Guide For Making Personal Instagram Posts Creative And Unique

Here is the only guide you need with tips for making your Instagram unique, memorable and consistent to who you are.

To start off with, Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms for brands and personal use. These statistics will interest you with how many people would see your posts.

Out of all the mobile apps, Instagram is the 4th most popular. More than a billion people use it a month. 72% of 13-17-year-olds are on Instagram, showing the appeal to teenagers and the younger population. 

This guide will give you tips you need to take your Instagram page to the next level. The unique ideas make your posts stand out - including help for grid layouts, recurring themes, content, and captions. Furthermore, it will make your Instagram posts your own and show your personality, which I believe is important for a personal Instagram and for self-confidence. 

The difference between a business Instagram and personal Instagram is that a business one is work-related, for a company - small or big - to promote their products or services and to attract audiences. On the other hand, a personal Instagram showcases one's life and interests like a personal blog.

Taking a photo for your personal Instagram post
Image source: Pexels

The study by Deva Rangarajan, Betsy D. Gelb and Amy Vandaveer has shown how a person is a brand and strategic personal branding has great benefits. We use social media to promote ourselves effectively and express who we are or how we want to be viewed.

Seeing that you are a brand, your profile name is like your brand name and your profile picture is like your logo. Everything you post or display is connected to your personal brand. Employers and strangers may stumble upon your page and you want to leave a good impression. Therefore, you should start with these pointers.

Instagram lets you get creative with grid layouts - a feature that is great to explore and use to make your page memorable. Recurring themes and shots make people remember you and really know who you are as you show consistency. Many different content ideas can show your unique personality in an interesting way. Short captions and hashtags give you a voice that gets noticed.

Additionally, it'll help you get more followers. So, use this guide to stay committed to Instagram and keep those who follow you or visit your page satisfied consistently. You should post at least once a day on Instagram. However, it's best not to post more than three times a day. Even 5 times a week is good. 

Whether you're a social bee who loves pleasing thousands of followers or you just want an aesthetically pleasing Instagram diary to look back on the memories of your life in style, these tips will interest your social media needs. 

Here is how to make your personal Instagram unique and creative:

1. Make your Instagram stand out with your favourite grid layout

When you're browsing Instagram, the most eye-catching pages are probably those that take advantage of the grid layout to create a wholesome design. It's very effective and I think it's fun to do for decorating your account. And, it's not very hard - just spare some of your time to think about what works for you, and here is why you should.

The benefits of creative grid layouts include allowing you to be easily memorable for your individual posts and your whole personality and values that shine from your overall page. It makes your page look complete as one and fluidly coherent since the posts connect. It's aesthetically pleasing for everyone. 

While Instagram grid layouts work great to leave a good impression and get more followers, it doesn't have to be important or the first priority. You should only use them if it's your style and goes with what you want to post. To emphasise, only use it if it makes your page coherent and the themes connect. 

The layout of three columns and endless rows lets you match posts together how you like. To make a grid layout on Instagram, you can match them by colour, theme, shot size or angle, or more. Start with the left post on the bottom and then move to the right and go up row by row. The most simple design is posting individual pictures however you like as you normally do - there's no matching or planning. 

Otherwise, for a more connected Instagram look, here are some suggestions for how to make creative grid layouts. These are good ideas for an Instagram account. You can even experiment and mix the layouts together and change from one to the other. 

Row by row layout

Row by row grid layout for Instagram
Image source: Business 2 Community. personaljournalapp on Instagram

A simple Instagram layout is the row by row idea, where the posts in one row have the same theme or colour and the next row has its own theme, and so on. It looks satisfying and organised as you scroll down. 

This is perfect for travellers or people who take lots of pictures in one place or with a similar theme so it works well with location and objects. And this is because you have to post 3 pictures at the same time to keep the nice design.

Moreover, you can take it a step further for a rainbow layout. The ordinary row by row grid lets you reuse the same colour or theme after skipping one or two rows if you like or change up the themes with no real pattern. On the other hand, the rainbow feed uses a row by row design where the colour or filter slowly changes smoothly and organised (though it could even be after every second or third row).

Therefore, it's like a rainbow transition. It may change from a colour shade, such as dark green to a lighter green as you scroll down. This is a more planned out version of the row by row layout. It looks great for fashion influencers who have outfits with similar colours. 

Rainbow feed Instagram grid layout
Image source: sarah_peretz on Instagram

Vertical feed

As you can guess, the vertical lines layout is the opposite of the row by row design.

