Is Humanity Trying To Skip Its Homework?

Getting to Mars sounds like a wonderful idea, but so does preserving the world we currently inhabit
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For many of us, the prospect of space travel and settling on other planets is paramount to the progress of our species. Yet, a lot of us also disregard this world, as we are distracted by the prospects ahead of us, almost as if people want this world to wither away.

As it already is, there will likely be few of us actually journeying to the red planet, while those that remain on Earth will have to fend for themselves, all because the brainiacs launched themselves into space without any concern for their birth world.

Time is of the essence, as mankind's impacts on this planet have done more damage in our species' short existence than since the Earth was born, which is why it may be worth tackling the issues at hand before reaching for the stars.

In any case, here are 10 issues that should be pushed for remedying prior to any cosmic voyages.

1. The coldest place on Earth is becoming lukewarm, making our neck of the woods hotter

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Ah, the Arctic, a frozen wasteland of bloodthirsty seadogs, flightless birds, and Coca-Cola bears. Yet all is not well there, with a lack of stability thanks to industrialization, as family-friendly science guy Bill Nye makes very clear. 

Bill points out that our world is in jeopardy thanks to rising temperatures and the subsequent domino effect which, if left unresolved, means we're basically screwed.

People seem to cling to the idea that the Earth is more resilient than it really is, that we don't need to take any sort of action against the mess that WE made of our homeworld. Oh, those poor misunderstood souls.

While it may be true the ozone layer is stitching together its holes no problem, there are still ground-level issues present, such as certain environments becoming toxic due to an increase in smog, smoke, and industrial emissions. And that's just the tip of the metaphorical iceberg.

Though industrialization has changed the trajectory of mankind forever, it has also left this planet in dire straits, and if the smarties decide to ditch this world for the stars, I'll be mighty disappointed, along with everyone else still stuck on this hot rock.

2. Religious conflicts fan the flames of unease

Image Source: LetterPile

While everyone and their mother has what they believe in, there are a select few out there who have problems with individuals not celebrating what it is they believe in, sometimes even fighting over it. Departing Earth won't automatically resolve that conflict.

For as long as religion has existed, there has been strife over which is the quote-on-quote correct one. A flawed belief in and of itself, given that most, if not all religions, are about maintaining faith and promoting coexistence, regardless of differing interpretations and mishearings of old scriptures.

Since everyone has different ideas over what it is they believe is right in their own religion, disputes can occur when someone else finds faults in supporting dissimilar beliefs. If a group of those people went to space together, it could spell disaster for those looking to start a new beginning.

Though I try to keep my religious beliefs and my social life separate, I don't judge anyone else for having put their devotion to something that is only slightly different from what I see as just, provided they're not hurting anyone or anything. To each, their own I say, as there is little point in trying to persuade someone of shifting their beliefs into a new, unknown gear, especially while on an interstellar journey.

3. Plastic is our best friend and worst enemy

Image Source: World Economic Forum

Plastic has revolutionized manufacturing in far too many ways to count, as it has for the engineers building space ships, but it has also proven itself to be one of, if not the greatest pollutant in our world next to industrial gases. 

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one such example of carelessness when it comes to plastic not being good for the environment. That mass is about twice the size of the state of Texas, and the majority consists of containers that didn't make it into recycling bins, sometimes in fault of lazy drivers who couldn't wait for the next rest stop and decided to chuck their soda bottles out the window. Such a lack of sympathy for the environment won't benefit anyone in other worlds, or even here.

At this rate, there are microplastics in our food, our drinking water, and just about anywhere that can get inside our beings, causing more issues down the line. Though the majority of people won't notice these effects on the surface, plastics are impacting fertility and causing attempts at reproduction to become fruitless for some. If this keeps up, life will be just like "The Handmaid's Tale," which won't be good for those in space.

The whole point of venturing beyond our atmosphere is so humanity can expand and prosper, which doesn't seem plausible if no one can have kids, and although I've never wanted to become a parent myself, I can imagine the devastation some of my cohorts would feel if they can't have a lineage. 

As long as plastic remains a staple in manufacturing across the world, there will be greater issues to come for those looking to leave their mark on other worlds.

4. As with inbreeding, a lack of biodiversity leaves much to be desired

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Similar to a nice flowerbed, ecological diversity will benefit everyone involved when it comes to living in another world, but not if everything those environments offer is taken away and left devoid of fauna and flora.

As humanity continues to grow and expand on Earth, more and more of what remains belonging to the primordial world shrivels and dies to make way for our selfish desires. It's like a one-sided match of Capture the Flag; anything that humankind impacts won't put up resistance, which ultimately hurts us.

Due in part to industrialization, deforestation is becoming more frequent, causing climate change and other temperature-related issues to become the new normal with fewer filters to trap excess carbon dioxide. This in turn gives us less fresh air and more of a reason why mankind is the worst.

If we can't preserve nature on Earth, how can humanity expect to flourish in other worlds? The cycle of destruction will only make things more difficult in hostile environments, as people will be uncertain how to handle issues as they come with foreign ecosystems.

5. Selective inclusion could spur animosity

Image Source: Philosophical Disquisitions 

In the film "Elysium," there exists a massive space station that is essentially Nirvana for the rich and entitled who don't want to live alongside the gear-grinding dregs on Earth's surface. I can picture this being our reality in the new space race.

