Here Is How Your Moon Sign Impacts Your Life And Relationships Emotionally

Astrology has to be one of the most fun things to learn about. Even if one does not believe in it, they love to see what their zodiac sign says about them and the traits they possess from it. Of course, you are more than your sun sign and there is so much stuff in space that makes up who you are, but for now, we are only going to focus on the moon sign. The moon sign mainly tells you who you are when you are alone, how you will react to events in life, and what goes on inside of your own head. 

The moon sign (feminine), like a mother in your life, is all about comfort and making sure you are safe and comfortable in everyday life. It is often considered secretive, which is just like the moon itself. We mainly do not see the moon during the day as the sun's light blocks it from us, but sometimes it is visible, and so are our deepest emotions. Just like how the moon impacts our oceans, it also has a tremendous impact on your feelings and who you get along with. 

You are either an earth, water, fire, or air moon sign. If you are unaware of your moon sign, this website allows you to find out. All you have to do is put in your birthday, birth time, and city of birth. If you do not know your exact birth time that is okay, and you can just do a rough estimate, but it is vital that you use the exact time if you do know it. 

Twelve zodiac signs and symbols

Moon in Aries

If you have your moon in Aries, you tend to be a bit impatient in life and want things to be rushed. You have a bit of a temper, and love to be spontaneous. The best way to describe an Aries moon is almost like a child. They know what they want, and they want it at that moment. If they do not get what they want, they will have a bit of a tantrum until things go their way. Being rude to others and causing a scene will never play out well for anyone. Others might get annoyed with you and ignore you until you are done throwing your tantrum. It is good to stick up for something you believe in or want, but do not get carried away with it. 

Advice: Count to ten before reacting to any situation. Take a deep breath and evaluate if the situation is something worthy of a huge reaction. 

Most compatible moon signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Moon in Taurus

If your moon is in Taurus, you are just like a Taurus sun. These signs are very headstrong, persistent, and enjoy things that give you any sense of comfort. They love anything that deals with comfort foods as well as luxurious items. They do not handle change too kindly and have a set routine they would like to stick with. They are happy with just sitting in a cozy room all day and doing nothing, rather than having spontaneous things happen to them every minute of the day. Having a lot of blankets and comfort items can do a lot for you. 

Advice: Try not to take life too seriously. Remember to sit down in your room, light some candles, and curl up with some blankets. 

Most compatible moon signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Moon in Gemini

If your moon is in Gemini, you need the attention on you. You have a double-sided moon and both sides of it need to be fulfilled. These moon signs also need all the information present when being faced with a new topic or issue. They prefer to have all their facts straight and clear communication. If they miss something, it can through their whole balance off, and it will throw a wrench in their day.

If you know a Gemini moon, be careful before you argue with them. They will most likely tear you to shreds with all the facts they have. To the Gemini moon, do not be too harsh on other people who might not agree with you or have the same morals. You can introduce the information in a kind way that will leave you and the person you are interacting with just fine. 

Advice: Be sure to have all the facts before reacting to any type of situation. 

Most compatible moon signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

Moon in Cancer

If your moon is in Cancer, you are a very emotional person. Cancer is ruled by the moon, so as it shifts every day, your moods do just as fast. You are able to pick up on any energy change or change in tone, even if it is the smallest change. If you are someone who has a cancer moon, it is important that you have people in your life that you can trust who also make you feel safe. If people leave your life, let them. They were never meant to be there.

People come and go every day, and every day our emotions change. Think of people as emotions if you need to. There is a time for them, and if they are meant to be there in your life, they will make that known. 

Advice: If new people enter your life, welcome it and trust it. 

Most compatible moon signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Moon in Leo

If your moon is in Leo, you resemble an Aries moon. You need the attention on you, or else you will begin to act out so it will then be directed back towards you. It seems as though you always need to be the center of attention, or else it will ruin your whole day.

You need to have everyone's approval and oftentimes you come on a bit too strong, which leads people to become overwhelmed. Remember to relax and let something flow naturally. I understand that it messes with you if someone feels negatively towards you or you cannot decipher what they are feeling, but that is just how life goes. Not everyone is good at expressing their emotions. 

Advice: You do have a creative side, so definitely find activities (art, acting, exercises, dancing, etc.) that bring that out, as well as other signs who would be able to bring that out.

Most compatible moon signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Moon in Virgo

If your moon is in Virgo, you resemble a Gemini moon. You love facts and any kind of statistics. Despite having all this knowledge, they are a bit rattled in the head and often have bouts of anxiety. It is important to watch this sign if you are friends with one to know when something is about to set them off.

