Redeem Codes are some of the easiest ways to earn yourself a boost to your collection, so read below the complete guide on how to access your codes and claim your sweet loot.
Fortnite is an addictive experience, and many hours have been spent by many players seeking the best skins and emotes to show off with. Redeem Codes are some of the easiest ways to earn yourself a boost to your collection, so read below the complete guide on how to access your codes and claim your sweet loot.
Where are you dropping?
How to access redeem codes for Fortnite
Redeem codes are a unique method of earning V-bucks and items in Fortnite. These codes are redeemed differently based on if they are items or simply v-buck cards. V-buck cards can be purchased, while item codes are generally seen in giveaways or events.
Firstly, follow the steps below to redeem your V-bucks cards. If you are lucky enough to have a specific item code, skip to How To Redeem Item Codes In Fortnite.
How To Redeem V-Buck Cards for Fortnite:
V-bucks are your easiest way to access the huge collection of cosmetics available in Fortnite, so you will want to redeem them fast! Follow the guide below for easy access to your earned V-bucks
You do not need to launch Fortnite on your PC, or console. The menus include Play, Battle Pass, Compete, Locker, Item Shop, Career and V-bucks however none of these, no matter how much you trawl, have code input options! Save yourself the time!
Make sure you have the details of your Epic Account used for playing Fortnite. It is most important that you have the account holder’s permission to use this code on their account.
If you cannot access the account information, ask the original account holder to help.
Access a web browser either via console, or a tablet/phone, or a PC.
Go to the V-bucks redeem webpage (Not the Epic Store redeem page, as explained later)
Your Buckscard will have a Pin (A type of code) on it, which you can input easily in the box as shown below
Yours should look like this!
Make sure to carefully select your gaming system you want to redeem these V-bucks for. It is helpful that you can redeem these v-bucks to any system from this one site, but be sure to double-check where you want your currency going!
Once redeemed, v-bucks earned through a code can be spent just the same as if they had been bought on the store or in-game, making these codes perfect as a gift!
How To Redeem Item Codes In Fortnite
Item codes work a little differently as they are not V-buck cards, instead they work on the Epic Games Store.
Each code is a combination of 4 sets of 5 letters like this one:
If you have a code of this format for Fortnite on the Epic Games Store, you know you’re in the right place!
Now you have your code ready and are eager to access your content, follow these steps:
You do not need to launch Fortnite on your PC, or console. The menu’s include Play, Battle Pass, Compete, Locker, Item Shop, Career and V-bucks however none of these, no matter how much you trawl, have code input options! Save yourself the time!
Make sure you have the details of your Epic Account used for playing Fortnite. It is most important that you have the account holder’s permission to use this code on their account.
If you cannot access the account information, ask the original account holder to help.
Access a web browser either via console, or a tablet/phone, or a PC.
Go to the Epic Games website for your region
Sign in using the account information you gathered earlier.
Once signed in, your webpage will know which account to redeem the code on!
Find your username in the top right or via the “Burger Menu” (The three horizontal lines) and select “Account”
Look for your account name in the top right of the screen!
You now have access to all the good back-end account settings, and can see your Epic ID and payment methods.
On the left there is a column of options relating to your account including General, Payment Management, Subscriptions and more.
The very last item on the Epic Games Account options list is the Redeem Code function.
Input the code in the box, and redeem! Your new Skin, spray or item will be waiting for your next drop… Here comes an all-nighter
There you have it. Whichever method code you had has been redeemed and you can get back into the action looking fierce. If you see a default skin out on the battlefield be sure to link them to this article so they can redeem all their cosmetics too!
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