How A Star Stays In The Sky At Dawn And Shines The Brightest Light In The Night

A Bright Silver Star Breaks A New Dawn, Even After The Dark Tried To Dim The Stars Light

Dark Light of the south, bright star of the north I miss Yankee I am miss dark. The southern belle does not smile on cue; the juvenile from up north asks who are you? The southern girl had some spite. Two sides of a coin miss sunshine, miss night. In the night sky, Sirius the star glows a silvery bright. 

Sirius the Dog Star
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Living in the darkness of night, a civilization that will be gone. The hair of golden sunshine emerges and changes from many shades of Light. It emanates into a new bright. The moon's bright is a dark light, and her hair is now this shade. A bridge between heaven and earth In between the north and the south skies, dark brown of the night Ralph Waldo Emerson had it right:

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars, and every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn."

Imagination is the fuel that sparks creativity. It can start out small and then turn into flames that inspire which can start a fire. When you become a star you are a great light that will never dim its own light. Many Artists are stars and create all kinds of Music and Art and Campaigns. Their art offers solutions to bring the light with their great creations. 

The dawn of a girl with eyes of foresight. Eyes no longer blue but midnight. I have seen the light, and I have seen the dark, and now very smart. I stand for expression and works of Art. With a strong will and a lot of heart, my words roll off me like a cart. Long raven hair turned to strawberry blonde.

Moonlight Hair
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The event horizon has come a new kind of dawn. A new day has risen, a new type of blonde. The winds are changing the sound of change. The roses are swaying, but what are they saying? Petals are released the winds have ceased.

Petals Released
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The civil war among me while standing in an old southern mansion. The wind is in the door with whispers of Gone With the Wind. This civil war princess was a daughter; she listened to everything her mother taught her.

This poem shows many metaphors which represent conflicting feelings a teenager may have when moving to another culture. The line that describes the dawn of a girl with eyes of foresight no longer blue but midnight talks about the purity of dawn and how breaking morning fights against the darker natures of others trying to influence her.

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Blue is part of the newness of the morning when looking into a new day. Midnight is the darkest of the night inside others that they try to project onto her. A new kind of dawn is here; she is the first Light after the night.

After a while, the journey reaches a point when the soul searching reaches a new level. After all the winding roads, the best path is found, which is what most call destiny. What you are meant for is found because you followed your heart and drowned everyone else out. A new day has come with the newness of morning glory. The sun will come out and cover a pristine blue sky.

The color blue is like the fresh salty mist from an ocean breeze—nothing like a dessert that is ninety degrees. Blue is calming, but also aggressive. It improves itself; it's progressive. During each passing day, the blue in the sky tries to stay.

Then darkness tries to prevail the next night and stretches across the sky like a dark shadowy veil. Morning dew then breaks through when the sun comes up with the new horizon. Blue is like a beautiful cashmere dress; it stands out from the rest. In comparison to brown, it's like a beautiful lyrical sound. Blue goes good with red hair. A perfect pair. It's like a famous model with very little cares.

The singer Enya sings a great metaphor of how another day is coming, but first, the night has to pass by because it is a part of the process. She sings that everything flows then comes another new day. Here are some of her lyrics:

"Wait for the sun watching the sky black as a crow Night passes by, taking the stars so far away, everything flows here comes another new day."

Fire And Waves

 A star's journey is extra-long, and the Light stays bright after nights. The pace gets faster and so does its fire. Waves of fire reach higher and higher and the core of star power never tires.

A divine promise reaches down. It starts as a dark light but in another season bright northern starlight. Travel past Moonlight and star shine goes on. With the help of the stars, navigators of the sea explored. The depths of the sea could not be ignored.

The Queen of the Sea reaches from up from the bottom of the ocean. She sends the sea nymphs who obey her orders with just a motion. She calls out with much emotion hoping to expand her kingdom with the help of the sailors.

Nymphs of the Ocean
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Sirius the star shines into deep waters and shows its rulers she owns the night. She tells them that the sea has such majesty, but the captains sailing the sea would only drown. The keys to her kingdom are of the sky even if she does shine her brilliance down below.

The sea queen did not listen and pirates showed up soon after when she made her move. They cast their nets and threw their skulls and laughed and laughed, while she and her royal family cried for help. Her cries were heard from a fire in heaven. Fire and waves on the ocean are full of passion and emotion.

Aurora Lights Of The Night

After the Dawn
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Stars share their wealth and raise awareness. They strive for perfection and are always thriving. Visual storytelling inspires and motivates. See how their creations reach the nations. Here are the top ways artists shine their Light to drive away the shadows of night.

