As Wild As A Woman

To all the wild women!

My spirit is wild,

Old is my soul,

I am a wild Woman

With a universe of my own!

A woman who lives true to her own reality is someone who is free of all the worldly clutter, that has been hurled at her since eternity in the form of judgments and labels.

She is free as a bird and is still able to create a cozy shelter, she is wild as a wolf and is still able to take care of her younger ones, she is truly magnetic and powerful with all her wild instincts and a tender heart. 

She has this immensely powerful weapon of self-love and honor with which she guards herself and protects others at the same time with all that is pseudo and doesn't exist in reality.

Some were born courageous, some learned to be one under certain circumstances and some are still in making, learning every day, fighting every day, getting up every day, taking bruise after bruise, and telling the world that they are invincible. 

A wild woman is all that you want to be, she is an outright master of her own choices, she is passionate about what she does, she owns up to her mistakes, she knows what her heart wants, she doesn't follow any set norms, she paves her own path and at times, people follow it, she loves what she is and sends out the same message, she challenges the old and rotten beliefs, she is an old soul with all the new ideas and ideologies, she is free in every sense one could dream of. She is a wild soul that encompasses the whole universe in her!

A wild woman is sometimes born that way, all free-spirited, and sometimes she goes through a metamorphosis to become one. That transformation is all about self-love, self-reliance, self-acceptance, and self-worth.

She never does it to please people, nope she is not a people pleaser, she is instead herself the driving force that forces people to change and accept and see her for who she is. She is loud as thunder, at the same time, she is gentle like a flower.

confident, self-love, self-reliance, self-acceptance, and self-worth

She is magic and she doesn't expect this world to understand that. She is intoxicating, she is wild, she is unapologetically herself and she lives her truth every single day. She is the driving force of nature.

There is this wild woman in all of us, some have already discovered her and some are in the process of discovering her. Keep going ladies for we are born to be wild in this wild world. 

Unmasking ourselves will not only give us immense happiness and power but also will send out the message of self-love and self-worth.

May we all experience this transformation of growing from a chrysalis into a butterfly and may we all live out our true self, may we all know our self-worth, and may we love ourselves unconditionally. In the end, for a new beginning, I would like to quote Sophia Bush, "You are allowed to be both, a masterpiece, a work in progress."

Opinions and Perspectives

This article really resonates with me. As someone who's always felt a bit different, it's refreshing to see the celebration of wild, authentic femininity.

I love how it talks about both being wild and nurturing at the same time. We don't have to choose between strength and tenderness.

The metaphor of the chrysalis transforming into a butterfly is beautiful. I've experienced that transformation myself and it's incredibly empowering.

I disagree with parts of this. Not every woman needs to be wild to be authentic. Some of us find power in quiet ways.

The Sophia Bush quote at the end perfectly captures the essence of being a work in progress while still honoring who we are right now.

What strikes me most is the emphasis on self-acceptance. It's taken me years to embrace my own nature without apologizing for it.

Anyone else feel like society still pushes back against women who embody these qualities? I've faced so much criticism for being outspoken.

The part about being both thunder and flower really hit home. I'm a nurse and need both qualities every single day.

I actually think this perspective is somewhat privileged. Not everyone has the luxury to be wild and free in their daily lives.

The comparison to wolves is interesting. Female wolves are both fierce hunters and nurturing mothers. Nature shows us it's possible.

Sometimes I wonder if being wild is just another expectation we're putting on women. Can't we just be who we are?

This reminds me of my grandmother. She was wild in her own way, even in an era when it wasn't acceptable.

The article makes a good point about self-love being a powerful weapon. I've found that the more I accept myself, the less others' opinions matter.

When I read about the universe within, it makes me think about how we limit ourselves unnecessarily.

Interesting perspective about being born wild versus learning to be wild. In my experience, it's usually a bit of both.

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