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Science Fiction films have come a long way since the days of films like Planet of the Apes where the only woman dies in the first 10 minutes. Now, female characters are becoming much more common and even seen as the lead role. Representation in media is important, and strong female characters give young woman heroes to look up to.
Let's celebrate female empowerment with these inspiring women on the big screen in some of the best Sci-Fi films.
Alien is an iconic sci-fi horror film where you guessed it, almost everyone gets eaten. Everyone agrees that the Alien franchise is one of the best sci-fi franchises, especially with a female lead. Winona Ryder absolutely kills it. She outsmarts the alien at every turn and we can rely on her to save the day. Her character and wardrobe choice also show us women can be smart and practical and not just there for looks.
In Her, we watch as a man falls in love with his personal assistant, who is actually just a voice on his phone. The AI in Her is the only non-human on this list, but she does act as an inspiration for women. Throughout the movie, she shows independence and searches for meaning outside her relationship with the main character. She teaches us that while love is pleasant, we can always strive for more in our lives.
Based on the fantastic short story, Arrival is a great film where a linguist learns how to communicate with an alien race that comes to Earth. Louise struggles with difficulty in her personal life but puts it aside to focus on humanity's greatest challenge. The twists revealed at the end make her decisions and sacrifices even more meaningful.
Rogue One is perhaps of the best films in the Star Wars universe. We follow Jyn Erso, who goes on a journey to help the Resistance fight the Empire following in the footsteps of her father. Unlike other females characters in Star Wars who are famous royals or politicians, she's an ordinary person. While she starts as an underdog, she eventually completes the most important mission that explains the whole Star Wars franchise that follows.
In the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max: Fury Road, women have little to no freedom and basically act as property. Sure, Max is technically the lead, but Imperial Furiosa rocks in the spotlight. It's one of Charlize Theron's best performances. She risks her life to save her fellow women with Max's help. While watching her we can all learn how to take charge and take no shit.
The Fifth Element is a classic sci-fi film and you'll fall in love with Leeloo right away. We follow her on her journey as she learns about humanity and why we're worth saving (or not). It's got everything from comedic moments to action scenes. She might not technically be the lead character, but she still manages to steal the show from her counterpart, Bruce Willis.
Firefly is a classic TV show that ended too soon. We watch as a group of space cowboys goes on dangerous missions to survive in the harshest elements. It was eventually was wrapped up properly with the film Serenity. Throughout the show and movie, Zoe Washburne kicks ass. She exudes confidence and shows us what it means to be in a healthy relationship with her husband while still being independent.
While it is technically a series and not a film, Westworld is a fantastic show by HBO that everyone should watch. We explore Westworld, a place where AIs are so lifelike that you can hardly tell them apart and there are not laws or repercussions. Dolores is one of the main characters and we see her develop and lead a full rebellion against humans.
Paprika, a Japanese Sci-Fi Thriller, is a fantastic film that will blow your mind when you watch it. Throughout the various dream sequences, the animation constantly outdoes itself. As for Paprika, she's another strong character whose true identity comes into play towards the end of the film. She's powerful and enigmatic throughout the film.
Starship Troopers is a brilliant science fiction film and satire about going to war with aliens. It follows young soldiers as they join the army and go up the ranks. In the beginning, Dizzy may be a side character whose sole purpose is to fawn over the main character. However, as the film progresses she evolves into a total badass as she slays aliens left and right.
Women are badass and deserve more recognition. This list is just a few of the female characters in films for us to look up to, and as time progresses, we will see plenty more. What female characters inspired you as a woman?
I love how Ripley from Alien broke the mold for female characters in sci-fi. She wasn't sexualized or made into a damsel in distress. Just pure survival instinct and intelligence.
Actually, there's an error in the article. Sigourney Weaver played Ripley, not Winona Ryder. Ryder was in Alien: Resurrection as Call, a different character altogether.
Furiosa was incredible in Mad Max. The way she commanded every scene without saying much really showed Charlize Theron's acting prowess.
I think Louise Banks from Arrival is often overlooked. Her intellectual approach to the aliens was so refreshing compared to the usual shoot-first mentality in sci-fi.
The article missed mentioning Sarah Connor from Terminator! She's definitely one of the most iconic female characters in sci-fi.
Interesting list but I'm surprised Trinity from The Matrix isn't included. She was groundbreaking for her time.
You're absolutely right about Arrival. Amy Adams portrayed such a complex character dealing with both personal loss and humanity's future.
I don't agree with including Dolores from Westworld since it's a TV series not a film. There are plenty of other movie characters they could have chosen.
Jyn Erso was fantastic but I felt her character development was a bit rushed in Rogue One. Still, she carried the movie well.
The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies but Leeloo's character always felt a bit too male-gazy for me. Great performance though.
I appreciate how these characters show different types of strength. Not all of them are physically tough, but they're all powerful in their own ways.
Paprika is such an underrated film! The dream sequences are mind-bending and her character adds so much depth to the story.
I think Samantha from Her is an interesting choice. She shows that female empowerment isn't just about physical strength.
Honestly, Dizzy Flores felt like a waste of potential. She deserved better character development before her end.
I really connect with how Louise Banks approaches problems in Arrival. Using communication instead of violence is such a powerful message.
The way Furiosa fights for freedom without losing her humanity really resonated with me. Such a powerful character.
I wouldn't exactly call Dolores empowering. Her character arc is more about revenge than actual empowerment.
Zoe from Firefly is severely underrated. She balanced being a warrior and a wife beautifully.
The fact that Ripley wasn't originally written as a woman makes her character even more impressive. It shows gender shouldn't matter for good roles.
I found Samantha's journey in Her quite profound. The way she grows beyond her programming is fascinating.