1. Artists Create Funds For Charity

Lindsey Stirling
Image Source:;_ylt=AwrCmrBsxkRhRgoAzQsPxQt.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=Does+Lindsey+Stirling+give+to+charity&vm=r&type=yepr_9302_CHW_US&param1=KRhvYjfLhmLKuwfWbqotdA%3D%3D&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aUlUyknlRzJZqvu60Hg2wxDskPaGSHEIoHrpit6dhNH6TcEQie8vJ%2BWOI30ufLCA4hmnULhKbuV36zhsseu%2Fiox3Hdh4XKWB6hMBqTOMHvyhcbtb02soFIMAg1TeqmWyT1tQsuzoQ8K24t53NpJ%2FNMwV6mEMEOU51YGIkBUYY4aemslxcg73DUF34WZKZbPVZC9oqw8Ve%2BCENIVc%2Fk2mQ35Uo7ii45W1IVSxYc%2FUuOYEis7Snd7wQtIlmqt56iMLCVWAaHAfoyKpfYeh8QvNet4%3D&param3=NwVEMR%2FzKcG52XsVBYEh20CXm1wXp6anLmD4mFg%2BfsFkqSZPBCD9hfsATpyyK9RDx8qjO%2FL1Fb0DkBw60jd%2BHe6UCh8VC5PjyiMyWZUxGgnSlND%2F5Vghf4J7%2Fil0gRL%2FiX8kJ4XBsiiHNuPcSj9%2FNvhWPE%2Bu9VRdX28PiW0PnGTOvRz6IPshoRVQJxVHz0PidQ2cCsUAu6K5OhiV3rBirhVLFg9Nmi9xI7w5zNkeFXND4tjfAlKeo4x7UItHzS8sViDOVbTNPFykPGRKkxmevLFFIkSpjYMSTkV9kiSKGmMMPemDzhGs7s%2BXS82xk2EU96Ig5ljH1PLWKr9PvhGxDW%2Fu1n2FEb75%2Bqb8JRXAdoxr%2BQ1Vtp1CIxwc94mQ5z28YlDDdUQP0IEzTouSvARCehBmHCuV5wgYGXa7%2FIiDNG6K%2FvUjRdMlEBfv%2FyB0hq0heKJGuXH9r4eOE2h7OA5cny5ZbgQryPUPliRWAgheB2uXqJHq23zb08U%2FUbQH3XgG&param4=Z%2BluJkoHXST0yOh7IpneKOL7qYgHrizsOLLezFOGpwI%3D&hsimp=yhs-1&hspart=iba&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-iba-1#id=46&

If in economic hardship because of covid19, Lindseys' Upside Fund will assist those who need housing and financial help to pay living expenses. By sharing her wealth she will get more returned to her because that is what a nonprofit 501c 3 charity does for those who share. Abundance works in a circle and is unending because what you give out comes back in even more riches. The benefits of giving can come back in the form of more grant money and tax deductions, but it is more than that. Having a wealth mindset is one in which a mindset is so strong and positive that prosperity is all that should follow. It works in a circle like a ring of Light its bond is strong against the night.

2. Star's start Projects and Foundations

Make It Right
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To make it right, Brad Pitt started the make it right foundation because innocent people do lose their homes and do not have the finances to make their situation right. He chose to create a project that brings Light to situations in housing developments and how people should get support when no one else will help.

3. They Create Startup Investments

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Celebrities start startups and have shown businesses that they have a lot to offer to any businesses that choose to work for them. They are great at making the money grow and are innovative Entrepreneurs with unique ideas. They help to grow businesses in tech with investments in apps such as viddy and other ones and connect with their own celebrity brand.

5. Painting Rich Inner Worlds

Reach your potential when looking inside and finding what is authentic to you. Do you want to work that nine to five job day in and day out? If you are creative you can't stand it, it slows and numbs creative potential. Perhaps your soul feels drained more and more as the days go by.

Heaven help you if you bring a unique vibe to your workplace full of competitive or even cutthroat people. Heaven does come to help with this Aquarian imagery of divine spirit poured out to all. Cygnus the Swan is at the head of Aquarius and is a co-partner of grace dignity and purity. She helps to cleanse it all away with healing waters.

A lot of the time you may wind up working with people who act one-dimensional, mean, jealous, and can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to being an interesting and charismatic individual. Then they spread lies at the workplace to make others intimidated who are afraid to leave because of threats to their reputation.

They do not know themselves or the potential inside, so they bully at the workplace when they should look inside. The animation Brave has Merida saying this more than once to finally make the change she needs: "Fate be changed look inside mend the bond torn by pride." Change your fate and look inside because even the Disney movie Brave knows bonds are torn all the time when pride is at the heart of it all.

A depiction of what the Aquarian inspiration should look like is shown in interesting digital Art. Gifts of divine inspiration and multi-dimensional gifts of the waters will inspire everyone to be more and do more. This has a greater impact on creative inspiration because the greater the depth someone has, the greater the influence to help themselves and those around them.

If zodiac signs help map out our souls then this image of Aquarius, the water bearer, can be used as a metaphor for painting an inside world to share with the outside world. Watch as waters of fulfilling life are poured out as the water bearer shares a new life. It flows onto the world to remove the shadows of fear and limitations and reach newer potentials.

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