Here Is Why You Should Join A Sorority During Your College Career

"We Want you to go Greek!", "Find your home away from home", and "Ask me why I went Greek" are some of the most common phrases you will hear on a college campus in just a short month or two. You might be wondering what it means to have girls around every corner saying this and posting it everywhere. The answer is quite simple -- they want you to join their sorority. 

Though sororities often get a bad reputation, they are not actually a bad thing to be part of. They promote the growth of self-confidence, they grow your leadership skills, and they can provide and build connections for the future. 

The rushing season is very exciting. You meet new people and can form new lifelong connections while being away from home. If you do become a Panhellenic (organization for the 26 sororities in the United States and Canada) woman, you will be in a system with thousands, if not millions of girls who will always have your back. You might not know each other, but there is always that special bond of trying to make the world a better place.

Here are the 10 reasons why you should participate in rushing season and join a sorority:

Sorority flowers and their symbols

1. You are part of something bigger than yourself

There are so many service opportunities that are presented while being in a sorority. Each different chapter has its own philanthropy that they focus on. Phi Mu, for example, focuses on Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Chapters will often host little fundraiser events (Phi Mu loves puppies, donation drives, bake sales, or Carnation sales) and donate the money that was earned to their organization. You can rest easier at night knowing that you are making a difference in someone's life. 

A lot of new members will have a post dedicated to them on their chapter's Instagram page, and one thing that is always common between the girls is that they want to be part of something bigger. They want to help in any way that they can. Now that these girls have moved out of their house and town, they are getting exposed to new things and situations, and they do want to make the world a better place. By joining a sorority, they know that they will have the chance to do just that. 

2. You get a close group of friends in a place where it oftentimes feels lonely

College can either feel big, or it can feel small. For a lot of us, it feels big and we have no idea how to reach out to others to form new relationships. Going through recruitment and later joining a sorority can not only help you meet new people in a short amount of time, but it can help you feel more comfortable in the new setting you are in. When you meet new girls, you will end up meeting other new girls through them, and you will create more long-lasting friendships throughout your college career. 

I know girls who have said that they felt like they did not belong at the school. Some were thinking of transferring, others were just not happy during the day. When they went through recruitment, they found the chapter they felt most home at and discovered that they actually do belong at the school. Everyone needs that reassurance and good friend group. 

3. You get a new support system

Of course, you have your family and friends from back home, but when you get to college it is a whole new ball game. The work is more tedious and professors can expect more out of you than what your high school teachers expected. Through all that pressure and new life change, a group of 30+ girls can definitely help ground you and let you know that you are on the right path.  

I know everyone in the chapter I am in loves each other wholeheartedly. We just want to see each other succeed and crush it in the real world. If anything ever happens, we are quick to back them up and show them that they are capable of so much. Each sister will always provide a shoulder to cry on or an ear to lend if you need to talk about any problems that you may face.  

4. You are around women who have the same ideals

Each chapter has its own ideals and morals that they uphold. When talking to different chapters during formal recruitment, you will learn about each chapter and what their ideals are. At the end of the night when you leave each house/lodge, you will think about which ones really resonate with you and if it is something you would love to be part of. Part of my chapter's values deals with love and that everyone should have it for each other. I wholeheartedly agree with this value and I wish we had more love for each other present in the world. 

5. You are held accountable

There are a few positions for leadership that check in every so often to make sure you are doing alright in your school work and life outside of school. There is always someone to talk to. Even outside of the leadership positions, sisters want to see each other achieve their goals and dreams, and they will push you to make sure you are on the right path and never fall from it. 

6. You have a chance to make your voice heard

If there is something on your college campus that is bothering you, you have the chance, as a group, to stand up for what you believe in and advocate for change. The same can be said for anything happening with your community, state, country, or the world. It helps to have sisters with the same thinking as you because they will always be there to back you up. The girls love to see change happen, whether that change is something that will impact one person or thousands.

7. Develop new social skills

Transitioning to college can be a scary thing. For one, you leave your comfort bubble (your town), where you know everyone and already knows how to interact with each other. Once you move out to a different town, or even state, you might be a bit scared to branch out and approach people. We are often afraid of being judged for how we approach someone, and there is always so much pressure to make a good first impression. Once in a sorority, these girls will help boost your confidence so you never go around doubting yourself ever again. You will be more approachable, approach more people, enjoy speaking to new people/in front of crowds, and standing up for what you believe in. 

8. Each moment is special

You will spend a lot of time with these girls, and girls always come and go (incoming new members and members who are going alum). It makes any moment you spend with your sisters special because you know you will always have these memories, and you will hold such a strong bond with so many beautiful and inspiring women. 

The memories that you have with your sisters are only going to stay between you and your sisters. You all will carry those good memories with each other for years and years and will be so grateful that your sorority was able to bring you guys together. You meet some pretty amazing people who make each minute of the day worth something. 

9. Leadership roles are always available

Do not worry if you feel as though you are unqualified for a leadership position because you do not know what to do. A lot of girls do not know exactly what to do when they enter a leadership role themselves. It is a learning experience for everyone, and someone will always be there to help guide you in what to do (whether that person is a sister who held that position in the past, the president, or a chapter advisor). 

Honestly, when I was going through COB (continuous open bidding as our school held informal recruitment Fall of 2020), I did not consider taking a leadership role. That all changed when I got initiated and saw the chapter dynamic. I wanted to be involved and I wanted to make sure sisters felt heard. I am the sisterhood development chairwoman, meaning I plan events for the chapter so we can all relax and just spend good quality time with each other. I would not trade it for the world. 

10. At the end of the day, it is so much fun!

There is always so much to do with sisters, whether that be activities off-campus, or doing things with each other on campus. Each minute spent with each other is something that will never be dull. The room will always be full of smiles, laughter, yelling, and cheering. Moments like these are the ones that will last forever, and we will take them with us anywhere we go. 

Sororities are not for everyone, and that is something we all know, but if you like how it sounds and all the opportunities it brings, I say try recruitment. Even if you do not go all the way through, you will still meet some pretty cool ladies and stay in contact with them for a while. Recruitment is always a fun way to meet new people in college in a more relaxed setting. Some conversations may feel forced when talking to each chapter, but it is only stuff that will help us get to know you more, and help you get to know us more. 

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