5 Pro Tips For Thrift Shopping

An ultimate guide to effective thrifting or what to bear in mind when roaming the stores.

Black Friday bargains, Boxing day discounts, End of season sales, and many more prove how much we got used to getting our stuff for a better price. But what about the neverending wait we have to go through every time we find something we want but cannot afford at the time? 

What if I tell you, you can have the best deals available at any time of the year? Whenever you need something, you can have it without spending a lot of $$$. Sounds good? Try thrifting. 

Whether you are a newbie here or just trying to get a hold of it, check out these simple golden rules of thrifting that would make your next thrift store visit much easier. 

1. Not Every Day Is Your Day

When deciding to go to the thrift store it's important to not expect anything. It's really easy to give up thrifting after an initial disappointment of not finding that perfect pair of boyfriend jeans in semi-washed grey color that looked so great on that girl standing in front of you in the line to get the coffee.  

Brace yourself, the truth bomb coming, this will probably never happen. There is very little chance of finding such a specific piece of clothing in the thrift store. Setting our expectations low will prevent us from sorrow and help us enjoy the experience more.

TIP: Try to be less specific. Before going thrifting for something particular, think abstractedly. Focus just on the idea of potentially buying some nice jeans. Don't think about it too much, be open. You'd be surprised how your thrift store visit eventually ends up being the best purchase of your life. Sometimes, jeans, not necessarily, being a part of it. 

2. Don't Judge The Book By The Cover. Keep an open mind

Let's face it. Not everything you'll find in the thrift store would look like from a cover of a fancy magazine. Some clothes would be ugly. Some clothes might not be the right cup of tea for you and others would need a lot more than a needle and a thread to comply with your uniqueness. But finding the beauty and purpose in the things that had already been condemned by others is one of the most rewarding feelings. Believe me. 

TIP: Look at the clothes twice. Try to think about every item like it is the latest trend the world is obsessing about. The clothes I have refused to even look at the first time always turned out to be my favourite ones to wear in the end.  

3. Spend But Don't Waste Your Time

The best thing about thrift stores - their massive offer - may, at the same time, be detrimental. Just an idea of going through the racks and racks of clothes may be scary for some people and discourage them from even entering the thrift store. Time is a very scarce resource, don't waste it on something that might not be a benefit for you. Looking for hoodies and sweatshirts today? Don't roam the dress section. Yes, it's that easy. 

TIP: This one is for more experienced thrift shoppers. Love wearing oversized t-shirts tucked into your jeans? Men's t-shirt section is your go-to. I bet you probably already know where to find the best bits and pieces, right? Divide the store into your own sections and depending on your current needs, check those departments only.

4. Know your HOW? Learn your WHERE

Check out the stores in your neighborhood first. Be prepared that not every thrift store is the place of paradise. Some stores offer true gems. Some of them are better to avoid. Some of them are unnecessarily overpriced. Some of them might be worth taking a little drive to get there. 

5. Know your WHERE? Learn your WHEN

Despite having pretty much the same offer the whole year throughout all the seasons, it is important to know when you can truly secure the best shopping experience for you. From my experience, I wouldn't recommend thrifting for regular clothes in October, around Halloween, when the stores are usually packed with people looking for the right costume for their night.

And now, you are good to go.

Important note:

Sometimes even being prepared for everything is not enough when it comes to thrift stores.

You just never know what to expect and that's the beauty of it.

Opinions and Perspectives

I love how this article breaks down thrift shopping into manageable tips. I've always been intimidated by the massive racks of clothing!

The tip about not being too specific really resonates with me. I went looking for a specific red dress once and left with an amazing leather jacket instead.

I actually disagree with the point about avoiding October shopping. I've found some great regular pieces during that time, you just need to go early in the morning.

Really wish they'd mentioned something about checking for stains and damages. That's crucial for thrift shopping success.

I never thought about checking the men's section for oversized shirts. That's brilliant! Going to try that this weekend.

The part about not judging items at first glance is so true. I've found some incredible pieces that looked terrible on the hanger but amazing when tried on.

My best thrift store find was a designer bag for $12. Sometimes you just get lucky!

Not sure I agree about setting low expectations. I think having a wishlist helps focus your search, even if you end up finding different things.

I love thrifting! It's like a treasure hunt every time I go. The article's tip about keeping an open mind is so true.

The part about not judging clothes by first impressions really resonates with me. I've found some amazing pieces that I initially walked past.

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of clothes? I spend hours in there sometimes!

I actually disagree with the tip about avoiding October shopping. I've found some of my best regular pieces during Halloween season when everyone else is focused on costumes.

Great advice about checking the men's section for oversized shirts. I've been doing this for years and it's my favorite hack.

Sometimes I struggle with the 'don't expect anything specific' rule. It's hard when you have something particular in mind.

Totally agree about not wasting time. I used to browse every section but now I'm much more strategic about it.

The article missed mentioning checking for quality. I always inspect seams and fabrics carefully.

I find early mornings on weekdays are the best time to go. Much less crowded and better selection.

You're absolutely right about keeping expectations low. I went looking for a specific dress once and left with amazing vintage boots instead!

My local thrift store has the best selection of vintage jeans. Anyone else notice certain stores specialize in particular items?

Not every store is created equal. I've got three in my area and each has its own personality and price points.

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