The vertical feed matches your posts within vertical columns. The left column may be made up of one picture and so on with the other two. Or, they may just have a different theme in each line.

This has gotten quite popular on social media, especially with the enhanced version of having the line in the middle different to the other two lines so it stands out in the centre. Therefore, if you're an inspirational blogger, this would look good with quotes or something bright to stand out in the middle line.

Vertical grid layout on Instagram
Image source: mysimplegram on Instagram

Puzzle layout

A common thing to do is the puzzle feed which makes your Instagram more impactful with a big grid and images and a connected feel. I think it's a great way to emphasise pictures and it looks good. Although it may be difficult or tiring to do all the time for your whole page so you can switch between using it and not using it.

An Instagram puzzle grid uses one picture that is split into more pieces for separate posts. When each post is uploaded, it fits together to make the original, large image.

Puzzle grids work well for everyone but it's best used for pictures of a place or objects, rather than a person, otherwise, I find that the splits in their face don't look as good and it's better if each post can stand on its own as well. Puzzle layouts can emphasise what you want to express, such as the main attraction of your holiday, and works great for brands. 

Puzzle grid layout for Instagram
Image source: nelsonmouellic on Instagram

A picture may be cut into 9 or 12 squares to take up a large part of your page. Or one picture may be split into a row - 3 pictures, for a nice, landscape view that would look good for panoramas or long quotes. Even split into 6 - making two rows - works well but really, anything works well depending on your picture and overall design.


For a beautiful and very aesthetic layout, you should try the checkerboard tiles. It's one of my favourite designs that stands out as satisfying. If you're someone who wants a simple looking yet elegant Instagram, this is the idea for you. On top of being suited for a simplistic person, it goes well for a person who likes posting quotes or plain coloured pictures - especially inspirational influencers or brands.

The checkerboard grid uses the Instagram posts like tiles that resemble the pattern of a chessboard.

There are many ways to decorate your page with this as you like. If you want something simple, alternate between pictures and a plain black (or white) square - or any other coloured square. 

Checkerboard grid layout for Instagram
Image source: abundantbossbabes on Instagram

However, if you want it more stylish, you can alternate between pictures and quotes (quite popular). Or, you can change between black and white photos and coloured photos. You can also just alternate between pictures with different colour schemes or content, like places and people. But you have to make sure you will continue to have enough of those such images and the theme will always suit you and what you want to post.

Diagonal layout

One of the grids that I believe takes the most time to plan is the diagonal layout. It might be easier to draw out a sketch so you can imagine how you want it to look when you post. 

A diagonal Instagram grid has a format with the posts matching in a diagonal pattern.

This layout is best for people who like posting many different pictures, though quotes are popular to highlight the diagonals and make your page not as busy-looking. I think it'll fit someone who likes something different and a bit challenging. 

Once again, the diagonal lines can be arranged by related colour, themed content or other ways. For example, a diagonal line could have flowers in it and the next could have pictures of food. 

Diagonal grid layout for Instagram posts
Image source: Business 2 Community. humandoinglife on Instagram

2. Similar themes and shots show an authentic personality

Like with other profiles people might have such as Youtube, consistency helps to communicate an authentic person behind the screen. This is one of the things I think is very important so your followers become familiar with who you are and feel closer to you. It makes you seem more real and likable. This especially achieves making your Instagram your own. 

How does consistency show authenticity?

Consistency shows that you have values, desires and things you like that you stick to. In other words, if you post bright, colourful images of people and food but then suddenly upload a black and white picture of a flower with an old feel, it may seem out of place. Your followers might think it's weird and not you.

Moreover, it also stands out on your page in an odd way and breaks the whole aesthetic you have. The same theme makes your page coherent and satisfying. It all connects and looks good. So, it's best to stick to one vibe or theme that shows your personality well.

Examples of recurring themes and shots for Instagram

There are many different ways to show a consistent theme or idea in your pictures. To point out, these are ideas and inspiration for you so that you can discover what helps express yourself. The best way to make your Instagram your own is to do what fits who you are. 

Themes that you can carry throughout your Instagram include the filter look or vibe of the photo, such as a vintage look. You can even choose to have a theme of colour, food, selfies, pictures of the sky, your cat, books or more. The list is endless and it all depends on what you like and care about in your life. For example, I like doing a peace sign pose in my pictures, so I consistently do that - and you might do a wink. 