You also are a sign who loves to get reassurance. You love to know that you are useful and valuable to someone. Once you feel this and it is established between you and the person, you would like for the person to be there for you and help you in rational ways. Remember not everyone might be big on gestures, but if they say something nice, chances are they mean it. 

Advice: If you have your moon in Virgo, pay attention to your surroundings and how you feel at any given moment. Remember that it is okay to step away from something for a few minutes for a breather. 

Most compatible moon signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Moon in Libra

If your moon is in Libra, you love the peace, and I mean love it. This sign is all about harmony and feeling balanced in all aspects of life, so when there are no conflicts going on in your life or any close relationships, you feel you can truly relax and unwind. You love making new connections, so if you feel you have a lot of relationships (whether it is friendships or lovers/ex-lovers), know that it is completely normal.

You might also feel like a people pleaser, and in all honesty, you are. You tend to mimic what others around you are doing and what they want. Others will pick up on this and gravitate towards you. In turn from this happening, you also learn more about yourself. By mirroring others around you, you learn which environments you work best in, what your interests and dislikes are, and what you are willing to do for someone. 

Advice: Each relationship brings a new sense of security to you, but just remember to keep yourself as the main source of happiness. Practicing meditation or yoga can help keep this in check. 

Most compatible moon signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Moon in Scorpio

If your moon is in Scorpio, you love strong, deep connections. You feel things deeply and because of this, you may struggle mentally. You might be a bit hard on yourself (especially when creating boundaries), but just know to take it easy and just enjoy going through life.

People with this placement might be scared to open up to others and have that vulnerable connection (I would know, this is my placement). Not everyone is out to hurt you emotionally. You will form some deeper connections once you open up emotionally with others, and do not worry, you do not have to share everything with them all at once. You can open the door slowly and decide what they get to know, and at least you have that control. 

Advice: It needs to be said time and time again that you need to prioritize yourself and everything you are feeling. Remember to breathe and tell yourself that everything will be okay in the end. 

Most compatible moon signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Moon in Sagittarius

If your moon is in Sagittarius, you are always up for an adventure, whether it be new places or old. You love different scenery and relish in the beauty and unknown of it all. With a love for deep, intelligent conversations, you might try to be the main voice in a conversation and think you are right all the time, but take some time to step back and let others tell their story and have their voices be heard. 

You trust your instincts a lot. You brush off what others around you say because you believe you truly know best. If something was not right, you would know immediately. You want to do things on your own and want to learn through experience, not from someone else. 

Advice: It is okay to sit on the sidelines every now and again. Not everything needs to be about you or include you. 

Most compatible moon signs: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo

Moon in Capricorn

If your moon is in Capricorn, you are a hard worker. You will work yourself to death to achieve a goal, and you often hold an emotional weight on it. If you reach a goal, you will feel on top of the world, but if you do not, you will be hard on yourself and in the dumps for quite some time. Remember, it is okay not to reach a goal every now and then, it does not mean you have failed in life.

You have to fail a little to really grow in life. Oprah was fired from one of her early jobs and now she is a household name. It is the same with Michael Jordan. He was cut from his high school team varsity team, but he ended up being a professional basketball player. Take your failure and turn it into a lesson. 

Advice: Try to have as much fun in life as you do when working towards your goals. You also thrive off of parties and getting away from any main cause of stress. 

Most compatible moon signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus

Moon in Aquarius

If your moon is in Aquarius, you always want to serve others. You oftentimes put the needs of others before your own, and that never does anyone any good. You need to learn to prioritize yourself and your feelings. The minute you wake up and the minute you go to sleep, you are the only person who truly matters. You only have one body, do not abuse it. A quick reminder that you and other signs may go through the same thing, so be kind to others as well, and not when it is only convenient. 

Advice: It is okay to fall back from time to time, but as long as you rebound and stay reliable, you will not have any issues moving through life. 

Most compatible moon signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

Moon in Pisces

If your moon is in Pisces, you resemble the Scorpio moon a lot. You feel just as deep as them, but you are always soaking in what is going on around you (this means any energy or vibes around you). Oftentimes, you might get described as being emotionally mature and seeming older than what you actually are. You love to share any knowledge and wisdom you have, and may even take an interest in philosophy and spiritual practices. 

Advice: Practice meditation, find something that helps you relax, and use it often. The more stressed you are, the more drained you will feel. 

Most compatible moon signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Your moon sign is so unique and adds another element to your personality. Whenever you read horoscopes, make sure you read your moon sign as well considering the weight it holds on you. 

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