As it is, there are countless individuals out on the streets struggling with mental and emotional issues stemming from discrimination in the job market. They are seen as inferior by those on top, as they don't have the chance to contribute to our so-called society. Those who are seen as mentally ill are the real victims for a reason.

When I saw the film "Joker," and how it portrays individuals committing crimes, it made me wonder why the rich and powerful who run Gotham didn't offer aid to those struggling that were compelled to steal and assault others for a living. If the upper echelons abandon those on this surface, it could turn out just like Elysium; a barren world filled with strugglers that are doomed to obscurity.

If I had to guess, the richest may purchase their seats and fill them with their billionaire friends, and leave Earth together, for they do not care about the mental and emotional struggles of the little man.

6. A lack of food and water could carry over

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In part due to climate change, there are issues acquiring sustenance and hydration for some of the world's population, and ditching this world for another won't necessarily solve the issue.

Food capsules and dehydrated meals may be a good solution for a short while during the Mars trip, but when humans reach the red planet, they will likely seek "real," sustenance, not something from a can or vacuum-sealed pouch.

Given that we're still struggling with the effects brought on by global warming, I don't see how trying to develop agriculture on another planet could yield fruitful results, since we can barely keep people fed here, much less on a planet that is mostly an ice-cold desert.

I'm not a fan of going to space without any sort of contingency plan for humanity's food supply, especially since we'd be starting from scratch on a planet that likely won't be terraformed in our lifetime. Before the development of food can start on unexplored frontiers, there needs to be some sort of fix on Earth first.

7. The energy crisis isn't going to solve itself

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Once again, we have an issue that would not translate over well if not solved before leaving this planet; I'm talking about the energy crisis, which, for most of us isn't that big deal. It will be, however, on other worlds.

To this day, reliance on fossil fuels and other highly-marketable resources is bad, not just for the environment, but also for those who don't have a hand on where the resources are being sent.

There are those who need the extra bit of electricity or gas who can't get it because of the greedy sons o' mothers who aren't exactly known for being magnanimous with how they distribute those conduits.

Though I am not a fan of fossil fuels myself, I do see it as a necessary evil, as there is no commercialized alternative that the plebes can afford that big business also sees as an opportunity to line their pockets.

If humanity were to go to another world, one in which oil and other naturally-occurring fuels are in short supply, then it would be hard to imagine that what can fit on that little rocket will suffice in powering vital equipment for years to come, provided there is no sustainable alternative power source. 

8. The healthcare system is a mess

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As if it weren't already obvious, the United State's healthcare system is garbage, but not because of the quality of care provided by those with the tools and resources needed to treat illness.

In a time where supply chains are at their peak, there should be no reason for the sick and injured to go untreated. Yet, due to corporate greed, so many people in the US find themselves without the funds to remove an appendix or other lifesaving treatments. 

It sickens me that politicians allow hospitals and insurance companies to be able to charge whatever they want for procedures and medications that those with the least money can barely afford. Although life is worth a bit more than that, that doesn't mean I'd be happy shelling out a college tuition's worth to spend a few more years on this planet.

Who's to say that those running SpaceX and the other interstellar traveling programs won't allow only the most wealthy to get health treatments on other planets? If those who control the current healthcare system are put in charge of medical services in space, then there is little hope of having healthy humans live amongst the stars.

9. Sorry, no fatties

Image Source: American Society for Nutrition

Obesity is a problem plaguing many nations of the world, and not just because of the increased distribution of food; not enough people are aware of the impacts their favorite foods can have on their long-term health.

Asides from getting weird looks from passersby, people with excess amounts of fat learn the hard way by being unable to get around without assistance (like the large fellow higher up) but also losing the ability to get off the ground at all.

The increased likelihood of diabetes can result in limbs having to be amputated, and ergo, the inability to move anywhere ever again, given there are no means of artificial locomotion allowing one to perambulate like they used to. Such individuals may not be allowed to go to space.

This is understandable to me, as, asides from taking up more than one seat on those ships, these individuals could become a liability, as the more capable persons onboard cannot devote all their time aiding their disabled passengers.

As much as it would suck, it is unlikely NASA would allow those with such debilitating disabilities to fly with other, more capable individuals, as it is difficult to keep a ship running when unwell individuals have to be catered hand and foot.

10. Knowledge is power! Except when it's not

Image Source: Slate

For all its flaws, the human brain is an incredible thing; an organic supercomputer with the ability to process signals and information in the blink of an eye compared to the greatest technical marvels science has to offer. Yet, there is only so much it can improve when filled with less-than-useful information.

As with its healthcare system, the education system in the US doesn't rank very high in comparison to other first-world nations when it comes to output. So many adolescents, teens, and young adults are not getting the most from their schools because of issues in where the figureheads think it should go.

If the commonwealth is to be sent into space, there needs to be some indication that they can cognitively handle the challenges presented to them, and solve those issues in a calm and collected manner. Otherwise, that's just a disaster waiting to happen.

As someone who considers himself a keen observer of society, I feel I can say with certainty that too many people would not know what to do in times of crisis, as they are too anxious and worked up not to seek outside help. Too bad for those people that that won't be available in space, and if they don't have the brains, they're in for quite a rude awakening.


Before the big wigs consider sending any non-astronauts into space, they should consider tackling the problems already present on this good, green earth. While there are still people in this world, there are issues that will need fixing before considering space flight.

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