't know if he was hurt. When he got off work that morning and for whatever reason, something spoke to him told him to get off at the exit where he found the dog. Police and rescue control show up at the scene. The dog was really scared and trying to get away. Calvin says he was in pain. Animal control ends up getting him.

He couldn't see the dog until the 7-day hold was up. He asked another animal rescuer to come to see the dog do the assessment. The decision was made to amputate the dog luckily thru social media Calvin was able to raise the money.

They named the dog Ike and the animal rescuer who did the assessment end up taking Ike in. After a while, Ike learned that his rescuer was not going to hurt him and even got along with the other animals in the household. Ike rescuer says her cat was Ike's recovery buddy and really help Ike to learn that he can trust.

image source: instagram

She says having Ike back from the second surgery was like night and day. Says Ike was a completely different dog. Ike is not going to growl or snap at you. Everybody is saying he is the sweetest dog. Ike had a horrible start to life and deserves the best.

The only thing that keeps Tucker going day in and day out even when he tired and sick he says he wants to get as many cats and dogs out of the streets into homes as much as he can. He saved so many but he knows he has a lot more work to do to save many more.

image source: instagram

Tucker has taken initiative to facilitate the groundwork he has visited on sites throughout the Birmingham community to rescue more strays. People are thankful to find their pets through Tucker’s services. Often, these are forgotten kittens living in colonies, bushes, and alley-ways. Tucker has a remarkable way with them; he is often illustrated as a cat whisperer with food and warm houses.

Despite his hectic schedule, Tucker has not faltered on his commitment to saving these cats. He presently works full-time as a residential instructor at Glenwood Mental Health Service in addition to the hours he donates to the stray animals in the community.

Tucker believes this is a divine duty he is blessed to receive. He thinks God thawed his icy heart in order to feel the obligation to create happy endings for all animals he encounters. Tucker assists with financial responsibilities for these dogs and cats. He pays for all costs including, but not limited to, veterinarian visits, medications, neutering, transportation, and food. He is able to find help from volunteer fosters & donors from his Facebook and other social media platforms. Calvin Tucker is rewarded daily though his goal is to find all animals a home.

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