Great Strategies For Staying Warm While Saving Money

Stay cozy this winter without paying a hefty price.
great strategies for saving money during the winter
Image Source: Pexels | Kelly L

Winter is quickly approaching, which means temperatures will be dropping significantly. With that, people will begin turning on their furnaces to keep their houses warm for the next few months. Although people will be safe from the harsh cold, they can quickly find themselves in financial danger.

Heating bills can add up faster than one would think. During the first winter in my apartment, the energy bill cost around $200! I don't have that much money to spare on expensive bills just so I don't have to freeze in the winter. That's why my roommates and I are continually looking for good strategies to keep ourselves warm without depleting our bank accounts. No one should have to spend all their money to have a warm home.

Strategies for Staying Warm and Saving Money

Here are 10 strategies you can try to keep the house warm during the harsh winter months on a budget:

ways to stay warm and save money
Image Source: Pexels | Vlada Karpovich

1. Have a Bunch of Blankets

In our living room alone, my roommates and I have 12 different blankets lying around to use when we get cold. We have comforters, thin blankets, fuzzy blankets, quilts, and other types of blankets to keep us cozy in the winter.

Instead of increasing the temperature on the thermostat, I will just grab a blanket or two and be both warm and comfortable. Blankets keep your body warm by trapping the heat your body naturally emits, so you don't lose any of that natural heat.

Another great resource for the cold weather is a heated blanket. My partner and I own one and it is miraculous. A heated blanket uses way less energy than a space heater, so it won't have much effect on your energy bill. We can even change the heat setting between Low, Medium, and High depending on how chilly we are. I highly recommend purchasing a heated blanket.

saving money and staying warm in winter
Image Source: Pexels | Erik Mclean

2. Maintain a Specific Temperature on the Thermostat

Something that I've learned over the past year and a half of living on my own is that the thermostat can trick you into spending more money than you intended. It's easy to fall into the trap of increasing the temperature when you feel the house is a bit cold.

When it's time to turn on the heat, pick a specific and comfortable temperature to keep the house at all times. That way, your thermostat will maintain that temperature, and the furnace will only turn on when the house gets below that temperature.

In my apartment, we try to keep the temperature at 60 degrees Fahrenheit so that the furnace doesn't turn on too often. It helps us save money and keeps the pipes from freezing.

strategies for saving money in the winter cold
Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro

3. Take Advantage of the Oven

Since it's getting colder, people are starting to use the oven more frequently. Delicious, hot meals are just one benefit of cooking with the oven in the winter. As you open the oven to put the food in and take it out, the heat radiating from inside the oven will warm up the house. The oven can actually increase the house temperature by a few noticeable degrees.

After the food is ready and the oven is turned off, leave the oven door cracked open a bit to let that remaining heat flow out into the house.

staying warm on a budget in winter
Image Source: Arina Krasnikova

4. Layer Up Your Clothes

Sweaters, leggings, sweatpants, robes, and onesies are just a few articles of clothing that can help you stay warm inside. If you're not in the mood to wrap yourself up in a blanket, layering your clothes can be a good alternative. Try to wear clothes made up of thicker fabrics like wool, boucle, fleece, or flannel. The more layers, the warmer you'll be.

keeping warm while saving money
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5. Hand and Foot Warmers are Your Friends

Your hands and feet are the first parts of the body to get cold, which can feel uncomfortable. I've heard of people using hand and foot warmers to stay warm while they're outside in the snow, but why not use them inside as well?

There are inexpensive hand and foot warmers that can keep you warm for hours. All you have to do is shake the contents inside of the warmer and it will heat up in a few minutes. I've tried using a hand warmer and its warmth amazed me.

You can also place a hand or foot warmer inside a pair of slippers to get even warmer toes.

staying warm on a budget
Image Source: Pexels | Ann Nekr

6. Let that Sunshine Inside

Sunshine is nature's heat source. The best part about this fact is that it's a free heat source. Additionally, sunshine offers people Vitamin D and happiness, which a lot of people need during the winter blues.

Open the curtains, pull up the blinds, and make sure to let that sunshine invite itself into your home. It can warm up the house a couple of degrees. If you need some extra heat, try sitting or standing in the sun rays for a free bit of warmth.

Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro

7. Buy a Humidifier

In the wintertime, the air not only gets colder but dryer as well. That's why it's a good idea to consider buying an air humidifier to get that moisture back into the household air. The humidity will also warm up the air since the water vapor is hot as it's released into the air from the humidifier. For the best results, keep the humidifier in a room used most frequently.

staying warm while saving money in winter
Image Source: Pixabay

8. Candles are a Helpful Aesthetic

Candles are a great way to not only warm up your space but also give off pleasant aromas to make you feel cozier. The candles' flames release a little heat into the air, and that can make a difference. Depending on the space, you may need multiple candles to get significant results. However, any extra heat is helpful.

Additionally, buying a scented candle with comforting smells (such as vanilla or floral scents) can help you get more comfortable.

save money and keep warm in the winter
Image Source: Pexels | Armin Rimoldi

9. Take a Nice, Hot Shower

Something I like to do when I'm too cold is take a nice, hot shower. A shower can warm you up quicker than other methods, however, the warmth doesn't last as long. Taking a shower helps me forget that it's a bitterly cold winter outside and I can relax for 15 minutes in the comforting hot water.

 Another benefit of taking a hot shower is creating moisture in the air from the steam. When you take a shower, leave the door cracked open and keep the shower fan off. That way, both the extra heat and moisture will remain in the room longer.

warm in the winter
Image Source: Pexels | Jonathan Borba

10. Stay Active

The best way to keep warm while it's cold outside is to keep moving. Activities can be as vigorous as exercising or as simple as doing chores around the house. If your body is always in motion, it will remain warm. So, whenever you begin feeling chilly, then get up and move your body for a while. You'll heat right up in no time.


Even though winter brings on colder weather, that shouldn't stop you from going about your day as usual. I know the cold can influence me to do nothing and lie under a bunch of blankets all day. However, it's important to stay motivated. Go out and have fun. You'll have some money to spare since you found ways to stay warm and save money. 


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