Camera shots and angles can make your Instagram that much more unique and you. Choosing a shot size or angle and frequently doing it gives you an edge that stands out. When people take a selfie, they most likely have a certain angle they prefer that makes them look good and you might notice this when they do it a lot.

You might do a lot of high angles or low angles. Similarly, someone might like to do close-ups or long shots often.

how to make a creative post for your personal Instagram
Image source: Pexels

Finding your camera distance and angle is up to you. For an interesting idea, you might do a tilted angle of a beautiful setting and people might find it surprising but if you use the same angle, it becomes your thing that's unique to you.

Of course, you don't have to do these content themes or camera techniques in every single thing you post but doing it from time to time will show your own distinct personality and preferences.

Making your Instagram personality memorable

Although it was mentioned a bit above, here are some more details on how it can make you memorable. 

To make people remember you and your Instagram, you should make your themes or shots in your posts consistent. This is so that people can associate your posts with you and recognise the style that you like. 

If you post pictures of your cat, your followers will see it on the home page and can easily tell that it's your post without checking the name. Likewise, if you use a certain angle, people may be able to notice that it's you. To make the best use of this, you should be as different to others as you can and stay true to yourself. Restating again, it may look weird at first if you do something unique but you'll be able to own it in no time.

It helps people remember who you are and what you like. Maybe if they see things in the real world that's similar to what you always post, they might think of you. Relatable content reinforces your human nature where you're more likable. It's definitely something that helps me remember people and like them more. 

Being authentic and consistent makes you connect to your followers so they feel closer to you and it builds a better relationship. It engages them so more people will want to follow you, seeing that you're a real person like a friend. You can even interact more. 

3. Have a variety of creative content ideas for your personal Instagram

Many people struggle with ideas after a while and it can be difficult to constantly post something different. Instead of selling products like a brand, which you might often see, personal Instagram's work to express different parts of you and your life. For a beginner or your first post, try a photo of you on a great outing; you in an aesthetic location; pretty nature; a cool polaroid; or your favourite object, like a book, so they can get to know you.

Here are popular and creative content ideas for your personal Instagram:

  • A beautiful landscape or setting

Especially if you travel a lot, people like to see the amazing places you go to - I know I love seeing beautiful locations as it makes me want to visit. Not only is it aesthetic, but the different activities you do at places gives a sense of who you are and shows what you're up to in a subtle, gorgeous way.

Beautiful sunset beach landscape photo for personal Instagram
Beautiful sunset photo at the beach
  • Your daily picture of yourself or outfit of the day (OOTD)

It's great to show your followers a picture of yourself so that can put a face to your other content. And, showing what you're doing or wearing is a nice idea. Especially for fashion bloggers, your outfit would make people interested.

Man posing for a creative post for personal Instagram picture
Image source: Pexels
  • What's in your bag

If you're stuck on what to post, I recommend laying out what's in your bag as it was trendy content and it passes the time in a fun way as you design the post. It also expresses your personality and could make others relate. 

What's in your bag creative, personal Instagram photo
Image source: PritchardPeck
  • Delicious food you're trying

The obvious but enjoyable post is food - I love seeing photos of food people post because it always looks delicious. Whether it's a cuisine you love or you're trying, it makes your page look aesthetic and it's perfect for food-lovers.

Delicious food for creative, personal Instagram photo content
Image source: Pexels
  • Your loved ones - friends, family, pets

Don't forget the people you love! Pictures with friends and family show your social, friendly side and help you engage with others by tagging and comments by them. Likewise, pets are the key to many people's hearts when you post cute pictures of them. 

Pets for creative, personal Instagram post
Image source: Pexels
  • The latest book, movie or hobby you love

One of the best ways to show your personality is through your hobbies or the latest things you love. For example, I would post a picture of the current book I'm reading, maybe with a cup of hot chocolate on the side.

Painting hobby for creative, personal Instagram post
Image source: Pexels
  • Go seasonal with the current holiday, trend or season  (e.g. Christmas tree pictures, or Autumn leaves for the fall)

When you've pretty much done the usual posts, there can be something to do around the specific time or holiday. These will keep you up-to-date with your followers.

Easter creative personal Instagram post content
Image source: Pexels
  • Throwback photos from your favourite holiday or something else you're missing

Especially when you can't travel or do many activities, a throwback to a holiday or something you've done is a nice way to keep your Instagram interesting for your followers. 

Throwback holiday for creative, personal Instagram post
Image source: Pexels
  • A quote in a nice design or written in your handwriting

Quotes can be inspirational or funny and they're popular on Instagram for it's unique and aesthetic design. Furthermore, I think writing it in your handwriting makes it more different and personal.

