Best Tips For Hard-working Students To Be Successful And Happy

These are important reminders and tips that all students need to hear to be successful in studying and happy.

Being a student, whether high school or university or something else, is very stressful, especially as life starts to pile more responsibilities on your shoulders.

First of all, I believe students should focus on being happy as well as studying because stress can really affect their mental health negatively. For them to be happy in life, they can be successful with the following tips in this article for studying and well being. 

Furthermore, I think students should keep in mind that studying isn't all there is in life, though it may feel that way as a student. Remember to live your life healthily. So, these first tips are the best ways for a student to live well and successfully. Then, there are more tips that will help you study effectively and strategies for memorisation

Best studying tips for hard-working students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

12 Best tips for students to be successful and happy:

1. Stay hydrated 

Firstly, it's important to always drink plenty of water. It will help you feel better and concentrate well. For example, my sister has her glass of water next to her while she studies so she doesn't forget. But I think not having it with you can also benefit as it gives you a break and you can stretch your legs to go get water. 

To avoid dehydration, experts say you should drink roughly 2 litres a day, about 8-12 glasses, but you should have some sips regularly throughout the day. However, it differs for everyone so drink what your body needs and do not over-drink.

Studies show that dehydration (even mildly) can impair your mood, concentration, memory and make you tired. 

2. Eat well

Similarly, you should remember to eat good amounts of healthy, proper food instead of just snacking. So, it's good to eat a good portion of vegetables, fruit and meat. You should also reduce the amount of junk food you eat but of course, you can have it sometimes - I used it as a reward sometimes for studying. 

3. Go outside for fresh air

Going outside and getting fresh air will make you feel happy and good, especially after staying stuck in the house all the time. It'll give your mind, body and eyes a break. 

4. Organise and plan your study sessions

Of course, organisation and planning will help your studying improve so you can succeed. You can set times for when you want to study and what subjects to dedicate those times to and have clear goals. For example, I make long-term goals and short-term ones such as finishing chapter 3 today. 

Therefore, using a diary or planner as teachers suggest is helpful to prioritise the right subjects so you're on top of all your studies and to schedule in your leisure time as well. Additionally, you can use a calendar and as it's well recommended in school, you should add all your assignment dates so you don't forget and you're prepared. I used a diary to stay organised, and so did my hard-working friends and family. 

best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

5. Exercise

Next, exercise is very important for your body and health but it also has other benefits. It can increase your mood to make you happier and improve your mental health. Additionally, studies show that exercise stimulates brain cells so it's good for your cognitive thinking, concentration, creativity and memory.

Thus, you should try to exercise every day for around 30 minutes to an hour. If you can't, at least four times a week is good. I always schedule an hour or more for exercise every day. Moreover, it's good to walk around and stretch between studying and it helps your posture. 

6. Get plenty of sleep

Being a student, I know many don't get a lot of sleep but it's important to rest your mind and body. While most teens sleep for 6.5-7.5 hours a night, studies show that teenagers should get roughly 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Indeed, with a lot of studying and homework, it can be hard to get 10 hours but at least 8 would be good.

In high school, I managed to sleep around 8-9 hours and I focused better in class so I highly recommend that you get good sleep.

So if you're someone who sleeps around 7 hours, try getting one or two more hours in. When you don't sleep enough, it negatively affects your concentration, memory and mood. Trust me, you don't want to be the person who falls asleep in class.

7. Take a break every now and then

Instead of studying all the time, it's good to have a break often as it is recommended by many. It'll give your mind a rest. For instance, you can take a 10-minute break every 30 minutes as I did. Try walking around or making a cup of coffee.

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

8. Have a balance between studying and your leisure or hobbies

Of course, you should balance your studying with your personal life of hobbies and leisure. Don't forget to schedule the things you love to do and enjoy so you can be happy. For example, during high school, I still had band practice and swimming sessions and I left some time for hobbies like reading.

I believe that happiness leads to a successful life. 

9. Don't multitask

Experts and many articles say that multitasking doesn't exist. In terms of studying, I also believe that it doesn't exist as you switch tasks but can't concentrate on doing it all at once. So, try focusing on one thing for a long time before moving to your next task, such as dedicating 30 minutes to one subject.

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

10. Talk to your family

Though some teenagers may struggle to talk with their families (and I've felt the same way), it may help to keep a good social relationship with them, especially as you see them all the time. This can include talking about everyday things.

But, something that has helped me was talking about my studies - not as in grades but things such as when I have assignments. I tell my parents when I need to really study so they won't schedule family plans or bother me and they understand me better. Also, when my parents are too loud with movies, I tell them to turn it down because I'm trying to concentrate and they listen. 

So, you can do something similar and even ask them for help with your studying if you need it. Don't be afraid to ask for help as they want you to succeed as well and will help you.

11. Regularly talk to your friends

Likewise, you should keep social with your friends. Especially in COVID-19 times and when you don't see them often, it's nice to talk and video call your friends, as I do once a week. 

