The Top 5 Rappers & Actors With The Best Dreadlocks

These 5 individuals have some most unique set of dreadlocks in the game.


His hair is very interesting. In photos, you can see that top of the dreadlocks are super matted and beads everywhere. His hair literally looks like it just clumps. You can see some dreads in the front of his face are stringed and others are just balled up resulting in his hair is all over the place.

image source: acheshowbiz

He is seen wearing beanies & ski masks often. I would assume that he just wears beanies a lot because his hair would not be like this unless it was constantly being covered. Evidence does show he does have his hair covered a lot of the time and it gets to that point where it'll just start to ball up or do whatever it needs to do to stay together.

At the top, his hair just all matted & very frizzy. The one thing about freeform dreadlocks is when you give them some time they will start to lock up. They will start to become not so super matted to the point where it's not even frizzy. All of the hair will just start to be locked up into the dreadlock.

image source: AGODLE

From a distance, it looks like his hair is some normal dreadlocks but when you actually go in farther you can see that his hair is all matted up. It would be pretty interesting to see him try to run his fingers through his hair just to see where it would go or how it will move. His hair looks like it is very stiff. Some of his dreadlocks in the front have some breakage.

Eric Kilmonger (Micheal B. Jordan)

image source: Vulture

So these dreadlocks are real, a lot of people were saying they were fake. This is not the first time Michael had dreads. This would be his second set of dreads. He uses to have braids and wear braids now. This is after he featured in the hardball movie but since then his acting career has blown up.

Micheal is believed to have like a 4a to a 4b type of hair maybe even like a 3c. I wouldn't say it's a 4c because his hair isn't super thick nor is it beady like African hair but it is definitely thick and coarse.

image source: Popsugar

Since he may have 4a to 4b hair the most efficient way for him to get dreadlocks is twisting with gel. You can just tell with his dreadlocks being very maintained & and put together. Overall his dread style has a twisting with gel look.

How does he maintain his dreadlocks? It's easy as well she does it with twisting with gel especially with being at the status he has Michael probably has people he could pay to do his hair for him. Not saying we can't do that either but he does have more access to that. During movies, he is getting groomed to fit the character.

image source: Pinterest

Eric killmonger does have dreadlocks so Micheal definitely fits the character very well.


Choppa has an interesting set of dreads. They look like freeform but they're actually not. When choppa first started his hair you could call his hairstyle semi-free form. We label semi-freeform as anything that doesn't have the dreadlocks maintained all the way down to the root.

image source: Forbes

NLE Choppa most likely his hair type is a 4b or 4a. The way to get your hair like he is to do Bantu knots. Bantu knots are just twisting your hair without gel all the way down until it's a little ball. All you would do is Bantu knots then undo them. Over time your hair will eventually lock up. This is an easy way to do it because it looks maintained. This is also actually a good way to put nutrients into your hair if you plan on doing any external oils.


image source: Youtube

Swae Lee

Swae lee probably started his hair with a towel rub or sponge rub. When he first came out there was no real maintenance done with his hair. You can see some of his tips were different sizes. This was when he did have a mohawk.

image source: Pinterest

Since then, there has been a lot of maintenance done on his dreadlocks. His dreadlocks are turned out really good and in my opinion one of the best dreadlocks in the game. His hair started to look like dreadlocks rather than free forms but they still remain different sizes due to low maintenance.

image source: Variety

When his hair started to get a lot of lengths he dips dyed the hair blonde which was really cool look during the time.

image source: Revolt TV


This dude always wearing a mask even before the pandemic. His hair outside of dreadlocks is coarse and frizzy. Frizzy hair is good to enable the dread process.

image source: World-Celebs

Seems like he has a freeform style of dreadlocks because it looks like he has some really skinny dreadlocks. He has dreadlocks that arent even completely formed yet. Another thing that points out the freeform style of his dreadlocks is how curly his tips are. His tips aren't completely maintained and still a little frizzy & curly. He does have a very tight curl pattern so I would probably label him a 4b hair type.

A lot of people say that his dreadlocks resemble XXtenetacions dreadlocks look. It seemed like XXXtentacions dreadlocks were a little bit more maintained than scarlxrds. XXXtentacions tips look completely maintained.

image source: Pinterest

His hair is not that long considering how long he been growing hair out. One thing about the four range hair types is that they don't appear very long until the dreadlocks are completely mature. The reason being is because the curl pattern is so tight that when it grows out it can grow into a curl. That being said it doesn't appear very long but if you were to stretch it and elongate the hair then it would appear the length of how long it has been growing.

Another thing you notice about scarlxrd's dreadlocks is that they are very thick at the root then very skinny & thin at the tips. It's not that the section is getting bigger at the root but it's that the hair is clumping up more and more as it gets closer to the root.

image source: All About The Rock

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