Inspirational dreams quote for creative, personal Instagram post
Image source: Pixabay
  • A handy tip or tutorial

If you have something interesting you think your followers would like to know, such as a great tip, behind-the-scenes photo or a small how-to video tutorial, that would help you stand out a lot.

Tutorial for creative, personal Instagram post
Image source: Pexels

Indeed, this simple list doesn't cover the endless possibilities that you can post. There are so many ideas, and to get content ideas for Instagram or to make your posts your own, the best inspiration will come from your mind and what you like in life. Here are some ways I think you can play around with to enhance your Instagram as your own. 

For different, creative Instagram posts, try these ideas:

  • Having a photo with one main colour scheme
  • Taking a close-up, aesthetic picture that focuses on a heightened texture
  • Using different filters or editing techniques
  • Try a time-lapse or a slow-motion video
  • Interact with your followers with a poll or a question
  • Make people laugh with a joke or riddle

Tip: Post videos now and then as videos attract more popularity and are more engaging. 

Also, a new study has suggested that selfies may make you be perceived more negatively and insecure. Thus, I recommend getting someone else to take your picture as it will even make the photo quality and angle better. 

Content ideas for personal Instagram posts
Image source: Pixabay

4. Short captions and hashtags complete your post

A caption is the writing that is under a picture. Instagram captions are important as they can provide context, details, a story and emotions that engage the audience. While the captions have a limit of 2,200 characters and a limit of 30 hashtags, short captions and hashtags may improve the popularity of your post.

What is the ideal length for your Instagram captions?

The best length for Instagram captions is 138-150 characters, roughly 23 words, as stated by Sprout Social. However, for a guaranteed read where people don't have to click 'more', you should use less than 125 characters.

Although studies show the average Instagram caption length continues to rise above 400 characters, I believe shorter ones will capture people's attention better. Our attention span is getting shorter and we don't want to read a long essay. Only 2 or 3 lines is enough before we keep scrolling down as I like to scroll down quickly. It's about quality, not quantity.

And similar to recurring themes, you can make captions that you use often, or reuse the same writing style. This will make you more memorable. Most importantly, having a catchphrase or motto helps your post be your own. When you think of a quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger, what do you think of? 'I'll be back'? Or 'Hasta la vista, baby'? But you probably thought of a phrase because it's well associated with him.

If there's something short and catchy that you like to say a lot, that's perfect to throw in. So you can think of your own quote that's unique to you, whether it be inspirational, funny or something else. My family remembers the catchphrases I say all the time so when I post it, it'll get their attention. This guide won't tell you exactly what to say in your post because making your Instagram your own will only come from you but this can give you inspiration.

Here are some creative and cute Instagram caption ideas to try:

  • Tell a joke or riddle

This can help your followers laugh or smile - even if it's a bad joke, and it keeps your post interesting and people are sure to read it.

  • Write a short story under 30 words

Maybe you can challenge your creative side with a short story that describes the picture - either what happened or a fictional version. 

  • An acrostic poem

Poetry or an acrostic poem is something you don't see much but could work well in describing the image uniquely.

  • Some rhyming

If you love rhyming, this will catch the audience's attention and be fun for you.

  • Your favourite song lyric that fits the picture

My favourite idea that is good for music lovers is using a song lyric. Not only will it match your image, but it'll sound aesthetic and your followers might recognise it.

Next, hashtags are also best kept short and will help the post be more popular.

The ideal number of hashtags for Instagram posts is 5-10. Make sure to keep them relevant to the picture so it makes sense and complements it for a perfect, complete post. 

Do not reuse hashtags too often otherwise Instagram may stop showing your posts when that tag is searched. 

How your personal Instagram can creatively show your personality

Instagram is a great social media platform used by many to promote brands and people themselves. Taking your Instagram to the next level can be fun and gets you creatively thinking about who you are and what your social desires are. It's really made me think about who I am, what my style is and how I want to be seen.

Though it may take effort, choosing a unique grid layout makes your page different to other pages. Themes or content and photo features that suit your layout should be consistently repeated so people remember and get to know you better. Frequent posts that show your whole personality can be found through inspiration around you. Short captions and hashtags enhance the post in a catchy way.

Hopefully, this has helped you find a unique way of creating your Instagram page that you will enjoy as I have. With these ideas and tips I think are important, you can now make your posts your own and be amazingly memorable.

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