Solar And Electric Power Will Be The Newest And Most Energy Efficient For Today's AdaptableVehicles

Slide Into The Unique New Autos Of Today, And Then Fly In Them As They Adapt With The Future

Whether you want no wind resistance as you glide into wingless flight with the new solar-powered electric Aptera or drive other energy-saving cars such as Tesla, both help protect against carbon emissions. Their aerodynamic shapes help power them farther along, along with Aero caps to withstand wind resistance.

The Electric Avenue

Jay Leno has even shown much interest in this E.V., asking many questions we all want to hear. He stated that he has always liked unusual and different vehicles and was eager to learn more after greeting the creators' Steve Fambro and Chris Anthony. This video shows and explains what many want to know.

They explain the superior dynamics, such as a coolant system with no radiator and longer-lasting batteries, which benefit significantly from the regenerative braking system. Kinetic energy is captured from the power in motion of its wheels. As the movement slows down, energy transforms into electricity and stays in the battery longer. Its regenerative torque is truly a unique way of using physics to charge a battery using kinetic energy. 

Energy keeps getting recycled this way instead of lost, and drivers can now get even more miles with fewer carbon emissions. When this state-of-the-art solar hybrid makes one of many stops from constant traffic, the braking system will capture lost energy and not waste it.

While it sits and waits for the light to turn green, any energy that would have usually been lost is instead used to propel it forward by the regenerative braking system.

Regenerative torque is the big deal that keeps getting talked about by many. The torque is controlled in a constant flow which recaptures lost kinetic force. The unconventional radiator is a system with no radiator but micro-channels around the sides and underbelly.

There is a Higher regenerative torque power in the in-wheel motors because it generates from the Aptera in-wheel motors, requiring no generator. These motors act as alternators that expel more energy but then convert voltages to another level which can be higher or lower.

Unlike many other engines, this unique wheel motor system has a front-wheel-drive version with additional motors in the back wheels. The all-wheel-drive version also promises a fantastic 1000-mile range.

Hub Motors
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There are different versions to purchase, and the all-wheel version is a fast one that goes from 0 to 60 seconds in about three and a half seconds. Its unique shape allows rapid speeds with what engineers call a low drag coefficient of .13.

The evolving auto industry of solar and electric vehicles will play a significant role in energy-saving additive manufacturing, and the Aptera currently costs half of what it takes to build many other models in the industry. With cheaper production comes lower prices for many buyers who want to get more for their dollar, including saving so much from no longer buying at the pump.

Harvard University research has even confirmed the importance of a clean energy civilization from new, greener production methods in the E.V. automobile industry. New types of composite materials are used to reduce heavy metals that still dominate most autos of today.

The new parts that help make up these Ev's are types of reinforced plastic resin composites that significantly reduce excess costs in manufacturing. They also aid in a much more aerodynamic feel while driving and less weight for vehicles. Futurist Steve Brown has even stated how the electric auto industry will evolve much during the next ten years and will become mainstream by the 2030s.

The idea of never having to charge and traveling up to 41 miles on solar power alone is cost-effective if the average worker commutes 27 miles daily. The solar panels surrounding it will add this many miles so cheaply and easily in bright sunny weather.

Feel free to charge from home, too, using another cost-effective feature, their charger. It takes less effort for the auto to move with its aerodynamic shape; it travels faster with less drag. With 15 minutes of also charging at home, it also increases to a 50KW charging rate, and when charging at the charging station, it adds 125 miles.

The charging battery helps to add 125 miles, but a buyer winds up getting 500 miles of range per hour. The innovative feature of the onboarding charger is never called charge, along with the lithium-ion battery that increases speed and sets it apart from others. 

There is much less drag because of the unique engineering, and Because it takes less effort for the auto to move, it travels faster with less pull. What a buyer gets is 500 miles of range per hour.

Smart Road Revolution

I was driving on roadways paved with solar power panels with many LED lights on circuit boards. Much will change with the onslaught of smart cars and the newest A.I. enhancements in traffic systems. One day will enhance the driving experience for all of us while driving electric and solar vehicles.

Different traffic systems will rise and communicate with built-in interfaces and sensors within electronic cars. Innovative highway advances will cater more to the newest electric vehicles, and built-in devices will direct us to less traffic.

The I-15 fast track transponder of today is paving the way for future devices which will aid newer advances in technologies on the road. The fast-track transponder we can use today is one example of how A.I. will change our highway systems for the better. Designated lanes are already used in California and are an easy way to save yourselves from heavy traffic.

Welcome to the newest toll technology on the freeway as long waits in traffic become a thing of the past. Today's standard internal combustion engine will become a thing of the past as our roads get more technologically advanced. Sticker transponders are already used in C.A. tollbooths today, allowing quicker drive-thrus in traffic.

Quick deposits to our accounts are made as we quickly drive by and expel less energy waste from exhaust fumes. Stop-and-go traffic produces much waste in the air, and this is one way of being energy efficient. The sooner more drive energy-saving vehicles, the less of an issue involving contaminating fumes will be. 

Today solar-powered roadways exist in the Netherlands and use photovoltaic surfacing that powers the current E.V. and Solar cars. As we drive over solar LED technology, electronic tollways will collect fees via devices on windshields which will charge the digital amount into our electronic payment accounts. Sensors and antennas will pick up each driver's signal as they drive past, saving time away from traffic congestion.

Here are ways A.I. will help reshape our future traffic system:

1. Charge your E.V.s while driving in an intelligent lane

2. Greater access to solar power on solar paneled roadways

3. A.I. And Machine Learning create Self-driving cars

4. New Traffic Control Systems For Better safety

5. Flying autos powered by A.I. navigation

6. Substations to bring down the voltage of transmission

On The Fast Track

Here we see that Aptera raced an eighth of a mile in under 8 seconds at one hundred miles an hour. Even though the other two caught up to it near the end of the race, the lightweight body gave a much better advantage over them. Acceleration is also amplified by its superior braking system and its harnessing of the sun's power. Choosing the Aptera all-wheel version will speed you to 0-60 seconds in as quick as  3.5 seconds. It was close at the end of the race as the Audi R8 seen in this video nearly tied the fastest version of Aptera.

  1. Never Charge Engineering

Never Charge Aptera
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Aptera's feature, never called charge, depends on a sufficient amount of solar energy and can still function at its peak without having to charge for even most of the day.

2. Electric Charged Motors

Axial Flux Motor
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Many great features come from in-wheel motors, and having the brakes and engines combined enables a performance you otherwise do not get. These are new advanced types of motors in which the braking system is built inside, and two magnet rotors significantly increase torque.

Its flux travels differently, which is shorter because of the yokeless stator. The stator's current also increases and generates electricity in a rotating magnetic field. These axial motors function in a way that increases torque density and enables acceleration at a much faster rate. The engines will also never overheat with the copper and aluminum sheets inside.

3. Unique Industrial Manufacturing

 Aptera's Composite makeup allows for a very light body while at the same time being extremely strong and safe. Using resin thermoplastic composites stronger than steel takes exceptional engineering and is part of the new additive manufacturing process many new automakers are becoming a part of.

These materials are lighter than just using ordinary steel but manage to be stronger as well. New manufacturing techniques enable greener methods in production while prolonging any E.V.'s or E.V./Hybrid's range.

Fewer emissions are used even during the production process.

4. Best In Range Performance

1000 Mile Range
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Because it is less likely to need charging during a bright sunny day, the Aptera will travel up to an extra 41 miles, added to its 1000-mile range from one charge.

5. Catalytic Converter


6. Low Cost In Ownership

The Batmobile
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