12. Think positively and don't stress

Most importantly, a positive mindset will keep you happy and successful as a student. Research shows that stress can lead to illnesses, poor mental and physical health and getting sick. While it may be hard, try not to focus on the negatives, your grades or the pressure from people. Let others know if you're stressed or struggling, especially your family.  

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pixabay

15 Strategies for effective studying and better memory:

1. Understand it and annotate instead of just reading

It's important to realise that just reading isn't studying if you aren't understanding it. This is something I struggle with a lot so I often reread things until I understand them and make notes or annotations that will help me remember meanings. Highlight information that is important but make sure you understand it and why you are highlighting it.

2. Teach it to someone else

One of the best ways to remember and understand things is to teach them to someone else. Many teachers and students recommend it and I think it's really helpful. If you can teach it to others, it means that you understand it. 

3. Make connections so it's meaningful

To memorise things, it's effective to make connections and associations between things that will help you remember them. If it's meaningful or personal to you that may relate to your life, you'll remember it more.

Therefore, you can make up the connections or acronyms yourself and you don't have to follow associations or acronyms other people tell you if you have a way that you remember better.

4. Use mnemonics and acronyms

A helpful way many things in the world are remembered is by acronyms or mnemonics. Teachers even show examples and I like them as it makes things easier to remember. 

A mnemonic is a device used to aid memory for anything and is made of words, phrases, jingles or names to represent and retrieve other information. An example of a mnemonic to memorise the planets is My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Noodles (meaning Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

5. Test yourself and make quizzes

Instead of reading all the time, you should mix up your studying so you stay focused and don't get bored. A great strategy students effectively use is to test themselves and make flashcards. 

A popular website used by students around the world is Quizlet. I've used it for many subjects (as have my international friends) and it helps by making quizzes, flashcards and games for your information. The variety of different ways to memorise things is thus good to keep your studying interesting and engaging.

6. Take notes in class

Once again, listening and reading may not be effective if you aren't absorbing the information and just passively taking it in. I agree with teachers that actively taking notes in class helps you remember things as you try to understand it more and this has benefited me in studying later at home.

7. Use visuals and diagrams

A study paper shows how using visuals and diagrams can help improve learning. I find that the simplicity and change from a bunch of words make it easier to understand and gives a visual image in your mind to remember.

8. Study in ways that help you

However, you were probably told often by teachers that students differ in the way that they learn best. Therefore, you should find out the way you study best.

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pixabay

Are you a visual learner who prefers pictures, colours and seeing words? Are you an auditory learner who prefers listening to people explain, reading your notes aloud or recording them? Or are you a kinesthetic/tactile learner who does best by actively doing and making things such as models or doing role-plays?

Furthermore, do you study best in silence or with noise/music? While some people I know prefer to listen to music while they study, I prefer silence with some background noise to focus better. It all depends on the person.

9. Find out when you study best

Another thing you need to know about yourself is what time you study best. Do you study and focus better in the morning, afternoon or night?

My siblings prefer to study in the morning so they wake up early to study. However, I prefer the evening so I organise my main studying around then. 

10. Study with others

Moreover, if you study better with others, then try studying with other people, even if it's virtually - just seeing their faces might make you feel better and work harder. If you're stuck on something, you can ask them for help and it can make it feel less stressful when you're with friends. So, try joining a study group.

11. Move to different places

Sometimes, being in the same location can get annoying or boring so to keep your mind focused and fresh, try studying in different locations when you feel like it. And, when it gets close to exam time, try studying in an environment similar to the exam with silence at a desk with nothing distracting around you.

12. Stick notes up around your house

Something that my friends, family and I do is to stick notes around the house, such as the bathroom so we can memorise it while in the shower or brushing our teeth. Indeed, our house was full of notes stuck everywhere during exam time. But it definitely helps as you can see it often so you remember it more.

Best studying tips for students to be successful and happy
Image source: Pexels

13. Study without distractions

It can be difficult to memorise and study if there are distractions around. I find it easier to concentrate when it's quieter and things aren't distracting me. So, as many people recommend, you should turn off your phone or have it away from you and don't have tabs open for social media or other things while you're in your studying mode. 

14. Sleep on it

Also, this is another reminder that sleep is important for your physical and mental health - thus your brain and concentration. Like the common phrase 'sleep on it', it can be helpful to sleep as you reflect on your notes. 

15. Ask questions if you need help

Finally, ask questions if you need clarifications or help. If you really want to study well and understand what you're memorising, you should ask questions if you need it or want further information. You can ask teachers, students or your family.

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something or if you want an extension. They would know how you feel since they have all been students and no question is a stupid question as teachers always say. I used to worry that my questions were stupid but then I didn't worry and asked them because it would help my studying, though I liked to ask the teacher one-on-one.

Studying can be stressful, especially in tough times like COVID so always ask for help if you need it and stay positive and social.

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